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Chp.1 From Human Pre-History to the Early Civilizations Flashcards

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206695667late paleolithic developmentshomo sapien sapiens, no major changes in physique or brain size since, speech develops with home erectus, humans manipulate simple tools, erect stature, spread of human species across the world0
206695668how did people get their food in the paleolithic age?hunting and gathering1
206695669what is the species of which all human descendants originated?homo sapien sapiens2
206695670how many years ago was the paleolithic age?14,0003
206695671where did homo sapien sapiens originate and when?africa, 120,000 years ago4
206695672whats another name for the paleolithic age?the old stone age5
206695673whats another name for the mesolithic age?the middle stone age6
206695674when did the mesolithic age occur?c.12,000 B.C.E.- c. 8,000 B.C.E.7
206695675during the mesolithic age there was an improvement in_____tool and weapon making8
206695676which animals were domesticated during the mesolithic age?sheep, cows, pigs, goats9
206695677advances in __________ led to a ____________ during the ___________ agesailing and fishing, population growth, mesolithic10
206695678what was another name for the neolithic age?the new stone age11
206695679the new stone age was a time of__________ and __________agriculture and civilization12
206695680sedentarystaying in one place13
206695681characteristics of the neolithic revolution"invention of agriculture," deliberate planting of grains for harvest, people settle permanently in one spot, populations increase, shift from hunting and gathering to farming, development in skilled crafts and sciences, pottery for storage, science of weather and flood patterns14
206695682effects of farmingrequires more work, supports larger populations, increase in contagious diseases15
206695683c. 4,000 B.C.E. was the discovery of___metals16
206695684the first metal discovered was __________copper17
206695685c. 3,000 B.C.E. was called thebronze age18
206695686during the bronze age there was more efficient ________farming19
206695687slash and burn agricultureburning trees in one area, farming intensely for a few years, and moving on when the soil depleted20
206695688tribal bandsgroups of people with strong kinship ties and created long-lasting houses and wells21
2066956893500 B.C.E. civilization appeared along the _______ riverstigris and euphrates22
2066956903000 B.C.E. civilizations appeared along the ________ rivernile23
2066956912500 B.C.E. civilizations appeared along the _______ riverindus24
206695692civilizationsocieties with enough economic surplus to form divisions of labor and social hierarchy of inequality25
206695693cuneiformsystem of writing wedge-like symbols that were developed in the middle east c.3500 B.C.E.26
206695694things to be recorded in civilizationsrecords, taxes, communication with others-trades and treaties27
206695695written historyhistory of civilization, not the history of nomads28
206695696nomadsgroups of people who wander in search of food, shelter, protection, etc.29
206695697characteristics of tigris-euphrates civilizationmesopotamia-fertile crescent, home of world's first civilization, had no civilizations to imitate30
206695698items invented by the first civilizationbronze, copper, the wheel, pottery, irrigation, art, religion31
206695699sumer is the______________civilization along the persian gulf32
206695700sumer accomplishments...complex agricultural society, mathematics and astronomy, system of numbers (10, 60, 360)33
206695701zigguratspyramid-shaped religious temples34
206695702animisticgods of nature-river, earth, sun, sky etc.35

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