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classical civilizations Flashcards

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32712042Zhou Dynasty1029- 258 BCE0
32712043Zhou ReligionConfucianism, Daoism, Buddhism (500 BCE)1
32712044Qin Dynasty221- 206 BCE2
32712045Qin EmperorShi Huangdi3
32712046Qin GovernmentDictatorship, centralized govt, had an army4
32712047Qin AccomplishmentsIron weapons crossbows cavarly, thousand miles of road (Silk Road), GREAT WALL5
32712048Han Dynasty206- 220 BCE6
32712049Han EmperorEmperor Wu (104- 87 BCE)7
32712050Han TerritoryInner and outer China, SE Asia, Korea, Manchuria, Mongolia8
32712051Han AccomplishmentsPostal Service, taxes, roads, forts, canals linking the yellow and yangtze rivers, longer Silk Road9
32712052Han DownfallInvaders, bandits10
32712053Central Asia DefinitionNomadic, herding societies, Cavarly warfare11
32712054Central Asia GroupAryans, Persians, Turks, Scythians, Tartars, seljurs, Ottomans, Huns, Magyars, Mongols12
32712055Classical IndiaBegan 1500 BCE, Invaded by Aryans13
32712056Classical India Language and religionSanskrit; Vedic, Hindu, Buddhism CASTE SYSTEM14
32712057Mauryan Empire324- 232 BCE15
32712058Mauryan AccomplishmentsIst to bring India together politically, Postal Service, Army16
32712059Mauryan EmperorEmperor Ashoka- Became Buddhist (peace and tolerance); Grandson- Chandragupta17
32712060Gupta Empire320- 550 CE controlled most of northern and central india18
32712061Gupta EmperorsHindu religion19
32712062Fall of GuptaNorthwest20
32712063Classical Greece2000- 1150 BCE21
32712064Early Greek CiviliansAegean Civilizations Minoans (Crete) & Mycenaeans (Mainland Greece) Trading Hellenes; Greek Dark Ages- 1150- 300 BCE22
32712065Greek City StatesCorinth, Thebes, Sparta, Athens23
32712066Spartahad slaves24
32712067AthensCulture, Politics (DEMOCRACY)25
32712068Greek City State DefinitionPowerful families ruled, slavery common, woman treated as inferior (DEMOCRACY)26
32712069Classical Period500- 338 BCE27
32712070Classical Period wars2 with Persia (lost): Peloponnesian (civil war- Sparta beat Athens28
32712071Alexander the GreatSon of Phillip II, took over Persia to India with 30,000 to 50,000 Troop; Called himself the heir to the Achaeminid Dynasty29
32712072Hellenic Culture600- 300 BCE30
32712073Greek PhilosophersPlato, Socrates, Aristotle31
32712074Hellenic AccomplishmentsBasic laws of Geometry, physics, math, and astronomy, Fear of gods and afterlife32
32712075Greek ArchitectureDoric, Ionic, Corinthian33
32712076Classical Rome753 BCE- 313 CE34
32712077Classical Rome Government (beginning)Monarchy then Etruscans take over35
32712078Roman Republic509- 31 BCE36
32712079Roman Republic ClassesPlebian (lower- tribal assembly) & Patrician (upper- Senate)37
32712080Punic War264- 146 BCE Against Carthage during Roman Republic38
32712081HannibalGeneral in Punic War39
32712082Roman Republic territory214- 169 BCE- Took Greece, Spartans, Balkans, and Turkey40
32712083Fall of Roman RepublicRepublican govt failed41
32712084Roman Empire31 BCE- 476 CE42
32712085OctavianCaesar's Grand Nephew; First Emperor of Roman Empire43
32712086Fall of Roman EmpireBarbarian Invasian, 410 CE- Gothic Tribe attacks Rome and takes over WEST SIDE!!44
32712087Rome SocietyUpper/ lower classes, Slavery, patriarchial, Woman given more freedom later45
32712088Rome CultureHellenic Philosophy, literature and science; Christianity- official faith 313 CE46
32712089Rome AccomplishmentsBuilt aquaducts, roads, forts, cities, buildings, laws47
32712090Classical Persia Four DynastiesAchaeminids, Selucids, Parthians, Sasanids48
32712091Acheaminid EmpireCyrus, Cambyses, Darius, Xerses, Alexander the Great49
32712092CyrusGained Iran, Lydia, Anatolia, Afghanistan50
32712093CambysesCyrus's son; Gained Egypt51
32712094DariusBuilt canals, royal roads, postal services, organized 70 ethnic group (BIGGEST EMPIRE IN HISTORY)52
32712095XersesDarius's Son53
32712096Byzantium330s CE- Contantine ruled; 500s CE- Justinian ruled EAST Rome (Christian)54
32715865Differences between Classical civilizations and River CivilizationsClassical created larger political structures, capable of controlling more territory55
48838863Mauryan and Guptaonly time of independence, Patriarchal dominance56

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