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Chapter 9 Flashcards

India Part II

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252829940Chandragupta Maurya- begins conquest in 320s BCE - founds Maurya dynasty0
252829941Arthashastraoutlined administrative methods by Kautala1
252829942Ashoka Maurya- 268-232 BCE - establishes bureaucracy2
252829943Rock and Pillar Edicts- laws of India published on stone3
252829944Chandra Guptafounds the Gupta dynasty in 375 -415 CE4
252829945What was the decline of the Gupta dynasty- smaller and more decentralized than Maurya - Invasion of the White Huns5
252829946Ahimsanonviolence toward all living things6
252829947Siddhartha Gautamabecomes the Buddha in 563 BCE - 483 BCE7
252829948dharmaThe teachings of the Buddhist faith8
252829949Four Noble Truths1) There is suffering in the world 2) The cause of all suffering is desire 3) solution = elimination of desire & attachment 4) To reach Nirvana, follow Eightfold Path9
252829950Four Types of BuddhismTherevada Buddhism Mahayana Buddhism Tibetan Buddhism Zen Buddhism10
252829951Mahayana Buddhismtype of buddhism that was easier to follow than the more orthodox11
252829955Therevada Buddhismoldest school for Buddhism monastic life is the best way to achieve nirvana12
252829952HinduismThe faith that included reincarnation of elevation or fall in caste until reaching the Brahman after living honorable lives13
252829953Mahadharatasecular poem revised by brahman scholars to honor the god Vishnu14
252829954Bhagavad Gitadialogue between Vishnu and warrior illustrates the expectations of Hinduism15

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