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Chapters 2-5 test Flashcards

unit test, india, china, med classical civs

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218632925China's governmentDistinctive and successful, expanded powers of bureaucracy, centralized0
218632926Hans declineinvaders, epidemics, corrupt bureaucrats, landlords took over, new peasant taxes, hierarchy1
218632927Revived chinaSui and Tang dynasties2
218632928India key religious beliefsHinduisms and Buddhism3
218632929Caste systembrahman-priests warriors and gov- kshatriya merchants- vaiyas laborers-sudras untouchables- confined to little jobs4
218632930sanskritindias first language5
218632931indias sacred bookvedas6
218632932maurya dynastychandragupta maurya, ashoka7
218632933ashokaembraced buddhism, built roads, gave to charity, against caste system8
218632934gupta empirechandragupta, chandragupta ll -golden age, favored hinduism, art, math, science, literature. supported caste system9
218632935indias declineguptas lost control of local princes, invaders huns, buddhisms less popular-- hinduisms eventually saves day10
218632936local princes in indiarajput11
218632937mother goddess during indias declinedevi12
218632938similarities between rome and china declineepidemics-many people died political ineffectiveness 3 centuries of chaos13
218632939persian contributionzoroastrianism, cyrus the great created huge persian empire14
218632940med civilizationlocalized and diverse15
218632941pelopannesian warswar between athens and sparta, phillip ll of macedon won16
218632942alexander the greatcreated hellenistic period, son of phillip ll17
218632943greek governmentcity states- ruled by direct democracy, really oligarchy and monarchy, also aristocratic rule18
218632944greek city statespolis19
218632945socratesencouraged abstract thinking20
218632946patriarchywomen had little rights- greece, rome, china, india21
218632947greek achievementsepic poems, impressive geometry, columns22
218632948greek columnsdoric, ionic, corinthian23
218632949greek farmersfree24
218632950greco-roman religionpolytheistic mythology25
218632951rome accomplishmentsengineering-aqueducts,26
218632952rome governmentmonarchy- centralized, republic, monarchy-julius casear27
2186329533 punic warsagainst carthage-commander Hannibal28
218632954augustus casearestablished rome structure29
218632955juluis casearconquered rome in 45 bce- led to monarchy30
218632956constatinetried to save rome empire by adopting christianity31
218632957diocletianRoman emperor who was faced with military problems, when that happend he decided to divide the empire between himself in the east and maximian in the west. he did the last persecution of the Christians32
218632958rome slaveryhindered technological innovations33
218632959ciceroemphasized balance and moderation- roman writer34
218632960rome farminglarge landlords- led to slavery -farmers cant compete35
218632961roman aristocrats- roman republicpatrians- aristocrats paleans- peasants36
218632962why rome didnt surviveno common religion no shared political/ bureaucratic tradition37
218632963rome 3 regionseastern western north africa38
218632964eastern romebyzantine empire- famous roman laws39
218632965north africa romeaugustine- christianity40
218632966western empirescattered, regional unities, reduction of civilization41

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