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Element Flashcards

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138976523AluminumSymbol: Al Atomic Number: 13 Transition Metal Most abundant metal in the earth's crust Silver-white in color Strong- doesn't rust Used in planes, cars, and cans Aluminum foil
138976524ArsenicSymbol: As Atomic Number: 33 Metalloid Poisonous Used in insecticides and pesticides
138976525CalciumSymbol: Ca Atomic Number: 20 Alkaline earth metal soft and reactive essential for a healthy diet for strong bones and teeth Used to make cement and moter calcium carbonate, calcium phosphate, calcium citrate- calcium dietary supplements
138976526CarbonSymbol: C Atomic Number: 6 Non-Metal is part of all living things we are carbon-based graphite, diamonds, and coal are made of carbon
138976527ChlorineSymbol: Cl Atomic Number:17 Halogen Greenish-yellow gas Used in bleach and Pools as a disinfectant Component of table salt- Sodium Chloride
139479848CopperSymbol: Cu Atomic Number: 29 transition metal reddish, lustrous metal easily bendable used in wiring, plumbing, and money
139479849FluorineSymbol: F Atomic Number: 9 Halogen Gaseous nonmetal Highly reactive Used in toothpaste (sodium fluoride) and mamicipal water supplies to prevent tooth decay
139479850GoldSymbol: Au Atomic Number: 79 Yellow metal Nonreactive, Ductile, and malleable Used in jewelry
139479851HeliumSymbol: He Atomic Number: 2 Noble gas Colorless, Nonreactive Gas Product of the fusion of hydrogen atoms Used in blimps and balloons
139479852HydrogenSymbol: H Atomic Number: 1 Colorless, odorless, tasteless gas Lightest and abundant element on earth Used to be used in blimps Major component of water Highly combustible 92% of the sun
139479853IodineSymbol: I Atomic Number: 53 Halogen Solid Purple-Black Non-Metal Alcohol+Iodine= skin disinfectant Put in table salt to prevent goiters
139974998IronSymbol: Fe Atomic Number: 26 Transition metal Magnetic used for structural support in manufacturing main ingredient in steel
139974999LeadSymbol: Pb Atomic Number: 82 transition metal soft, dense metal used in batteries and bullets Toxic- paint, gasoline, plumbing
139975000MagnesiumSymbol: Mg Atomic Number: 12 Alkaile earth metal Reactive, silver metal used in milk of mag, Epsom salt, and fireworks
139975001MercurySymbol: Hg Atomic Number: 80 Transition metal Toxic, heavy metal "Quicksilver" b/c liquid at room temperature Used to be in thermometers
139975002NeonSymbol: Ne Atomic Number: 10 Noble gas Unreactive Burns Bright Reddish Orange Used in lights
139975003NickelSymbol: Ni Atomic Number: 28 Transition metal used in Alloys Used in money
139975004NitrogenSymbol: N Atomic Number: 7 Gaseous non-metal 78% of the earth's atmosphere Used in fertilizers- anhydrous ammonia and explosives- nitroglycerin
139975005OxygenSymbol: O Atomic Number: 8 Gaseous non-metal 21% of the earth's atmosphere Component of water Responsible for the bright red and yellow-green colors of the auroras
139975006PhosphorusSymbol: P Atomic Number: 15 Non- metal Never found in a free state Essential component in cell Used in fertilizers and soaps
139975007PotassiumSymbol: K Atomic Number: 19 Alkali metal Highly reactive metal Low Density Found in Fertilizers Obtained from bananas
139975008RadonSymbol: Rn Atomic Number: 86 Colorless, Orderless, Tasteless Noble Gas Health Risk if too much is inhaled - lung cancer radon detectors- highest
139975009SiliconSymbol: Si Atomic Number: 14 Most famous metalloid 2nd most abundant element in the earth's crust Makes up sand and quartz Used to make computer chips and abrasives
139975010SilverSymbol: Ag Atomic Number: 47 Transition metal best conductor of heat and electricity Vary rare Used in jewelry, money, and decorative items
139975011SulfurSymbol: S Atomic Number: 16 Yellow non- metal Acid rain Used to make match tips and gun powder Smells like rotten eggs
139975012SodiumSymbol: Na Atomic Number: 11 Alkali metal Highly reactive Rarely found as a pure element Table salt and baking soda
141352186TinSymbol: Sn Atomic Number: 50 Transition metal Used to make alloys Tin+Copper=Bronze Tin+Lead=Pewter
141352187TitaniumSymbol: Ti Atomic Number: 22 Transition metal Used in the medical field-plates and screws Present in Meteorites Strong a steel, but 45% lighter
141352188UraniumSymbol: U Atomic Number: 92 Transition metal Silver-White Radioactive Used as a fuel in nuclear power plants & atomic warhead
141352189ZincSymbol: Zn Atomic Number: 30 Transition metal Zinc+Copper=Brass

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