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Chapter Two Vocab.

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The belief that humans hold a special place in nature; being centered primarily on humans and human affairs.
The belief that all creatures have rights and values; being centered on nature rather than humans.
Those in which those carrying out the experiment don't know until after data has been gathered and analyzed which was the experimental treatment and which was the control.
Those in which comparisons are made between experimental and control populations that are identical (as far as possible) in every factor except the one variable being studied.
Deriving testable predictions about specific cases from general principles.
One in which neither the experimenter nor the subjects know until after data has been gathered and analyzed which was the experimental treatment and which was the control.
A pluralistic, nonhierarchal relationship-oriented philosophy that suggests how humans could reconceive themselves and their relationships to nature in nondominating ways as an alternative to patriarchal systems of domination.
A search for moral values and ethical principles in human relations with the natural world.
A recognition that access to a clean, healthy environment is a fundamental right of all human beings.
Decisions that restrict certain people or groups of people to polluted or degraded environments on the basis of race.
A provisional explanation that can be tested scientifically.
Inferring general principles from specific examples.
Ethical values or rights that exist as an intrinsic or essential characteristic of a particular thing or class of things simply by the fact of their existence.
Value or worth of objects that satisfy the needs and wants of moral agents. Objects that can be used as a means to some desirable end.
Locally Unwanted Land Uses, such as toxic waste dumps, incinerators, smelters, airports, freeways, and other sources of environmental, economic, or social degradation.
Being capable of making distinctions between right and wrong and acting accordingly. Those whom we hold responsible for their actions.
Expansion of our understanding of inherent value or rights to persons, organisms, or things that might not be considered worthy of value or rights under some ethical philosophies.
Beings that are not capable of distinguishing between right and wrong or that are not able to act on moral principles and yet are capable of being wronged by others.
A set of ethical principles that guide our actions and relationships.
Those who believe the world has no meaning or purpose other than a dark, cruel, unceasing struggle for power and existence.
Models that provide a framework for interpreting observations.
If two explanations appear equally possible, choose the simpler one.
Those who believe moral principles are always dependent on the particular situation.
Making an observation or obtaining a particular result more than once.
Derived from "knowing" in Latin, and is a process for producing knowledge. It depends on making precise observations of natural phenomena and on formulating rational theories to make sense out of those observations. It rests on the assumptions that the world is knowable and that we can learn about how things work through careful empirical study and logical analysis.
An explanation supported by many tests and accepted by a general consensus of scientists.
Meaningful numbers whose accuracy can be verified.
A philosophy that holds that humans have a unique responsibility to manage, care for, and improve nature.
Shipping toxic wastes to a weaker or poorer nation.
Those who believe that some fundamental ethical principles are universal and unchanging. In this vision, these principles are valid regardless of the context or situation.
Those who hold that an action is right that produces the greatest good for the greatest number of people.
An estimation of the worth of things; a set of ethical beliefs and preferences that determine our sense of right and wrong.

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