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Cumulative Flashcards--Vocabulary C

Here are all of our vocabulary words combined.

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85792324adroitskillful, clever
85792325adulterateto make impure, to contaminate
85792326adventitiousaccidental; nonessential
85792327aegisa shield; protection; sponsorship
85792328aestheticpertaining to beauty
85792329affectationa phony attitude; pose
85792330affinityan attraction to
85792331affluencewealth; richness
85792332agapeopen-mouthed; surprise; agog
85792333aggrandizeto enlarge; to expand
85792334altruisma concern for others; generosity
85792335ambiguousopen to more than one interpretation
85792336amorallacking a sense of right and wrong
85792337amorphousshapeless, formless, vague
85792339antipathyan intense dislike
85792340antithesisan exact opposite; an opposite extreme
85792341badinageplayful, teasing talk
85792342banalcommon, ordinary
85792343baroqueoverly decorated
85792344baublea showy but useless thing
85792345bedlama noisy uproar; a scene of wild confusion
85792346beguileto deceive; to charm; to enchant
85792347besiegeto overwhelm; to surround and attack
85792348besmirchto make dirty; to stain
85792349bestialsavage, brutal
85792350biliousbad tempered; cross
85792351blanchto whiten, to make pale
85792352blandmild, tasteless, dull
88409391bombastimpressive but meaningless language
88409392bona fidein good faith
88409393boora rude or impolite person
88409394bovinepertaining to cows or cattle
88409395bowdlerizeto remove offensive passages of a play, novel, etc.
88409396brevitybriefness; short duration
88409397bucolicpertaining to the countryside; rural, rustic
88409398cajoleto coax, to persuade, to wheedle
88409399callowyoung and inexperienced
88409400carcinogencausing cancer
88409401carnalsensual, sexual
88409402carriondecaying flesh
88409403cataclysma violent change
88409404cataractlarge waterfall; abnormality of the eye
88409405caveata warning
94822875celibateunmarried; abstaining from sex
94822876censureto criticize sharply
94822877cessationa stopping; a discontinuance
94822878chaffworthless matter
94822879chagrinembarrassment; a complete loss of courage
94822880chimericalimaginary; fantastic
94822881coalesceto blend, to merge
94822882debaclea complete failure; a total collapse
94822883debaucherycorruption; self-indulgence
94822884deferencerespect; consideration
94822885defileto pollute, to corrupt
94822886deignto lower oneself before an inferior
94822887delineateto describe, to depict
94822888demeanorbehavior; manner of conducting oneself
94822889denouementan outcome, result
97750665derideto ridicule, to mock
97750666desiccateddried up
97750667despicablecontemptible, hateful
97750668desultorywandering from subject to subject
97750669deviateto turn aside
97750670diadema crown
97750671diaphanousvery sheer and light
97750672dichotomya division into two parts
97750674eclecticchoosing from various sources
97750675edifyimprove someone morally
97750676effeteworn out; barren
97750677egregiousremarkably bad; outrageous
97750678elegya sad or mournful poem
97750679elicitto draw forth; to call forth
102460365elixira supposed remedy for all ailments
102460366elucidateto make clear
102460367emanateto come forth; to send forth
102460368emendationa correction
102460369empathyan understanding of another's feelings
102460370empiricalbased on practical experience rather than theory
102460371endemicconfined to a particular country or area
102460372enervateto weaken
102460373ennuiboredom; a weariness resulting from a lack of interest
102460374ephemerallasting only a brief time; short-lived
102460375epitomea typical example; a condensed account
102460377eroticpertaining to sexual love
102460378eschewto keep away from; to avoid; to shun
102460379facetiouscomical; jocular; flippant
144843849factiouscausing disagreement
144843850fastidioushard to please; fussy
144843851fatuousfoolish, inane
144843852fecundfertile, productive
144843853ferreta small animal of the weasel family; to search or drive out
144843854ferventeager, earnest
144843855fetishan object that receives respect or devotion
144843856finessediplomacy; tact; artful management
144843857fiscalpertaining to finances
144843858fissurean opening; a groove; a split
144843860flagellateto whip; to lash
144843861flauntto show off
144843862floutto ridicule; to show contempt for
144843863fomentto stir up; to incite
144843864fopan excessively fashion-conscious man
144843865fortuitouslucky; by chance
144843866gambolto frolic; to romp about playfully
144843867garishtastelessly gaudy
144843868garnerto gather, to acquire
144843870germanerelevant; fitting
144843871gibeto scoff, to ridicule
144843872gloatto look at or think about with great satisfaction
144843873glowerto stare angrily
144843874grandioseimpressive, showy, magnificent
144843875gratuitousunnecessary or uncalled for
144843876grotesqueabsurd; distorted
144843877gumptioncourage and initiative; common sense
144843878hackneyedcommonplace; overused
144843879halcyoncalm, pleasant
144843880hallowto make holy; holy
144843881harbingeran omen or sign
144843882harlequina clown
144843883hectorto bully; to pester
144843884hedonismpursuit of pleasure, especially of the senses
144843885hegiraflight, escape
144843886hermetictightly sealed
144843887heterogeneousdifferent; dissimilar
144843888hiatusa pause or gap
144843889hoi polloicommon people; the masses
144843890hospicea shelter
144843891hubrisexcessive pride or self-confidence
144843892hybridanything of mixed origin
144843893idiosyncrasya peculiar personality trait
144843894idolatryexcessive or blind adoration; worship of an object
144843895ignobledishonorable, shameful
144843896imminentlikely to happen; threatening
144843897immolateto kill someone as a sacrificial victim
144843898immutableunchangeable, fixed
144843899impairto weaken; to cause to become worse
144843900impaleto pierce with a sharp stake through the body
144843901impalpableunable to be felt, intangible
144843902impecuniouswithout money; penniless
144843903impedimenta barrier; obstruction
144843904imperativeextremely necessary; vitally important
144843905imperiousdomineering; haughty
144843906impingeto strike; to encroach
144843907impiousdisrespectful toward God
144843908importuneto persistently ask; to beg

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