2715588988 | aura | a sensation experienced by a seizure patient right before the seizure, which might be a smell, sound, or general feeling | 0 | |
2715590573 | diabetes mellitus | also called "sugar diabetes" or just "diabetes"; the condition brought about by decreased insulin production or the inability of the body cells to use insulin properly. The person with this condition is called diabetic | 1 | |
2715674902 | diabete ketoacidosis | a condition that occurs as the result of high blood sugar, characterized by dehydration, altered mental status, and shock | 2 | |
2715704581 | epilepsy | a medical condition that causes seziures | 3 | |
2715705012 | generalized seizures | a seizure that affects both sides of the brain | 4 | |
2715730013 | glucose | a form of sugar, the body's basic source of energy. | 5 | |
2715730561 | hyperglycemia | high blood sugar | 6 | |
2722994762 | hypoglycemia | low blood sugar | 7 | |
2722994763 | insulin | a hormone produced by the pancreas or taken as a medication by many diabetics | 8 | |
2722995289 | partial seizure | a seizure that affects only one part or one side of the brain | 9 | |
2722995496 | postictal phase | the period of time immediately following a tonic clonic seizure in which the patient goes from full loss of consciousness to full mental status | 10 | |
2722996681 | reticular activating system | a series of neurologic circuts in the brain that control the functions of staying awake, paying attention, and sleeping | 11 | |
2722997190 | seizure | a sudden change in sensation, behavior, or movement. The most severe form of seizure produces violent muscle contractions called convulsions | 12 | |
2722997670 | sepsis | infection, especially a severe, system wide response to infection | 13 | |
2722997961 | status epilepticus | a prolonged seizure or situation when a person suffers two or more convulsive seizures without regaining full conciousness | 14 | |
2722998400 | stroke | a condition of altered function caused when an artery in the brain is blocked or ruptured, disrupting the supply of oxygenated blood or causing bleeding into the brain. Formally called a cerebrovascular accident (CVA) | 15 | |
2722999951 | syncope | fainting | 16 | |
2722999952 | tonic-clonic | a generalized seizure in which the patient loses consciousness and has jerking movements of paired muscle groups | 17 |
Emergency Care 13th Edition Chapter 19 Flashcards
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