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Chapter 8 Flashcards

African Civilizations and the Spread of Islam

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98855685stateless societiesAfrican societies organized around kinship or other forms of obligation and lacking the concentration of political power and authority with states0
98855686ifriqiyaarabic term for eastern north africa1
98855687maghribarabic term for western north aftica2
98855688almohadisreformist movement among the islamic berbers of n africa later than almoravids penetrated into sub-saharan africa3
98855689juulamalinke merchants formed small partnerships to carry out trade throughout mali empire eventually spread throughout much of w africa4
98855690sundiata'lion prince' member of the deita clan created a unified state that became the mali empire died about 12605
98855691griotsprofessional oral historians who served as keepers of traditions advisors to kings within the mali empire6
98855692ibn batutaarab traveler who described african societies and cultures in his travel records7
98855693timbuktuport city of mali located just off the flood plain on the freat bend in the niger river pop. = 50,000 contained a livrary and university8
98855694songhaysuccessor state to mali dominated middle reaches of niger valley formed as independent kingdom under a berber dynasty capital at gao reached imperial status under sunni ali (1464-1492)9
98855695muhammadthe greatextended the boundaries of the songhay empire islamic ruler of the mid-16th century10
98855696hausappls of n nigeria formed states following the demise of songhay empire that combined muslim and pagan traditions11
98855697shariaislamic law defined among other things the patrilineal nature of islamic inheritance12
98855698zengarabic term for the e african coast13
98855699demographystudy of population14
98855700beninpowerful city-state (in present day nigeria) came into contact with the portuguese in 1485 but remained relatively free of European influnece important commercial and politacal entity until 1800s15
98855701kongokindom based on agriculture, formed on lower congo river by late 15th century capital at mbanza kong ruled by hereditary monarchy16
98855702great zimbabwebantu confederation of shona-speaking ppls located bewn zambezi and limpop rivers develped after 9th century featured royal courts built of stone created centralized state by 15th century king took title of mwene mutapa17
98857639weakness of africa's stateless societiesno official group of rulers-authority very wpread out had hard time resisting exterior pressures, mobilizing for warfare, organizing large building progects, stabilizing conditions ofr long term trading18
98857640bantu speaking people's impact on culture in africagave many a common/fairly similar lang. that lots could understand19
98857641similarities in africa before spread of islam and christianityanimistic religion, believed bad things caused by witchcraft, other beliefs20
98857642ways nubia and ethiopia unique from african neighborsboth christian and stayed christian even with surrounding muslims21
98857643primary source of spread of islam to s of saharatrade-muslims traders wanted gold which was s of sahara, so they went there22

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