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Chapter 9 Unit III Flashcards

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109229519Byzantine EmpireHas no clear starting point -empire split into 2: west and east -west: Roman Empire -East: Byzantine Empire and Orthodox Church Byzantine Empire is going to outlast Roman empire -more urbanized: cosmo wealthy, but never as big as Roman Empire0
109229520Byzantine Ruler-god's earthy representative -supreme legal and religious authority1
109229521Schism BTWSome practices of the Latin church brought aruguments which led to the schism between latin church and orthodox church2
109229522Use of Diplomacythey relied on diplomacy -sending missionaries to invent alphabelt3
109229523"The Plague of Justinian"Population wen down -demographic crisis4
109229524Cultural AchievementsHagia Sophia, religious art, and the Cyrillic5
109229526Hagia Sophia"Sacred Wisdom" -built by Justinian Most famous example of Byzantine architecture, it was built under Justinian I and is considered one of the most perfect buildings in the world.6
109229528CyrillicCyril and Methodius perfected a writing system an alphabet drived from the Greek alphabet and used for writing Slavic languages7
109229530ZoeThe first woman to take the throne whom was a gossiper8
109229531What was Queen Zoe's drawback?She had little useful world experiences9
109229533Justinianknown as the greatest emperor reining for 40 years -last to attempt unification -Restorer -angered the church -MARRIED THEODORA WHICH IS WHAT MADE HIM STAND OUT -left the world's largest church: Hagia Sophia10
109229535TheodoraJustinian's wife and advisor, - she helped to improve the status of women in the Byzantinian Empire -encouraged her husband to stay in Constntinople and fight the Nike Revolt.11
109229537ProcopiusWrote two histories of Byzantine Emperor Justinian's rule. One good and sponsored by Justinian, one bad and secret.12
109229539Orthodox ChurchMember of the church select the pope -emperor selects the patriarch13
109229541DIFFERENCES B/W Roman Catholic in the west and Christianity in the Eastrights and procedures were different -doctrines -languages- west spoke latin east spoke greek -discipline14
109229543IconoclasmPainting of saints/bibical scenes usually on SMALL panels -found in private homes -Roman church supported it -EFFORTS to ban the use of icons and worship of icons15
109229545Medieval Europedependency of week people on strong people became the hallmark16
109229547Carolingian Empire-Charlemagne's empire; covered much of western and central Europe17
109229549The VikingsSea Raiders from Scandinavia -pillaged monestaries, villages, and towns -known for amazing vessels18
109229551ManorsSelf-sufficient farming estates -agriculture productions -reflected personal status -held power of serfs19
109229553SerfsAgricultural workers belonging to the manor -roman economy went down as peasants became serfs20
109229555Fiefland granted in return for a sworn oath to provide military serfs21
109229557Feudalism-system in which poor people are legally bound to work for wealthy landowners -WORD means "land awarded for military service -Land divided up into vast estates22
109229559Vassalsperson granted land by a feudal lord in return for services23
109229560Investiture Controversystruggle between popes and kings regarding control of offices or appointments -compromise: concodat of at worms24
109229563Monasticisma way of life in which men and women withdraw from the rest of the world in order to devote themselves to their faith25
109229564BenedictIst to introduce monasticism of christianity26
109229565The Rule of BenedictWrote to govern the monks behaviors27
109229566Regular clergythose who lived by monastic rules28
109229567Secular ClergyPriests who lived in society and did not follow the monastic rules29
109229568Kievan RussiaState established at Kiev in Ukraine ca. 879 by Scandinavian adventures asserting authority over mostly Slavic farming population. -served as a Christianization of East Slavs30
109229569Vladimir and RUSRejected islam because in Islam you cannot consume achohal, Ruler of Kiev who converted to and spread Christianity -Rus his peeps used for human sacrifice31
109229570PrimogenitureThe first born son whom inherits EVERYTHING32
109229571PilgrimagesTo jarelusalem to repent sins33
109229572Pope Urban IIMade crusades as a mission of god to take back holy lands, -pope who called for the first crusade to reclaim Jerusalem from the Muslims34
109229573The CrusadeTake back holy land for christianity -SPUR the division of east and west -little impact35
109229574By Product of the Crusades-AFFECT on cultural fushion of the muslim areas/regions -Slaughter of Muslims by Jews -CRUEL -agressive and violent -fed on religious propaganda36

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