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el tiempo, la tierra y el medio ambiente sin fotos

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302338978el chaparrónheavy shower, downpour
302338979el arco irísrainbow
302338980brillarto shine
302338981la brisabreeze
302338982el calorheat
302338983el ciclóncyclone
302338984el cielothe sky
302338985el climaclimate
302338986despejadocloudless, clear
302338987la escarchafrost
302338988la estrellastar
302338989el fríocold
302338990la gotadrop
302338991gotearto drop, to drizzle
302338992el granizohail
302338993helarto freeze
302338994el hielofreeze, ice
302338995el huracánhurricane
302338997la lloviznadrizzle
302338998lloviznarto drizzle
302338999la lluviarain
302339001la lunathe moon
302339002la neblinamist
302339003nevarto snow
302339004nieblafog, mist
302339005la nievesnow
302339006la nubecloud
302339008la olawave
302339009el relámpagolightning
302339010relampaguearto flash with lightning
302339011el remolinowhirlwind
302339012el solsun
302339014la tormentastorm
302339015tronarto thunder
302339016el truenothunder
302339017el vientowind
302339018la brumamist, haze
302339019el carámbanoicicle
302339020el chubascoheavy rain
302339021la copa de nievesnowflake
302339022el derrumbelandslide
302339023la inundaciónflood
302339024el inviernowinter
302339025la nevascasnowstorm
302339026la ondawave
302339027el otoñofall, autumn
302339028la primaveraspring
302339029el rocíodew
302339030el terremotoearthquake
302339031el veranosummer
302339032hay lunathe moon is out
302339033hay neblinait is foggy out
302339034el copo de nievesnowflake
302339035¿Que tiempo hace?What is the weather like?
302339036Hace buen tiempoThe weather is good
302339037Hace (mucho) calorIt is (very) hot
302339038Hace (mucho) frescoIt is (very) cool
302339039Hace (mucho) fríoIt is (very) cold
302339040Hace mal tiempoThe weather is bad
302339041Hace (mucho) solIt is (very) sunny
302339042Hace (mucho) vientoIt is (very) windy
302339043el sismoearthquake
302339044el temblorearth tremor
302339045los estruendosdin, roar
302339046soplarto blow (out)
302339049el bochornoscorching heat
302339050las sequíasdroughts
302339053la nieblafog
302339055los desastresdisasters
302339056las tempestadesstorms
302339057el paisajelandscape
302339058las montañasmountains
302339059el barrancoprecipice
302339060la colinahill
302339061la cordilleraextensive chain of mountains
302339062el vallevalley
302339063el volcánvolcano
302339064la tierraearth
302339065los alrededoresenvirons
302339066el bosqueforest
302339067la islaisland
302339068la penínsulapeninsula
302339069la piedrarock
302339070la selvajungle
302339071el sueloground, floor
302339072la zonaarea
302339073el aguawater
302339074la cascadawaterfall
302339075la charcapool, pond
302339076la fuentefountain, spring
302339077el lagolake
302339078el marsea
302339079la playabeach
302339080la ríalong, narrow sea inlet
302339081el ríoriver
302339082los recursos naturalesnatural resources
302339083el medio ambienteenvironment
302339084el calentamiento globalglobal warming
302339085el rayothunderbolt, flash of lightening
302339086el océanoocean
302339087el planetaplanet
302339088el gradodegree
302339089el corrientecurrent
302339090el arroyostream
302339091el cometacomet
302339092la avalanchaavalanche
302339093el aludavalanche
302339094el maremototsunami
302339095la cataratawaterfall
302339096el archipiélagoarchipelago
302339097el picopeak
302339098la cimapeak
302339099la cumbresummit
302339100el charcopuddle
302339101el cabocape
302339102la cadena montañosamountain range
302339103el continentecontinent
302339104el ciclóncyclone
302339105el deshielothaw
302339106el estuarioestuary
302339107el frentefront (weather)
302339108el golfogulf
302339109los gradosdegrees
302339110la llanuraplain, prairie
302339111el macizopeak
302339112la mareatide
302339113la mesetaplateau
302339114el vendavalgale, strong wind
302339115la ventiscablizzard
302339116huracanadohurricane force
302339117arrasarto devastate, to destroy
302339118estallar (una tormenta)to start suddenly
302339119soplar vientoto blow (wind)
302339739el aguacerodownpour

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