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Chemical Kinetics

(How fast is the reaction taking place)

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a reaction that will definitely take place with very little help (i.e. rusting)
rate expression
In reaction 2A + B --> C, rate expression of A = ?
rate constant
rate law for A + B --> C
If, in reaction A + B --> C, you are asked to find how fast B is disappearing given a value for A you ....
This formula gives you the rate of individual compounds.
Formula for rate of Kinetics for gasses
Rate Constant Unit for 0th Order
Rate Constant Unit for 1st Order
Rate Constant Unit for 2nd Order
Rate Constant Unit for 3rd Order
Rate Law can only be found _____________.
Where rate=[A]to the x times [B] to the y, order is = ?
The effect of rate on the reaction
Any reaction where ln[A]t is the y axis and time is the x axis that produces a linear straight line with a negative slope is the .....
Slope of a first order reaction is ...
This formula allows you, if the rate constant is known, to find a concentration or allows you, if the concentration is known, to find the rate constant at ANY throughout the reaction.
rate expression
the time required for something to fall to half its initial value (in particular, the time for half the atoms in a radioactive substance to disintegrate)
Any reaction where 1/[A]t is the y axis and time is the x axis that produces a linear straight line with a positive slope is the .....
Second order graph slope
Zero Order graph slope
Any reaction where [A]t is the y axis and time is the x axis that produces a linear straight line with a negative slope is the .....
In first Order reactions _____ molarity initial concentration will reach the half-life first because _____.
In second Order reactions ______ molarity initial concentration will reach the half-life first because _________.
In Zero Order reactions _________ molarity initial concentration will reach the half-life first because _________.
Rate is proportional to ...
The amount of energy needed to initiate the breaking of bonds and start the forming of new bonds (getting past the transition state or AB)
In these reactions the reactants are high and the products are low
In these reactions the reactants are low and the products are high
The highly unstable state that will only proceed to produce products if enough energy is provided in collisions and if the collisions occur the right way.
How do you increase rate?
Compound that is involved in the elementary steps of a reaction, but doesn't appear in the overall reaction.
If given the reaction 2A + 3B --> C, the rate law of this elementary step is ...
Lowers activation energy, but is not used up in the reaction.
Rate Determining Reaction is the ______ Elementary Step.

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