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Chronology Test Flashcards

The Chronology Test For The Entire Year

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63461744Neolithic Revolution10
63461747Assyrian Empire13
63461748Founding of Judaism14
634617492nd Babylonian Empire15
63461750Indo-European Migrations16
63461751Unification of Egypt under Menes17
63461752Pyramids of Old Kingdoms18
63461753Middle Kingdom Egypt19
63461754New Kingdom Egypt110
63461755Bantu Migrations - Sub Saharan Africa111
63461756Harappan Society112
63461757Vedic Age of India-Aryan India113
63461758Upanishads of India Written114
63461759Xia Dynasty115
63461760Shang Dynasty116
63461761Zhou Dynasty117
63461762Period of Warring States118
63461763Bering Strait Land Bridge119
63461765Mayan Civilization121
63461766Mohica State122
63461767Chavin Cult in Andean Region123
63461768Achaemenid Empire224
63461772Persian Wars228
63461773Seleucid Empire229
63461774Parthian Empire230
63461775Sasanid Empire231
63461776Development of Zoroastrian faith232
63461777Development of Confucian Tradition233
63461778Development of Daoism234
63461779Development of Legalism235
63461780Qin Dynasty236
63461781Han Dynasty237
63461782Mauryan Dynasty238
63461783Chandragupta Mauryan239
63461784Kingdom of Kush240
63461785Gupta Dynasty241
63461786Chandra Gupta242
63461787Development of Jainism243
63461788Development of Buddhism244
63461789Minoan Society245
63461790Mycenaean Society246
63461791Trojan War247
63461793Delian League249
63461794Peloponnesian War250
63461795Kingdom of Macedon (Phillip and Alexander)251
63461796First Olympic Games252
63461797City of Rome Founded253
63461799Kingdom of Rome255
63461800Republic of Rome256
63461801Punic Wars with Carthage257
63461802Roman Civil War258
63461803Julius Caesar declares himself dictator for life259
63461804Octavian takes Augustus title260
63461805Pax Romana261
63461806Jesus of Nazareth executed262
63461807Development of Manichaeism263
63461808Collapse of Han Dynasty264
63461809Barack Emperors of Rome265
63461810Diocletian divides the empire266
63461811Reign of Constantine267
63461812Christianity become official religion of Rome268
63461813Caesaropapism in Byzantine Empire369
63461814Justinian rules Byzantine Empire370
63461815Building of Hagia Sophia371
63461816Iconoclasm under Leo III372
63461817Schism of the Christian Church373
63461818Muhammad's Vision374
63461819Muhammad's migration to Medina375
63461820Muhammad's return to Mecca376
63461821Division of Islam over Caliphates377
63461822Umayyad Dynasty378
63461823Spread of Islam to Spain379
63461824Abbasid Dynasty380
63461825Sui Dyansty381
63461826Grand Canal382
63461827Tang Dyansty383
63461828Song Dyansty384
63461829Hein Japan385
63461830Medieval Japan386
63461831King Harsha387
63461832Introduction of Islam to India388
63461833Mahmud of Ghazni389
63461834Dultanate of Delhi390
63461835Chola Kingdom391
63461836Viayanagar Kingdom392
63461837Bhakti Movement393
63461839Last Roman Emperor deposed395
63461840Clovis's Rule over the Franks396
63461841Charles Martel begins Carolingian Empire397
63461842Charlemagne's Rule398
63461843Louis the Pious' Rule399
63461844Invasions of Vikings3100
63461845Unfication of Germanic people in England3101
63461846Holy Roman Empire3102
63461847Pope Gregory I3103
63461848Ghenghis Khan4104
63461849Mongol Conquests4105
63461850Khubilai Khan4106
63461851Golden Horde4107
63461852Ilkhanate of Persia4108
63461853Tamerlane the Coqueror4109
63461854Ottoman Empire4110
63461855Capture of Costantinople4111
63461856Kingdom of Kongo4112
63461858Mansa Munsa4114
63461859Great Zimbabwe4115
63461860Zanj Revolt4116
63461861Frederick Barbossa4117
63461863Era of Troubadours4119
63461868Marco Polo4124
63461869Little Ice Age4125
63461870Spread of Bubonic Plague4126
63461871Ming Dynasty4127
63461873Zheng He's Expeditions4129
63461874Leonardo Da Vinci paints4130
63461875Bartolommeo Dias sails the Cape of Good Hope4131
63461876Columbus's Expeditions to the New World4132
63461877Vasco Da Gama's voyage to India4133
63461878Reign of Mehmed the Conqueror5134
63461879Ottomans capture Constantinople5135
63461880Reign of Sunni Ali5136
63461881Songhay Empire5137
63461882Foundation of the Spanish INquisition5138
63461883Dias Rounded Cape of Good Hope5139
63461884Coumbus Discovered Americas5140
63461885Reconquista of Spain5141
63461886Treaty of Tordesillas5142
63461887Portuguese explorer Vasco da Gama reaches Calicut, India5143
63461888Safavid dynasty5144
634618891st Slaves to Americas5145
63461890Reign of King Alfonso 1 of Kongo5146
63461891Martin Luther Publishes 95 Theses5147
63461892Ferdinand Magellan's Circumnavigation of the world5148
63461893Reign of Suleyman the Magnificent5149
63461894Cortez conquered the Aztecs5150
63461895Mughal dynasty5151
63461896Pizzarro topples Inca Empire5152
63461897Reign of Akbar5153
63461898Defeat of the SPanish Armada by the British5154
63461899Reign of Shah Abbas the Great5155
63461900Beginning of Tokygawa Shogunate5156
63461901English East India Company is Established5157
63461902United East India Company (VOC) is established5158
63461903Foundation of Jamestown5159
6346190430 Years War5160
63461905Reign of Queen Nzinga of Ndongo5161
63461906Foundation of Massachusetts Bay Colony5162
63461907End of the Ming Dynasty5163
63461908Qing Dynasty5164
63461909Peace of Westphalia5165
63461910Glorious Revolution/English Bill of Rights5166
63461911British Industrial Revolution5167
634619127 Years War/French and Indian War6168
63461913Captain James Cook's voyages in the Pacific Ocean6169
63461914American Revolution6170
63461915Establishment of first European Colony in Australia6171
63461916French Revolution Begins6172
63461917Haitian Revolution6173
63461918France is ruled by the Directory6174
63461919Reign of Napoleon6175
63461920Louisiana Purchase6176
63465622Reign of Muhammad Ali In Egypt6177
63465623End of the British Slave Trade6178
63465624Congress of Vienna6179
63465625Independence in Latin America6180
63465626Trail of Tears6181
63465627Opium Wars in China6182
63465628Marx & Engels write Commmunist Manifesto6183
63465629Crimean War6184
63465630Reign of Tsar Alexander II6185
63465631Sepoy Rebellion in India6186
63465632Unification of Italy6187
63465633End of Russian serfom/Italian unification6188
63465634United States Civil War6189
63465635Establishment of the Dominion of Canada6190
63465636Unification of Germany6191
63465637Berlin Conference6192
63465638Spanish-American War US acquires Philippine, Cuba, Guam, and Puerto Rico6193
63465639Boer War British in control of South Africa6194
63465640Boxer Rebelion6195
63465641Russo-Japanese war6196
63465642Young Turk Era of Ottoman Empire6197
63465643Chinese Revolution/End of Dynastic China6198
63465645Russian Revolution7200
63465646Treaty of Versailles - End of WW17201
63465647Stock Market Crash7202
63465648Japanese Invasion of Manchuria7203
63465649Italian invasion of Ethiopia7204
63465650German blitzkrieg in Poland7205
63465651Peral Harbor, Entry of US into WWII7206
63465652End of WWII7207
63465653Independence & partition of India7208
63465654Birth of Israel7209
63465655Berlin Airlift7210
63465656Chinese Communist Revolution7211
63465657Korean War7212
63465658Vietnamese defeat French at Dien Bien Phu7213
63465659Nationalization of Suez Calnal7214
63465660Great Leap Forward in China7215
63465661Cuban Missile Crisis7216
634656626 Day War/Chinese Cultural Revolution7217
63465663Yom Kippur War7218
63465664Iranian Revolution7219
63465665Iraq-Iran War7220
634656661st Palestinian Intifada7221
63465667Tiananmen Square7222
63465668Fall of Berlin Wall7223
63465669Fall of USSR/1st Gulf War7224
63465670Genocide in Rwanda7225
634656719/11 Attacks7226

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