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Civilization in Eastern Europe: Byzantine and Orthodox Europe Flashcards

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5439084683Byzantine Empire(330-1453) The eastern half of the Roman Empire, which survived after the fall of the Western Empire at the end of the 5th century C.E. Its capital was Constantinople, named after the Emperor Constantine.0
5439092449Hagia SofiaThe cathedral of Holy Wisdom in Constantinople built by order of the Byzantine emperor Justinian1
5439092450BelisariusByzantine general under Justinian I; he led expeditions to overthrow the Vandal kingdom in North Africa and occupied parts of Italy for Justinian2
5439098615IconsHoly images3
5439098616RurikLegendary Scandinavian, regarded as founder of the first kingdom of Russia based in Kiev in 855 C.E.4
5439101346Yaroslav Iruled Kievan Russia from 1019-1054 AD; introduced Pravda Russkia5
5439112699BalkansVarious peoples in this area of Eastern Europe rebelled against Ottoman rule, contributing to their imperial decline.6
5439112700JustinianByzantine emperor in the 6th century A.D. who reconquered much of the territory previously ruler by Rome, initiated an ambitious building program , including Hagia Sofia, as well as a new legal code7
5439115549Greek FireFlammable liquid used as a weapon by the Byzantine navy8
5439115550IconoclasmOpposing or even destroying images, especially those set up for religious veneration in the belief that such images represent idol worship.9
5439121348Vladimir IRussian ruler who adopted Christianity as the religion for his people10
5439123893BoyarsRussian landholding aristocrats; possessed less political power than their western European counterparts11
5439123894ManzikertSeljuk Turk victory in 1071 over Byzantium; resulted in loss of the empire's rich Anatolian territory.12
5439127006Theodorathe wife of Justinian, she helped to improve the status of women in the Byzantinian Empire and encouraged her husband to stay in Constntinople and fight the Nike Revolt.13
5439129843BulgariaSlavic kingdom established in northern portions of Balkan peninsula; constant source of pressure on Byzantine Empire; defeated by Emperor Basil II in 101414
5439132650Cyril and Methodiusbrothers who helped conversion of Slavic people; created Cyrillic alphabet15
5439135026Russian OrthodoxyRussian form of Christianity imported from Byzantine Empire and combined with local religion; king characteristically controlled major appointments16
5439137408TatarsMongols who conquered RUssian cities during the 13th century; left Russian church and aristocracy intact.17

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