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christian societies Flashcards

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233748968middle agestime period between 500 to 1500 ce0
233748969the early middle ages500 to 1000 ce1
233748970the high middle ages1000 to 1500 ce2
233748971feudalisma complex system of political and military loyalities that linked lord together3
233748972manoralisman economic system in which peasants were tied to the land to supply labor to their lords4
233748973the frankslooked like the group that would unite all of western europe under one king5
233748974clovisruler from 481 and 5116
233748975carolingian familyclovis's descendants lost control of the frankish realm to charles mantel of the carolingian family7
233748976charlemagneconquered most of mainland western europe, temporarily unifying it8
233748977vikingsraiders from scandinavia9
233748978missi dominicithe sovereign's envoy10
233748979manorialismboth economic and political obligations between lord and peasant laborers11
233748980serfspeople who lived on and were tied to self-sufficent agricultural estates (manors)12
233748981barterthe exchange of goods directly13
233748982canon lawrules for behavior that first filled the void of political authority14
233748983excommunicateseperate them from the church and its sacraments15
233748984interdictexcommunicated all people within a ruler's realm16
233748985the holy roman empireestablished in 962, remained an area of england that was feudalist until 145017
233748986limited governmentlimits on the power of the ruler18
233748987magna cartaa document that nobles forced king john of england to sign the guarnteed rights to nobility19
233748988parlimentswere created to give nobility to and the clergy a voice in policymaking20
233748989the hundred year warduring the 14th and 15th century between the king of france and england over the territories the english king had in france21
233748990crusadesseries of attacks in the middle east22
233748991saladinmuslim general23
233748992hanseatic leagueused to facilitate trade as more towns purchased charters from kings and severed their feudal ties to lords on rural manors24
233748993guildsassociations of people who worked in the same occupation25
233748994usurythe charging of interest for the use of money26
233748995ghettossmall urban areas where jews were put27
233748996progomsanti-semitic mob action28
233748997scholasticismthe attempt to reconcile the beliefs and values of christianity with the logic reasoning of greek philosophy29
233748998vernacular languageimportant development in medieval writing, around the 13th century30
233749000byzantine empirethe time period where the western roman empire fell and the eastern roman empire remained for the next 1,000 years32
233749001sasanid empirea major political threat to the byzantine empire33
233749002hereticalfalse, often to be considered dangerous34
233749003caesaropapismcaesar and the pope35
233749004justinianimportant byzantine emperor who ruled from 527 to 565 ce36
233749005hagia sophiachurch of holy wisdom37
233749006theodorahad a great influence over her husband, justinian, who followed her advice38
233749007cyrillicwriting system developed by two byzantine missionaires39

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