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Chapter 9 Vocab

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138199200acclamationa shout of welcome; an overwhelming verbal note of approval
138199201bucoliccharacteristic of the countryside, rural; relating to shepherds and cowherds, pastoral
138199202calumniateto slander; to accuse falsely and maliciously
138199203charyextremely cautious, hesitant, or slow; reserved, diffident
138199204collusionsecret agreement or cooperation
138199205dilettantea dabbler in the arts; one who engages in an activity in an amateurish, trifling way; superficial
138199206imperturbablenot easily excited; emotionally steady
138199207incrementan enlargement, increase, addition
138199208mandatean authoritative command, formal order, authorization; to issue such an order
138199209paltrytrifling, insignificant; mean, despicable; inferior, trashy
138199210paroxysma sudden outburst; a spasm, convulsion
138199211pedantrya pretentious display of knowledge; overly rigid attention to rules and details
138199212peregrinationthe act of traveling; an excursion, especially on foot or to a foreign country
138199213redolentfragrant, smelling strongly; tending to arouse memories or create an aura
138199214refulgentshining, radiant, resplendent
138199215shibboletha word, expression, or cusxtom that distinguishes a particular group of persons from all others; a commonplace saying or truism
138199216tyroa beginner, novice; one with little or no background or skill
138199217unremittingnot stopping, maintained steadily, never letting up, relentless
138199218vacillateto swing indecisively from one idea or course of action to another; to waver weakly in mind or will
138199219vituperativeharshly abusive, severely scolding
138199220supersedeto take the place, room, or position of; to supplant
138199221elegya song or poem expressing sorrow or lamentation, especially for someone who is dead
138199222substratesthe base on which an organism lives (also appears in the form substratrum"
138199223tendriledcurling like the slender stem that attaches a plant to its support
138199224arbitera person having absolute power of judging and determining
138199225surrealhaving the intense irrational reality of a dream
138199226aggrandizingenhancing the power, wealth, position, or reputation of
138199227genericcharacteristic of a whole group; nonspecific or nonproprietary
138199228vicissitudefluctuation of state or condition; quality or state of being changeable
138199229partisansfirm adherents to a party, faction, cause or person

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