847116241 | e- and ex- | the mighty prefixes e- and ex- tell you that things are going OUT | |
847116242 | expunge, excise, expurgate | to take OUT, delete, remove | |
847116243 | eccentric | OUT of the center; departing from a recognized, conventional, or established norm; an odd, unconventional person | |
847116244 | extricate | to get OUT of a difficult situation or entanglement | |
847116245 | exemplary | standing OUT from the norm, outstanding, worthy of imitation | |
847116246 | enumerate | to count OUT, to list, to tick off the reasons for | |
847116247 | elusive | OUT of reach and therefore difficult to catch, define, or describe | |
847116248 | exorbitant | literally OUT of orbit and therefore unreasonably expensive | |
847116249 | re- | the mighty prefix re- tells you that things are coming back again and again | |
847116250 | repudiate, recant, renounce | all three mean to take BACK, to reject, DISAVOW | |
847116251 | redundant | needlessly repetitive, saying things AGAIN and AGAIN | |
847116252 | relinquish | to give something BACK, to surrender or give BACK a possession, right, or privilege | |
847116253 | resilient | to leap BACK, to come BACK from adversity or misfortune | |
847116254 | reaffirm | to assert AGAIN, to confirm, state positively | |
847116255 | reticent | to hold BACK one's thoughts, feelings and personal affairs; restrained or reserved | |
847116256 | rebuff | to repel or drive BACK, to bluntly reject | |
847116257 | renovate | to make new AGAIN, restore by repairing and remodeling | |
847116258 | rejuvenate | to make young AGAIN, to restore youthful vigor and appearance | |
847116259 | resurgent | to rise AGAIN, to sweep or surge BACK | |
847116260 | de- | the mighty prefix de- tells you that things are headed DOWN | |
847116261 | deleterious | going DOWN in the sense of having a harmful effect, injurious | |
847116262 | decry | to put DOWN in the sense of openly condemning; to express strong disapproval | |
847116263 | despondent | feeling DOWNCAST, very dejected, FORLORN | |
847116264 | denounce | to put DOWN in the sense of making a formal accusation, to speak against | |
847116265 | demise | to go all the way DOWN in the sense of ending by death, the cessation of existence or activity | |
847116266 | debunk | to put DOWN by exposing false and exaggerated claims | |
847116267 | deride | to put DOWN with contemptuous jeering, to ridicule or laugh at | |
847116268 | devoid | to go DOWN in the sense of being empty, completely lacking in substance or quality, BEREFT | |
847116269 | im-,in-, and ir- | these mighty Latin prefixes all tell you NO or NOT | |
847116270 | impeccable | having NO flaws, perfect | |
847116271 | implacable | NOT capable of being placated or appeased/soothed | |
847116272 | inexorable | not capable of being stopped, relentless, inevitable | |
847116273 | incoherent | NOT coherent and lacking organization and logical consistency | |
847116274 | insurmountable | NOT capable of being surmounted or overcome | |
847116275 | irreverent | lacking proper respect or seriousness, disrespectful | |
847116276 | circu- | this mighty prefix tells you that what goes around comes around | |
847116277 | circumspect | to look carefully around and therefore to be cautious and careful, PRUDENT | |
847116278 | circuitous | CIRCULAR and therefore indirect in language, behavior, or action | |
847116279 | circumvent | to circle AROUND and therefore bypass, to avoid by artful maneuvering | |
847116280 | circumscribe | to draw a line AROUND and therefore to narrowly limit or restrict actions | |
847116281 | ous- | this all-important suffix means filled with | |
847116282 | magnanimous | filled with generosity and forgiveness; forgoing resentment and revenge | |
847116283 | erroneous | filled with errors, wrong | |
847116284 | momentous | filled with importance, very significant | |
847116285 | mellifluous | smooth and sweet, flowing like honey | |
847116286 | ominous | filled with menace, threatening | |
847116287 | acrimonious | filled with bitterness, sharpness in words, RANCOROUS | |
847116288 | acerbic | sharp wit often displayed by acid-tongued critics (acid-tongue: says things sharply in a way that will often hurt others) | |
847116289 | acute | sharp feeling or sense | |
847116290 | copious | filled with abundance, plentiful | |
847116291 | abstemious | filled with moderation; sparing in drinking and eating, restrained | |
847116292 | malodorous | filled with an unpleasant odor, foul smelling | |
847116293 | tedious | filled with boredom, very tiresome, dull and fatiguing |