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Egyptians Vocabulary

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waterfall, rough rapids that impeded on passage of boats
triangular area of marshland formed by deposits of silt at the mouth of some rivers, located in lower Egypt & sustained life there
ruling family that passes the right to rule from one member to another
title of the rulers of ancient Egypt
system of government that includes different job functions and levels of authority
chief minister who supervised the business of government in ancient Egypt
Egypt's first female ruler that exercised all the rights of a pharaoh
stepson of Hatshepsut that took over as pharaoh once he reached adulthood. a great military general who stretched Egypt's borders to their greatest extent ever
ruler of the New Kingdom for 66 years, and during that time he pushed Egyptian control northward again as far as Syria. boasted numerous conquests on temples and monuments
a ruler who has complete authority over the government and lives of the people; NOT A DICTATOR
a tall pointed stone pillar made as a monument to a great ruler
a society in which movement from one class to another is POSSIBLE
a type of society in which movement from class to class is difficult
a sense of equality
preservation of dead bodies by embalming them and wrapping them in cloth
spirit that lives in the body and continues to live even though the body has died
Egypt was considered the ____, because it was completely reliant on the river
The desert protected Egypt from __.
grown by the fertile soil of the Nile. fibers used for clothing
stretched from the Nile's 1st cataract to within 100 miles of the Mediterranean Sea
covered the delta region where the Nile empties into the Mediterranean
number of distinct Egyptian regions
pharaoh who united Upper & Lower Egypt. He founded the first capital and was King of Upper Egypt
----bc when Upper & Lower Egypt were united
1st Egyptian capital, the site near where the Nile empties into its delta
Menes and his successors used the Nile as a --- linking North and South
The Nile River served as a --- ---that merchants could travel up and down exchanging goods.
number of periods historians divide ancient Egypt into
True or False? Although power passed from one dynasty to another, the land remained generally united.
pharaohs had strongest power during which kingdom?
True or False? Building a pyramid was a short process.
True or False? The Middle Kingdom was a time of great prosperity.
The bad times of the Middle Kingdom were blamed on ---
what caused the periods to change between Kingdom and kingdom
an agricultural district
major god with the double crown, signifies 'all' and 'perfection'
king of the earth, green, went to underworld, king of the underworld
queen of Earth
killed Osiris out of jealousy, and was the new king of earth until Horus killed him
god of embalming and dead, head of a jackal
hawk for a head, blue-scarf-thing, god of the sky, the EYE
feather head, truth, justice, harmony
sundisk over head, most important, god of sun
Osiris & Isis's sun
who wins the battle, Horus or Seth?
the new ruler of Earth (after he loses an eye)
very important 'explanation' book to Egyptians
True or False? Cleanliness was key during the embalming process.
salt used to dry out dead bodies
which side was the incision made on that was used to take out internal organs
--- used in the embalming process would be buried with the pharaoh
the Egyptian middle class was ---
peasants and slaves made up the --- class
pharaohs and the royal family made up the --- class
government officials (vizier, etc) and high priests made up the --- class
in the New kingdom class became more (fluid, rigid)
skilled craftsworkers that made jewelry, furniture,and fabrics for the palaces and tombs of pharaohs
women had a --- status then elsewhere
very important people that were record keepers and pharaoh's government official
a system in which symbols of pictures called hieroglyphs representing objects, concepts or sounds
the second kind of writing developed that was simpler
the third kind of writing that was even simpler than the second
used to make paper-like writing material, it was easier
listed passages in hieroglyphics, demotic, and Greek, key in translation
True or false? the Egyptians knew nothing about the sciences
Was the Egyptian calendar the basis for our calendar?
Physicians believed in ---.
Physicians learned a lot about the body from ---.
Did Egyptian physicians perform surgeries?
developed to solve practical problems
was used to survey lands about flooding, find pyramid size
The Egyptians had great knowledge in --- through statues and paintings.
Artists always presented gods and pharaohs as --- then they actually are.
--- indicated the subject of a painting's importance
eyes and shoulders in paintings
faces and bodies in paintings
Were subjects shown in loose, every-day poses?
Did some human figures have animal qualities that represented certain special qualities?
including hymns and prayers to gods, proverbs, and love poems
a popular type of literature
largest pyramid in the world
looks a little like a ziggurat, but more like a pyramid. shows the transition between the two
The Great Pyramids of Giza are one of a --- still remaining
Khufu, Khafre, Menkaura
the base of Khufu's pyramid forms a perfect ---
ft high:KP
ft base:KP
mil blocks used:KP
Khufu is visible from the ---
Age of the Pyramids
went from OK to MK
the Middle Kingdom had the greatest sense of egalitarianism
new capital city during the mk
the Middle Kingdom also bough the expansion of -- and major public works
the Middle Kingdom also was trying to --- another 'illness'
who lived in the tomb?
'divine salt'

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