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Eastern Europe and Asia Flashcards

ms. boyds test on nov. 19, 2010

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105483167Tartarsthe people who resulted from the intermarriage of Russians and Mongolians (1450-1580)0
105483168who got rid of the Mongol control in Russia?the Princes of Moscow with the Orthodox church worked together in 1450 and overthrew the Mongol control1
105483169Ivan the Great (III)relied on military power, had to keep the forced element in place, used the Orthodox Church to encourage endeavors. He practiced centralized rule, took the title Czar or Tsar or Caesar, believed expansion was necessary2
105483170Ivan IV (the Terrible)expansion, central power, policy of submission, killed Russian nobles, attacked Ottoman Empire (didn't completely conquer it), opened trade with the Safavids in Persia and Ottoman Empire, entered alliance with the Orthodox Church, died without a clear heir3
105483171boyarsrussian nobles4
105483172romanovscame after the time of turmoil, starts with Michael in 1613, they want to stabilize rule and expand5
105483173cassaucksrussian peasants6
105483174Alexis Romanovstate control over the church, started exiling people to Siberia, abolished the legislated assembly7
105483175Peter the Great (Romanov)absolute monarchy, decreases the nobility's power by hiring non-boyars as bureaucratic positions, created training institutes for these people, secret police (opranchinki), codified Russian laws, reformed tax system making the heaviest burden on the peasants, expanded8
105483176oprachinkithe secret police of Peter the Great, they suppressed opposition9
105483177In general, how did the Russian leaders increase their power over the nobility?by having the nobility have an increased power over the serfs, sent them to far away lands10
105483178Osman Baythe ottoman empire tribal leader/Sultan, he led his people to become Muslim religious warriors, he didn't allow private property (he owned everything), so there were no nobles, direct taxation of the people11
105483179Mehmed Ireunited the Ottoman empire after the invasion of Timur in 140212
105483180Mehmed IIdefeated Constantinople for Ottoman Empire, 145313
105483181Dershirmethe practice in Ottoman military that required all Chrisitians to give young boys as slaves to the Sultan, which then created a guard called the Janissaries, they converted to Islam, spoke Turkish, used latest military technology and created one of the greatest military empires14
105483182the economy of the Ottoman Empire was directed towarfare and expansion15
105483183Tartarsthe people who resulted from the intermarriage of Russians and Mongolians (1450-1580)16
105483184Who got rid of the Mongol control in Russia?the Princes of Moscow with the Orthodox church worked together in 1450 and overthrew the Mongol control17
105483185Ivan the Great (III)relied on military power, had to keep the forced element in place, used the Orthodox Church to encourage endeavors. He practiced centralized rule, took the title Czar or Tsar or Caesar, believed expansion was necessary18
105483186Ivan IV (the Terrible)expansion, central power, policy of submission, killed Russian nobles, attacked Ottoman Empire (didn't completely conquer it), opened trade with the Safavids in Persia and Ottoman Empire, entered alliance with the Orthodox Church, died without a clear heir19
105483187BoyarsRussian nobles20
105483188Romanovscame after the time of turmoil, starts with Michael in 1613, they want to stabilize rule and expand21
105483189Alexis Romanovstate control over the church, started exiling people to Siberia, abolished the legislated assembly22
105483190Peter the Great (Romanov)absolute monarchy, decreases the nobility's power by hiring non-boyars as bureaucratic positions, created training institutes for these people, secret police (opranchinki), codified Russian laws, reformed tax system making the heaviest burden on the peasants, expanded23
105483191Oprachinkithe secret police of Peter the Great, they suppressed opposition24
105483192Catherine the Greatjust read the awesome things she did25
105483193In general, how did the Russian leaders increase their power over the nobility?by having the nobility have an increased power over the serfs26
105483194Osman Baythe ottoman empire tribal leader/Sultan, he led his people to become Muslim religious warriors, he didn't allow private property (he owned everything), so there were no nobles, direct taxation of the people27
105483195Mehmed Ireunited the empire after the invasion of Timur in 140228
105483196Mehmed IIdefeated Constantinople, 145329
105483197Dershirmethe practice in Ottoman military that required all Chrisitians to give young boys as slaves to the Sultan, which then created a guard called the Janissaries, they converted to Islam, spoke Turkish, used latest military technology and created one of the greatest military empires30
105483198The economy of Ottoman Empire was directed towarfare and expansion31
105483199Suleiman the Magnificentruled from 1520-1566, continued the Ottoman expansion, controlled Western Persia, North Africa, Central Europe, he was so successful because during his rule the Ottomans became a major naval power (Black and Aegean Seas)32
105483200Milleta community of religious groups in the Ottoman Empire because they were tolerant of other religions, they each had a single leader33
105483201Women in the Ottoman Empirecould own property, not forced into marriage, could divorce, could serve in government, but subordinate to men, heaviest restrictions were on the upper class34
105483202What things lead to the 400 years of decline that started with Selim?insufficient government, succession questions, collapse of economy (influx of silver), devastation of trade networks, ideas of materialism, alcohol, tobacco, and promiscuity that came from the west.35
105483203What type of Muslims are the Ottomans?Sunnis36
105483204What type of Muslims are the Safavids?military Shiite37
105483205Ail al-Dinfounded the Safavids (family of Sufi mystics with him), went on a Jihad, had Ism'il carry on his mission (that guy also declared himself emperor, which I guess was okay)38
105483206How did Abbas I encourage international trade?built roads, rest houses, tried to guaranty the safety of merchants and travelers, created textile factories in the south39
105483207Baburfounded the Mughal Empire in 1526 when he defeated the Lodi army and the Hindu warrior princes, he encouraged military buildup and arts, contributions: creation of a centralized government with ministries that controlled the provinces and introduction of a policy of religious toleration (unity with the Hindu princes), he introduced a new calendar, helped the poor, made an anti-alcohol campaign, and tried to improve the lives of women40
105483208How did Babur try to achieve unity with the Hindu princes?intermarriage, placed them in government positions, ended head tax for Hindus, and made everyone respect the cow.41
105483209How did Babur try to fix the Hindu/Muslim conflict?created a new religion called Din-i-Ilahi42
105483210How did Babur try to improve the lives of women?made it legal for widows to marry, discouraged child marriage, outlawed Sati (throwing yourself into the fire with your husband), attempted to address the practice of Purdah (seclusion of women in their own homes)43
105483211The Mughal Era of SplendorJahangir and Shan Jahan helped this start out, constructed opulent cities, encouraged Indian textiles, supported art and architecture (Shan Jahan created the Taj Mahal for his wife), they continued religious toleration, but they started to fall behind Europe because they weren't looking into science or technology or the poor, they weren't interested in helping women44
105483212The Mughal empires greatest sizeAurangzeb did this for them, but the government was rotting at this point45
105483213Collapse of the Mughal Empireweak economy (cost of wars), expansion and poor rulers, corrupt government, declining military, declining state of living, Aurangzeb decided to end religious toleration and persecuted Hindus46
105483214Zhu Yuanzhangfounded the Ming Dynasty, he was instrumental in overcoming the Mongols, called the Hongwu Emperor, returned to the traditional Chinese culture, he employed scholarly gentry class and Confucian scholars to office, reinstated the civil service exam, tried to end corruption and political incompetence, supported neo-Confucianism (wanted to reinforce the social structure), wanted to make a strong government, eliminated conspiracy against the throne47
105483215How does Zhu Yuanzhang try to help the poor?lowering the forced labor requirement, supporting the public works projects to create more farmland, encouraged the hand craft industries to increase income, and gave unoccupied lands to peasants if they were going to farm48
105483216The most successful missionaries in China were?the Jesuits, but eventually they are kicked out and persecuted49
105483217How did the Ming dynasty end?foreign threat from Japan and Asian nomads, in 1644 a Chinese rebel group overthrew them, but they couldn't build a good government, so the Manchus overtook them and founded Qing dynasty50
105483218Yoritomo Minamotoruler of Japan in 1185 (there was still a emperor, but he was a figure head), he was called Shogun "military general", feudalism developed because they didn't have anyone to take care of the normal people51
105483219Diamyas in Japannobles52
105483220Samuraiwarriors, code of conduct=bushido53
105483221Roninpaid soldiers54
105483222Ieysuminor Daimyo made Shogun, he made unification and isolation, wanted to increase the power of the central government and gain greater control over the Daimyo, the rest of the world gets ahead, Europeans wanted to trade but they just linked Asia together, converted Japanese to Christianity, but eventually they were persecuted, traders confined to few cities, key to success,55
105483223How was isolation good for Japan?revive and celebrate tradition Japanese culture and history, Ieysu founded school national learning, encouraged nationalism, facilitated the rise of Japanese state56
105483224Why does it matter that the Europeans traded with Spice Islands?closer to global trade networks, more growth of European trade centers, traversed the globe, existing trade routes of the spice network were utilized, some decline in old trading centers, naval warfare, effects of the Columbian exchange57

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