Last one!
298661596 | Byzantine Empire | Comes from Roman Empire, Constantinople, Balkan peninsula, latin official language, Greek common language | 0 | |
298661597 | Justinian | Emperor, attempted to reconquer W, success in Italy at cost, Theodora, rebuilds Constantinople, Nikka riots, Hagia Sophia, had his Code | 1 | |
298661598 | Muslims to Constantinople | chipped away lasts parts of Byzantine, grew in strength, grew in influence, constant threat, constant strain | 2 | |
298661599 | Greek Fire | Napalm bomb, flame throwers, used as successful defense | 3 | |
298661600 | Emperor Basil II | "slayer of Bulgerians", spread Byzantine culture | 4 | |
298661601 | Emperor of Byzantine | Ordained by God, head of church and state, appoints bishops, passes secular law | 5 | |
298661602 | Women can hold imperial throne | Empress Theodora, Zoe | 6 | |
298661603 | Bureaucracy | Bureaucrats know Greek classics, philosophy, science, Latin, available to all citizens, elaborate systems of spies | 7 | |
298661604 | Eunuchs | Closest to emperor | 8 | |
298661605 | Modeled after Rome | Military, bureaucracy, land grants, emperors/patriarchs | 9 | |
298661606 | Constantinople | Cultural and economic center, large peasant farming class, tax system | 10 | |
298661607 | Byzantine trade | Asia, Russia, Scandinavia, India, Muslims, silks, glass, no middle class | 11 | |
298661608 | Icons | Richly ornamented religious paintings | 12 | |
298661609 | Iconoclasm | breaking of images, raids by the west, causes tension | 13 | |
298661610 | Growing tensions East vs. West | Greek v Latin, different rituals, different translations, resentment emperor v pope, communion bread, priestly celibacy | 14 | |
298661611 | Charlemagne | Threat to patriarch, pope was trying to create a greater empire to rival Byzantine | 15 | |
298661612 | 1054 | Great Schism | 16 | |
298661613 | Great Schism | Official split between East and West, made eastern Orthodox, Pope excommunicates patriarch, patriarch excommunicates Roman cathlolics | 17 | |
298661614 | End of Byzantine power | defeat of Manzikert by Seljuk Turks | 18 | |
298661615 | Crusaders attack Constantinople | Conquers Constantinople, persuaded by jealous Italian merchants | 19 | |
298661616 | Religions | Cyril and methodius, Roman Catholicism, Eastern Orthodox | 20 | |
298661617 | Cyril and Methodius | Orthodox missionaries, spoke in vernacular language | 21 | |
298661618 | Vernacular language | common language of the people | 22 | |
298661619 | West/Central Europe | Roman Catholicism | 23 | |
298661620 | East Europe/Russia | East Orthodox | 24 | |
298661621 | Kievan Rus' | tribal bands, animistic, influenced by byzantine and orthodox, crossroads of Byzantine-Scandinavian trade | 25 | |
298661622 | Rurik of Denmark | monarch of Kievan Rus' | 26 | |
298661623 | Prince Vladimir I | Forced orthodox Christianity on kingdom in Kievan Rus' | 27 | |
298661624 | Prince Yaroslav | "Church builder", spread religion in Kievan Rus' | 28 | |
298661625 | Kieran Rus' From Byzantine | Adopts models (originally Roman), Rituals, ceremonies, luxury, excess, political and religious power, Justinian Code | 29 | |
298661626 | Kievan Rus':Orthodox | Saints, icons and incense, monasticism | 30 | |
298661627 | Feudalism in Kievan Rus' | Peasant farming system, Boyars | 31 | |
298661628 | Boyar | Russian agriculture aristocrat, feudal lord | 32 | |
298661629 | Kievan Decline | weak corrupt rulers, over taxation, declined because of byzantine, Asian invaders | 33 | |
298661630 | Mongols | invaded and raided, captured most Kievan cities | 34 | |
298754307 | Tatars/Tartars | "people from hell", pillaged and plundered Kievan Rus', mongols | 35 |