Let me know of any typos/mistakes. Some words have the same definition!
18727564 | Derelict | negligent, neglectful | |
18727565 | Calumny | slander or a personal attack | |
18727566 | Finesse | style and skill | |
18727567 | Myriad | countless, infinite | |
18727568 | Scrupulous | precise, exact OR moral, honest | |
18727569 | Salient | intelligent, insightful | |
18727570 | Canon | a body of works, a list of laws | |
18727571 | Probity | integrity | |
18727572 | Austere | very plain, very simple | |
18727573 | Satiety | fullness, contentedness | |
18727574 | Amelioration | progress or improvement | |
18727575 | Allocate | to allot or apportion | |
18727576 | Decry | to condemn or denounce | |
18727577 | Augment | to increase or raise | |
18727578 | Pragmatic | practical, workable | |
18727579 | Scintillating | sparkling, brilliant | |
18727580 | Salubrious | healthy, beneficial | |
18727581 | Candor | complete honesty | |
18727582 | Moot | debatable, hypothetical | |
18727583 | Fastidious | picky, particular | |
18727584 | Intrinsic | a natural part of something | |
18727585 | Autonomous | independent, self-governing | |
18727586 | Anthology | a collection of works | |
18727587 | Savant | a scholar or genius | |
18727588 | Altercation | an argument or disagreement | |
18727589 | Extraneous | irrelevant, off topic | |
18727590 | Indue | to empower | |
18727591 | Martial | pertaining to the military | |
18727592 | Multifarious | diverse | |
18727593 | Lassitude | tiredness | |
18727594 | Indomitable | invincible, unconquerable | |
18727595 | Irrevocable | unchangeable, irreversible | |
18727596 | Presage | to foreshadow or predict | |
18727597 | Schism | a split or separation | |
18727598 | Sentient | conscious, having awareness | |
18727599 | Cajolery | persuasion by flattery | |
18727600 | Largesse | generosity | |
18727601 | Indigent | poor, needy | |
18727602 | Felicitations | congratulations | |
18727603 | Itinerant | wandering, nomadic | |
21588360 | Prerogative | a privilege | |
21588361 | Antithetical | contradictory | |
21588362 | Sententious | direct, to-the-point OR moralizing | |
21588363 | Cadaverous | like a corpse | |
21588364 | Amenities | luxuries | |
21588365 | Expurgate | to edit | |
21588366 | Indolent | lazy, idle | |
21588367 | Feint | a deception | |
21588368 | Antipathy | hatred | |
21588369 | Sedulous | diligent, hard-working | |
21588370 | Amenable | willing to, open to | |
21588371 | Decrepitude | uselessness | |
21588372 | Malfeasance | misconduct or wrongdoing | |
21588373 | Filial | pertaining to the duties of a son | |
21588374 | Invidious | scandalous, shocking, offensive | |
21588375 | Moribund | dying, near death | |
21588376 | Anachronism | something out of place in time | |
21588377 | Latent | hidden, undeveloped | |
21588378 | Estranged | distant | |
21588379 | Misanthrope | someone who hates people | |
21588380 | Miscegenation | the mixing of races | |
21588381 | Mitigate | to lessen | |
21588382 | Subsume | to include | |
21588383 | Ethereal | cerebral, abstract | |
21588384 | Blight | a disease or pestilence | |
21588385 | Prognosticate | to predict or foretell | |
21588386 | Querulous | argumentative | |
21588387 | Ostentatious | showy, pretentious | |
21588388 | Exploit | an adventure | |
21588389 | Expunge | to erase or delete | |
21588390 | Decorum | proper behavior, respectability | |
21588391 | Extemporary | spontaneous, impromptu | |
21588392 | Obtrusive | noticeable | |
21588393 | Affront | an insult or challenge | |
21588394 | Morose | sad, gloomy, depressed | |
21588395 | Morass | a very complicated situation | |
21588396 | Extirpate | to eradicate or remove | |
21588397 | Pilfer | to steal little by little | |
21588398 | Obsequious | overly flattering | |
21588399 | Alacrity | cheerful readiness, enthusiasm | |
23679726 | Obdurate | stubborn, unyielding | |
23679727 | Unsavory | disreputable | |
23679728 | Paean | a hymn of praise | |
23679729 | Turpitude | depravity | |
23679730 | Tutelary | influence, guardianship | |
23679731 | Plebeian | common | |
23679732 | Palaver | small talk | |
23679733 | Palliate | to ease or relieve | |
23679734 | Postulate | to assume as true | |
23679735 | Mendicant | a beggar | |
23679736 | Abortive | failed, unsuccessful | |
23679737 | Venal | corrupt | |
23679738 | Venerable | highly respected | |
23679739 | Perspicacity | intelligence | |
23679740 | Iconoclast | someone who attacks traditions | |
23679741 | Harbinger | a (bad) omen | |
23679742 | Parsimonious | stingy, cheap, thrifty | |
23679743 | Avarice | extreme greed | |
23679744 | Averse | opposed to | |
23679745 | Pathological | disease-related | |
23679746 | Paucity | a lack or scarcity | |
23679747 | Verisimilitude | a resemblance to reality | |
23679748 | Arrant | complete, total, outright | |
23679749 | Errant | stray or misguided | |
23679750 | Ubiquitous | present everywhere | |
23679751 | Onerous | oppressive, burdensome | |
23679752 | Opprobrium | shame or disgrace | |
23679753 | Paragon | a model or the best example | |
23679754 | Pariah | an outcast | |
23679755 | Virtuoso | a master or an expert (adj) | |
23679756 | Assiduous | hard-working, diligent | |
23679757 | Propitious | favorable | |
23679758 | Propound | to submit or propose | |
23679759 | Propriety | proper behavior | |
23679760 | Tyro | a novice or beginner | |
23679761 | Prosaic | dull, ordinary | |
23679762 | Insipid | dull, ordinary | |
23679763 | Assuage | to calm or soothe | |
23679764 | Artifice | skill or grace | |
23679765 | Ascetic | self-denying (n) |