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Early Societies in the Americas and Oceania Flashcards

Chapter 6 of Bentley's Traditions and Encounters

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65548560Olmecs"the rubber people". They lived near the Gulf of Mexico around 1200 BCE-400 BCE. They built elaborate complexes, pyramids, and colossal human heads. They traded (imported) jade and obsidian. Towards their decline, their ceremonial centers were systematically destroyed.0
65548561Early agricultureBeans, squashes, chilis, and later maize1
65548562Influence of the OlmecsMaize, ceremonial centers, human sacrifice, the calendar, and the ball game2
65548563MayaLived in the highlands of Guatemala. Cultivated maize, tobacco, and cotton. Warfare was an important aspect of their lives.3
65548564TikalThe most important Maya political center from 300 CE to 900 CE4
65548565Mayan social classes1) Kings, priests, and nobility. 2) Merchants/ambassadors. 3) Professional architects and artisans. 4) Peasants and slaves.5
65548566Mayan calendarA 52-year cycle that interwove both solar and ritual years.6
65548567Mayan writingIt was both ideographic and syllabic7
65548568Popol VuhA Maya creation myth that taught that the gods created humans out of maize an water.8
65548569TeotihuacanA city located in the highlands of Mexico. Its high point was between 400 and 600 CE. It was dominated by rulers and priests. Their artisans were known for their obsidian tools and orange pottery. Extensive trade took place, but there's no sign of military organization or conquest. In the mid-700's it was sacked and destroyed.9
65548570Early crops in South AmericaBeans, peanuts, sweet potatoes, and cotton10
65548571Chavin cult900-300 BCE. During this time Andean societies devised techniques of producing cotton textiles and fishing nets; discovered gold, silver, and copper metallurgy, and after this cities appeared.11
65548572writingEarly Andean societies, however, did not have __________ .12
65548573MochicaAn Andean society (300-700 CE) in northern Peru. It had irrigation, trade, and a military but no writing. However, they are known for their paintings on pottery and ceramics13
65548975Lapita society1500-500 BCE from New Guinea to Tonga. Agricultural villages. They had pottery with geometric designs. They also had trade and communication networks. (They traded potter, obsidian, shells, and tools.) These networks declined after 500 BCE. They had divine/semi-divine chiefs who led public rituals and oversaw irrigation.14

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