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Chapter 9 History Terms Flashcards

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269647426Charlemagnewas King of the Franks from 768-814 and emperor from 800-814. He established the Carolingian Empire, which encompassed all of Gaul and part of Germany and Italy.0
269647428Investiture ControversyDispute between the popes and the Holy Roman Emperors over who held ultimate authority over bishops in imperial lands.1
269647430MedievalMeans "middle age", a term used to define Europe between 500 and 1500. The intermediate point between Greco-Roman antiquity and the Renaissance2
269647431MonasticismLiving in a religious community apart from secular society and adhering to chastity, obedience, and poverty rules. Prominent element of medieval Christianity and Buddhism.3
269647432Byzantine EmpireEastern portion of the Roman Empire from the fourth century onward. Capital city of Constantinople4
269647433Kievan RussiaState established at Kiev in Ukraine in 879 by Scandinavian adventurers asserting authority over a mostly Slavic farming population.5
269647434SchismA formal split within a religious community6
269647435ManorA large, self-sufficient landholding in medieval Europe consisting of the lord's residence, out-buildings, peasant village, and surrounding land.7
269647436Horse CollarHarnessing method that increased the efficiency of horses by shifting the point of traction from the animal's neck to shoulders8
269647437SerfAn agricultural laborer in medieval Europe legally bound to a lord's property and obligated to perform set services for the lord.9
269647438CrusadesArmed pilgrimages to the Holy Land by Christians determined to recover Jerusalem from Muslim rule. Brought an end to western Europe's centuries of intellectual and cultural isolation.10
269647439FiefLand granted in return for a sworn oath to provide specified military service in medieval Europe11
269647440PilgrimageJourney to a sacred shrine by Christians seeking to show their piety, fulfill vows, or gain absolution for sins.12
269647441VassalIn medieval Europe, a sworn supporter of a king or lord committed to rendering specified military service to that king or lord.13
269647442PapacyThe central administration of the Roman Catholic Church, of which the pope is the head.14
269647443Holy Roman EmpireLoose federation of mostly German states and principalities, headed by an emperor election by the princes. Lasted from 962 to 1806.15

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