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Dwight D. Eisenhower Exam 6 Flashcards

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402668659Which 70% of men are working what percent of women are working?59%0
402668660When women are in the workforce the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is how much higher?25%1
402668661If we can eliminate the gap between male and female employment rates then we can boost the GDP by _____9%2
402668662What percent of the CEOs in Fortune 500 companies are women?3%3
402668663Select the labor markets that women primarily work inteaching, clerical, health care, social care; all of the above4
402668664While 10% of the male workforce work part time a full ____% of the female workforce work part time30%5
402668665Choose the profession(s) that women are making progress indentistry, law, pharmacies, photography; all of the above6
402668666Where do women do well?public sector7
402668667Women hold 30-40% of the senior managerial jobs in _____?central government8
402668668Among Fortune 500 companies, what percent of senior managers (not CEOs) are women?15%9
402668669One reason that women do not reach the top positions is that they work in _____?functional specialties10
402668670There is now a strong correlation between having women in top management positions and _____?expansion11
402668671How can women change the barriers to their success?have a mentor, check the company has opportunities for women, adopt a life-long learning attitude, learn to network throughout the career; all of the above12
402668672From the presentation, "The 10 Things Employers Want you to Learn in College," what did employers rate the highest skill?communication skills13
402668673The author of "10 things your employers want you to learn..." says his most important skill is _____work ethic14
402668674Communicate verbally is one of the skills the author or "10 things..." says you need to have. This includes knowing how to converse one on one, and knowing how to use your visual displays. What else does the author say you need to be able to do in this category?know how to present to groups15
402668675The author of "10 things..." says you need to be able to communicate in writing as a skill. What specific things do you need to be able to do under "communicate in writing?"know how to write well, know how to edit and proof, know how to use work processing tools, know how to send information electronically; all of the above16
402668676If you have prepared a proposal for a prospective customer and you fail to edit and proof your work what is a possible result?inhibits your ability to sell your proposal17
402668677The author of "10 things..." says you must know how to use quantitative tools including calculating in your head. According to the author, when will you know that you are OK?you can calculate the percent change in your fall and spring GPA in your head18
402668678The author of "10 things..." says you need to be able to solve problems at first, you need to be able to the problem. What do some people tend to do?people tend to process solutions, rather than identify the problem19
402668679The author of "10 things..." says that the best managers think of themselves asteachers20
402668680At the end of the "10 things..." power point presentation, I briefed on things you should know as extra credit. I focused on two skills; what were they?sport skill and foreign language skill21
402668681General Dwight D. Eisenhower was called the "American Caesar" meaning only three Americans who held the highest military office and then served as President. One of the others was George Washington. Who was the third?U.S. Grant22
402668682Eisenhower was a leader of tremendous character and displayed which of these characteristics?honesty, humbleness, selflessness, integrity; all of the above23
402668683Eisenhower was a leader of tremendous willpower. He demonstrated this by:stopped smoking "cold turkey"24
402668684As president, Eisenhower always sought middle ground and consensus from his cabinet. This can be described asa win/win solution25
402668685Eisenhower had great vision. For example after determining that he could not win the Korean War, he established a lasting peace. He was also proven right by selecting Normandy for the invasion of Europe. Name of of the two treaty alliances he developedNATO26
402668686From the movie clip in "Ike - Countdown to D Day" what was Eisenhower's most important concern regarding the invasion of Normandy?the number of casualties to the landing force27
402668687From the movie what was the name of Eisenhower's plan to invade Europe?operation overlord28
402668688Who was the greatest influence on General Eisenhower?Field Marshall Montgomery29
402668689Who did Eisenhower work with early in his career to study tank warfare and was his "boss" during WWIIGen George S. Patton30
402668690Eisenhower was effective because:he could work with different military leaders, he was comfortable working with either politicians or military leaders, he was not afraid to override his generals, he was usually right; all of the above31
402668691As president, Eisenhower:kept the peace, always had a balanced budget, demanded total agreement from his cabinet, believed good leadership was getting your people to want to carry out your decisions; all of the above32
402668692What was a major contributing factor to Eisenhower's success?his personality33
402668693From the power point on organizations, we learned that Xerox Corporation failed because?they were a victim of their own success34
402668694What is a lesson organization can learn from the mistakes Xerox made?never move away from your core capability35
402668695What does the term "the world is flat" mean?technology like the internet has made the world smaller36
402668696What is important to know about the workforce?by 2020 women will make up half the workforce37
402668697What is an organization?a social entity, goal directed, activity systems, linked to the external environment; all of the above38
402668698Match with the proper description: Middle Managementdirecting and coordinating other parts of the organization39
402668699Match with the proper description: Technical Corepeople who do the basic work of the organization40
402668700Match with the proper description: Administrative Supportresponsible for upkeep including facilities, maintenance, and human resources41
402668701Match with the proper description: Top Managementprovides direction for the organization42
402668702Match with the proper description: Technical Supporthelp the organization adapt to the environment43
402668703Organizations deal with many groups; select the correct answer(s)employees, creditors, management, owners and stockholders; all of the above44
402668704What are the most important thing organizations need to do?develop leadership45
402668705What is the one work that best describes Andrew Jackson?persistence46
402668706According to Joanne Ciulla there is a sense that people have a void in society because ____there does not seem to be a shared sense of ethical values47
402668707If you have integrity there will be consistency in your _____values, works, actions; all of the above48
402668708Match the lack of integrity with the description:Verbal Inconsistencyinconsistency between a person's words and actions49
402668709Match the lack of integrity with the description: Personal Inconsistencythe person has a particular set of values but to be liked or elected or supported the person says what others want to hear and does what others want him to do50
402668710Match the lack of integrity with the description: Action Inconsistencyinconsistency between one's actions and works and values51
402668711Match the lack of integrity with the description: Total Lack of Integrityno consistency between a person's values, words, and actions52
402668712In society today values are ____situational53

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