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classical indian empires Flashcards


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218246622ArthaMaterial success and social prestige, one of the four goals of life0
218246623Arthashastra..., political treatise written during reign of Chandragupta Maurya; advocated use of spies and assassins, bribery, and scientific forms of warfare1
218246624Ashoka..., Third ruler of the Mauryan Empire in India (r. 270-232 B.C.E.). He converted to Buddhism and broadcast his precepts on inscribed stones and pillars, the earliest surviving Indian writing. (p. 184)2
218246625Brahmans..., one of the varnas in the Hindu caste system; the PRIESTLY CLASS (in charge of the religious ceremonies that were so important in Indian society)3
218246626Chandra Gupta..., Who: Ruler and founder of the Gupta Dynasty. What: Unified all the provinces in the Ganges Valley. Where: Ganges Valley, north India. When: ~320-?. Why: Founded the Golden Age in India4
218246627Chandra Gupta II..., Further expanded the empire and strengthened its economy. His reign was a period of prosperity. Gupta Empire reached its height under his rule.5
218246628Chandragupta Maurya..., He founded India's first empire. He was an Indian prince who conquered a large area in the Ganges River valley soon after Alexander invaded western India.6
218246629KanishkaGreatest of the Kushan emperors7
218246630Kautalya..., Advisor of Chandragupta who wrote ancient political handbook known as the Arthashastra, a manual offering detailed instructions on the uses of power and the principles of government8
218246631Kshatriyas..., second level of the varnas in the Hindu caste system; WARRIORS9
218246632Kushan..., •After Ashoka's death, the Mauryan Dynasty was replaced by that of the10
218246633Samudra Gupta..., son of Chandra Gupta. became king in A.D. 335. loved arts but had warlike side. expanded empire through forty years of conquest11
218246634Shudras..., laborers, craftworkers and servants in the Indian caste system12
218246635Vaishyas..., peasants & traders in Hindu society; 3rd level of caste system13
218246636Arjuna..., Was a warrior who felt discouraged when going into battle and took advice from his chariot driver without knowing that he was Krishna, an incarnation of the Indian deity Vishnu14
218246637Bactria..., The ancient region stretching from the Hindu Kush mountain range to the ancient Ganhara region of the Indian subcontinent.15
218246638Krishna..., 8th and most important avatar of Vishnu16
218246639Pataliputra..., capital of the mauryan empire17
218246640Bhagavad Gita..., (Hinduism) the sacred 'song of God' composed about 200 BC and incorporated into the Mahabharata (a Sanskrit epic)18
218246641Rock and Pillar Edicts..., A series of edicts on...rocks and pillars that reminded Mauryans to live righteous lives according to Buddhist principles, A series of edicts on...rocks and pillars that reminded Mauryans to live righteous lives according to Buddhist principles19

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