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Christianity Vocab Flashcards

Christianity vocab sheet vocab

Terms : Hide Images
103003543Blasphemousirreverent, profane0
103003544Seditiousarousing to action or rebellion1
103003545Countenancethe appearance conveyed by a person's face2
103003546Righteousnessthe condition of being right, moral, just, or legal3
103003547Revileto speak abusively4
103003548Persecuteto pursue with harassing or oppressive treatment5
103003549Liablelegally responsible6
103003550Brethrenfellow members7
103003551Pietyreverence for god or devout fulfillment of religious obligations8
103003552Martyra person who dies for their religion9
103003553Martyrdomthe condition, sufferings, or death of a martyr10
103003554Correspondencecommunication by exchange of letters11
103003555Inviolablyincapable of being violated12
103003556Repentancedeep sorrow, compunction, or contribution for a past sin13
103003557Availsto be of use or value to14
103003558Recantto withdraw or disavow, retract15
103003559Denounceto condemn or censure openly or publicly16
103003560Interrogateto examine by questions17
103003561Capital Punishmentpunishment by death for a crime18
103003562Creedany system, doctrine, or formula of religious belief19
103003563Obstinacyunyielding or stubborn adherence to one's purpose20
103003564Chastisementto discipline by corporal punishment21
103003565placarda paperboard sign or notice22
103003566Deacon/Deaconessa member of the clerical order nest below that of a priest23
103003567Incurto become liable or subject to through one's own action24
103003568Lenientagreeably tolerant25
103003569Novicea person who is new to the circumstances26
103003570Heathenan unconverted individual of a people that do not acknowledge the god of the Bible27
103003571Gauntleta medieval glove with an extended cuff for the wrist28
103047124Exhortto urge, advise, or caution earnestly29
103047125Hastenproceed with haste30
103047126Scourgea whip or lash for the infliction of punishment or torture31

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