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Contemporary Period Essential Terms Part II Flashcards

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155776307Indian National CongressGrew out of regional associations of Western-educated Indians; originally centered in cities of Bombay, Poona, Calcutta, and Madras; became political party in 1885; focus of nationalist movement in India; governed through most of postcolonial period.0
155776308B. G. TilakBelieved that nationalism in India should be based on appeals to Hindu religosity; worked to promote the restoration and revival of ancient Hindu traditions; offended Muslims and other religious group; first Populist leader in India.1
155776309Mohandas K. GandhiLeader of the Indian independence movement and advocate of nonviolent resistance. After being educated as a lawyer in England, he returned to India and became leader of the Indian National Congress in 1920.2
155776310Jawaharlal NehruOne of Gandhi's disciples; governed India after independence (1947); committed to program of social reform and economic development; preserved civil rights and democracy.3
155792123Muhammad Ali JinnahA Muslim nationalist in India; originally a member of the National Congress party; became leader of Muslim League; traded Muslim support for British during WWII for promises of a separate Muslim state after the war; was first president of Pakistan.4
155792124Theodor HertzlAustrian journalist and Zionist; formed World Zionist Organization in 1897; promoted Jewish migration to Palestine and formation of a Jewish state.5
155792125Kwame NkrumahAfrican nationalist during period of decolonization; responsible for creation of first independent, black African state of state of Ghana in 1957; established power through his own party, the Convention Peoples party. (CCP)6
155792126Jomo KenyattaLeader of the nonviolent nationalist party in Kenya; organized the Kenya Africa Union (KAU); failed to win concessions because of resistance of white settlers; come to power only after suppression of the Land Freedom Army, or Mau Mau.7

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