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Electrician Flashcards

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14744814490series circuitAn electric circuit with a single path0
14744814491Parallel circuitTwo or more paths that electricity can flow through, and there is a load connected to each path.1
14744941907Volt metera device used to measure voltage2
14744941908OhmeterMeasures resistance3
14744941909AmmeterA device used to measure current in a circuit4
14744941910Amperea unit of electric current equal to a flow of one coulomb per second.5
14744941911AtomSmallest particle of an element6
14744941912BatteryA DC voltage source consisting of two or more cells that convert chemical energy into electrical energy7
14744941913circuitthe complete path that an electric current travels along8
14744941914conductorA material that allows heat and electricity to pass through it.9
14744941915CoulombSI unit of electric charge10
14756226290currentthe flow of electrons11
14756226291Electrona negatively charged subatomic particle12
14756226292InsulatorA material that does not allow heat or electrons to move through it easily.13
14756226293JouleA unit of work equal to one newton-meter14
14756226295MatterAnything that has mass and takes up space16
14756226296megaone million17
14756226297NeutronsElectrically neutral partical that has the same mass as a proton and is found in an atom's nucleus.18
14756226298ohm meterthe tool used to measure resistance19
14756389982Powerthe rate at which work is done20
14756389983ProtonsPositively charged particles21
14756389984ResistanceAn electrical property that opposes the flow of current through a circuit22
14756389985ResistorAn electrical device that resists the flow of electrical current23
14756389986schematicrelating to an outline or diagram; using a system of symbols24
14756389987SolenoidAn electromagnetic coil used to control a mechanical device such as a valve.25
14756389988TransformerA device that increases or decreases the voltage of alternating current26
14756389989valence shelloutermost electron shell27
14756389990Voltunit for measuring voltage28
14756389991VoltageDriving force which pushes current (Electrical Power)29
14756389992Voltage dropa reduction of electrical energy by an electrical device as current passes through it30
14756389993WattSI unit of power31
14757260405DiacA three layer diode designed for use as a trigger in AC power control circuits32
14757260406field-effect transistorA transistor that controls the flow of current through it with an electric field33
14757260407forward biasExist when voltage is applied to a solid state device in such a way to allow the device to conduct easily34
14757260408Junction Field Effect Transistor (JFET)A field effect transistor formed by combining layers of semiconductor material35
14757260409N-type materialMaterial created by doping a region of a crystal with atoms from an element that has more electrons in its outer shell than the crystal36
14757260410P-type materialA material created when a crystal is doped with atoms from an element that has fewer electrons in its outer shell than the natural crystal37
14757320195RectifierA device or circuit commonly used to change ac voltage into dc voltage or as a solid state switch38
14757320196reverse biasA condition that exist when voltage is applied to a device in such a way that it causes the device to act as an insulator39
14757320197semiconductorNeither a good insulator or good conductor40
14757320198Silicone controlled rectifierA device used to convert ac voltage to dc voltage41
14757320199TriacA three terminal device used to control the average current flow to a load.42

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