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Chapter 9 Terms Flashcards

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226742136Mauryan DynastyIn the late 320's B.C.E., Chandragupta Maurya laid the foundation for the Mauryan Empire, which was the first state to bring centralized and unified government to most of the Indian subcontinent.0
226742137ChandraguptaChandragupta was an adventurer who overthrew the Magadha Kingdom around 321 B.C.E. He conquered all of northern India from the Indus to the Ganges by the end of the 4th century. He was succeeded by his son in 297 B.C.E.1
226742138MagadhaMagadha was the most important area in northeastern India from 500 to 300 B.C.E. It was a crucial region because of its wealth and its dominance of the Ganges valley.2
226742139Gupta DynastyThe Gupta Dynasty was founded by Chandra Gupta about the year 320 C.E. He was succeeded by Samudra Gupta and Chandra Gupta II.3
226742140Caste SystemThe Caste System was a social order established by the Aryans that recognized four main classes of people: priests, warriors and aristocrats, peasants and merchants, and serfs.4
226742141BrahmanBrahman is the universal soul, based on the Aryans religion.5
226742142BrahminsThe Brahmins were a class in the Caste System. They were priests.6
226742143AhimsaAhimsa is a doctrine of nonviolence that is prominent in both Buddhism and Hindu religions.7
226742144JainismJainism was a religion that became popular in the late 6th century B.C.E. The Jains believed that everything in the universe, including inanimate objects, possessed a soul.8
226742145Siddhartha GautamaSiddhartha Gautama was the founder of Buddhism. He was born about 563 B.C.E. to a privileged life. He gave up everything to learn to understand suffering.9
226742146BuddhismBuddhism is a religion founded about 528 B.C.E. by Siddhartha Gautama, also known as the "Buddha."10
226742147The Four Noble TruthsThe Four Noble Truths is the core of Buddhist doctrine which teaches that all life involves suffering; that desire is the cause of suffering; that elimination of desire brings an end to suffering; and that a disciplined life in accordance with The Noble Eightfold Path brings the elimination of desire.11
226742148AshokaAshoka was the grandson of Chandragupta Maurya. He ruled the Mauryan empire from 268 to 232 B.C.E. He converted to Buddhism to grow all over Asia. He sent out missionaries to different areas in Asia.12
226742149DharmaThe basic doctrine of obedience to religious and moral laws, found in Buddhism and Hinduism.13
226742150Mahayana BuddhismMahayana Buddhism was an evolution of the Buddhist faith which reduced the obligations of believers and opened the road to the salvation for large numbers of people.14
226742151BoddhisatvahsBoddhisatvahs were individuals who had reached spiritual perfection or enlightenment but who delayed their entry into nirvana in order to help others who were still struggling.15
226742152HinduismHinduism is a religion based on the Bhagavag Gita which gradually displaced Buddhism as the most popular religion in India.16
226742153The Bhagavad GitaIt was the poetic work written by many different people between 300 B.C.E. and 300 C.E. It illustrates the expectations that Hinduism made of individuals and its promise of salvation.17
226742154JaitiThese were guilds of individuals who worked in similar trades, and they functioned as subcastes.18
226742155The Kushan EmpireThe Kushan Empire ruled much of northern India and central Asia from about 1 to 300 C.E. The Kushan Empire included modern day Pakistan, Afghanistan, and northern India and the central part of the Ganges valley.19
226742156SanskritSanskrit was the literary language of the Vedas that the Brahmins used in their rituals.20
226742157ArthashastraThe Arthashastra was a political handbook from Chandragupta Maurya's realm. It offered instructions on the uses of power in the principles of government.21
226742158AryansThe Aryans were early Indians who were shepherds. They were the founders of the beginning of the Caste System.22
226742159The DravidiansThey were the the people living in south Asia when the Aryans arrived there.23
226742160Vardhamana MahaviraHe was born in northern India about 540 B.C.E. He was the founder of Jainism.24

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