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Emergency Care 13th Edition Chapter 6 Flashcards

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2663598209AcetabulumThe pelvic socket into which the ball at the proximal end of the femur fits to form the hip joint.0
2663600128Acromioclavicular JointThe joint where the acromion and the clavicle meet.1
2663603099Acromion ProcessThe highest portion of the shoulder2
2663603949AlveoliThe microscopic sacs of the lungs where gas exchange with the blood stream takes place.3
2663605436AnatomyThe study of body structure.4
2663606417AortaThe largest artery of the body. It transports blood from the left to the right ventricle to begin systemic circulation.5
2663607725AppendixA small tube located near the junction of the small and large intestines in the right lower quadrant of the abdomen, the function of which is not well understood.6
2663610067ArterioleThe smallest kind of artery.7
2663610953ArteryAny blood vessel carrying blood away from the heart.8
2663612603AtriaThe two upper chambers of the heart.9
2663613848AutomaticityThe ability of the heart to generate and conduct its own electrical impulses.10
2663615307Autonomic Nervous SystemThe division of the peripheral nervous system that controls involuntary motor functions.11
2663616139BladderThe round sac-like organ of the renal system used as a reservoir for urine.12
2663617167Blood PressureThe pressure caused by the blood exerting force against the walls of the blood vessels.13
2663619346Brachial ArteryArtery of the upper arm. The site of the pulse checked during infant CPR.14
2663621680BronchiThe two large sets of branches that come off the trachea and enter the lungs.15
2663623579CalcaneusThe heel bone.16
2663624154CapillaryA thin walled, microscopic blood vessel where the oxygen/carbon dioxide and nutrient/waste exchange with the body's cells take place.17
2663627223Cardiac Conduction SystemA system of specialized muscle tissues that conducts electrical impulses that stimulate the heart to beat.18
2663628589Cardiac MuscleSpecialized involuntary muscle found only in the heart.19
2663629570Cardiovascular SystemThe system made up of the heart and the blood vessels .20
2663630838Carotid arteriesLarge neck arteries, one on each side of the neck, that carry blood from the heart to the head.21
2663632367CarpalsThe wrist bones.22
2663632773Central Nervous SystemThe brain and the spinal cord.23
2663634311Central PulsesThe carotid and femoral pulses which can be felt in a central part of the body.24
2663635328ClavicleThe collarbone.25
2663636967Coronary arteriesBlood vessels which can be felt in the central part of the body.26
2663640178CraniumThe top, back, and sides of the skull.27
2663640628Cricoid cartilageThe ring-shaped structure that forms the lower portion of the larynx.28
2663642355DermisThe inner second later of skin, rich in blood vessels and nerves, found beneath the epidermis29
2663643683DiaphragmThe muscular structure that divides the chest cavity from the abdominal cavity. A major muscle of respiration.30
2663645349Diastolic blood pressureThe pressure in the arteries when the left ventricle is refilling.31
2663646461Digestive SystemSystem by which food travels through the body and is broken down into absorbable forms.32
2663648364Dorsalis pedis arteryArtery supplying the foot, lateral to the large tendon of the big toe.33
2663649119Endocrine systemSystem of glands that produce chemicals called hormones that help to regulate the many body activities and functions.34
2663655859EpidermisThe outer layer of the skin.35
2663656429EpiglottisA leaf shaped structure that prevents food and foreign matter from entering the trachea.36
2663658228EpinephrineA hormone produced by the body. As a medication it dilates respiratory passages and is used to relieve severe allergic reactions.37
2663659173ExhalationA passive process in which intercostal muscles and the diaphragm relax, causing the chest cavity to decrease in size forcing air out of the lungs.38
2663663400Femoral arteryThe major artery supplying the leg.39
2663664268FemurThe large bone of the thigh.40
2663664696FibulaThe lateral and smaller bone of the lower leg.41
2663666366GallbladderA sac on the underside of the liver that stores bile produced by the liver.42
2663667063HumerusThe bone of the upper arm, between the shoulder and the elbow.43
2663667558HypoprofusionThe inability of the body to adequately circulate blood to the body's cells to supply them with oxygen and nutrients. A life-threatening condition also known as shock.44
2663670456IliumThe superior and widest portion of the pelvis.45
2663672414InhalationAn active process in which the intercostal muscle and diaphragm contract, expanding the size of the chest cavity causing air to flow into the lungs.46
2663673471InsulinA hormone produced by the pancreas or taken as medication by many diabetics.47
2663675044Involuntary MuscleMuscle that responds automatically to the brain signals but can not be consciously controlled.48
2663675764IschiumThe lower, posterior portions of the pelvis.49
2663676439JointWhere two bones come together.50
2663676442KidneysOrgans of the renal system used to filter blood and regulate fluid levels in the body.51
2663677338Large intestineThe muscular tube that removes water from the waste products received from the small intestine and moves anything not absorbed by the body toward excretion52
2663686185LarynxThe voice box53
2663686435LigamentTissue that connects bone to bone54
2663686436LiverThe largest organ of the body, which produces bile to assist in the breakdown of fats and assists in the metabolism of various substances in the body.55
2663688392LungsThe organ where exchange of atmospheric oxygen and waste carbon dioxide take place56
2663692478Lymphatic systemThe system composed of organs, tissues, and vessels that help to maintain the fluid balance of the body and contribute to the body's immune system.57
2663694043MalleolusThe protrusion on the side of the ankle. This refers to both the lateral and medial versions.58
2663695262MandibleThe lower jaw-bone.59
2663695827ManubriumThe superior portion of the sternum.60
2663696201MaxillaeThe two fused bones forming the upper-jaw.61
2663696754MetacarpalsThe hand bones.62
2663697053MetatarsalsThe foot bones.63
2663697540MuscleTissue that can contract to allow movement.64
2663700826Musculoskeletal systemThe system of bones and skeletal muscles that support and protect the body and permit movement.65
2663703237Nasal bonesThe nose bones.66
2663703584NasopharynxThe area directly posterior to the nose.67
2663703988Nervous systemThe system of the brain, spinal cord, and nerves that govern sensation, movement, and thought.68
2663705360OrbitsThe bony structures around the eyes.69
2663712586OropharynxThe area directly posterior to the mouth.70
2663712956OvariesEgg-producing organs within the female reproductive system.71
2663713528PancreasA gland located behind the stomach that produces insulin and juices that assist in the digestion of food in the duodenum of the small intestine.72
2663717904PatellaThe kneecap73
2663717905PelvisThe basin-shapped bony structure that supports the spine and is the proximal attachment for the lower extremities.74
2663719912PenisThe organ of male reproduction responsible for sexual intercourse and the transfer of sperm.75
2663721195PerfusionThe supply of oxygen to and removal of wastes from the cells and tissues of the body as a result of the flow of blood through the capillaries.76
2663724960Peripheral Nervous SystemThe nerves that enter and leave the spinal cord and travel between he brain and organs without passing through the spinal cord.77
2663726336Peripheral PulsesThe radial, brachial, posterior tibal, and dorsalis pedis pulses, which can be felt at peripheral (outlying) points of the body.78
2663728497PhalangesThe toe bones and finger bones.79
2663728864PharynxThe area directly posterior to the mouth and nose.80
2663729876PhysiologyThe study of body function.81
2663730286PlasmaThe fluid portion of the blood.82
2663730540PlateletsComponents of the blood; membrane-enclosed fragments of specialized cells.83
2663731637Posterior Tibial ArteryArtery supplying the foot, behind the medial ankle.84
2663733338PubisThe medial anterior portion of the pelvis85
2663733670Pulmonary ArteriesThe vessels that carry deoxygenated blood from the right ventricle of the heart to the lungs.86
2663735086Pulmonary VeinsThe vessels that carry oxygenated blood from the lungs to the left atrium of the heart.87
2663736306PulseThe rhythmic beats caused as waves of blood move through and expand the arteries.88
2663737181Radial ArteryArtery of the lower arm; the artery felt when taking a pulse at the thumb side of the wrist.89
2663737773RadiusThe lateral bone of the forearm.90
2663738120Red Blood CellsComponents of the blood. They carry oxygen to and carbon dioxide away from the cells.91
2663739495Renal SystemThe body system that regulates fluid balance and the filtration of blood. Also called the urinary system.92
2663744096Reproductive SystemThe body system that is responsible for human reproduction.93
2663744818RespirationThe process of moving oxygen and carbon dioxide between circulating blood and the cells.94
2663746272Respiratory systemThe system of the nose, mouth, throat, lungs, and muscles that brings oxygen into the body and expels carbon dioxide.95
2663747005ScapulaThe shoulder blade.96
2663748606SkeletonThe bones of the body.97
2663748808SkinThe layer of tissue between the body and external environment.98
2663749340SkullThe bony structure of the head.99
2663749849Small IntestineThe muscular tube between the stomach and the large intestine, divided unto the duodenum, jejunum, and the ileum, which receives partially digested food from the stomach and continues digestion. Nutrients are absorbed by the body through its walls.100
2663752197SpleenAn organ located in the upper left quadrant of the abdomen that acts as a blood filtration system and a reservoir for reserves of blood.101
2663753340SternumThe breastbone102
2663753613StomachMuscular sac between the esophagus and the small intestine where digestion of food beings.103
2663754052Subcutaneous Layersthe layers of fat and soft tissues found below the dermis.104
2663755526Systolic Blood PressureThe pressure created in the arteries when the left ventricle contracts and forces blood out into circulation.105
2663757656TarsalsThe ankle bone.106
2663758202TendonTissue that connects muscle to bone.107
2663759594TestesThe male organs of the reproduction used for the production of sperm.108
2663760818ThoraxThe chest.109
2663760819Thyroid cartilageThe wing-shaped plate of cartilage that sits anterior to the larynx and forms the Adam's apple.110
2663762980TibiaThe medial and larger bone of the lower leg.111
2663763254TorsoThe trunk of the body.112
2663763527TracheaThe windpipe, the structure that connects the pharynx to the lungs.113
2663765130UlnaThe medial bone of the forearm.114
2663765501UretersThe tubes connecting the kidneys to the bladder.115
2663765644UrethraTube connecting the bladder to the vagina or penis for excretion of urine.116
2663766443UterusFemale organ of reproduction used to house the developing fetus.117
2663767767VaginaThe female organ of reproduction used for both sexual intercourse and as an exit from the uterus for the fetus.118
2663769381ValveA structure that opens and closes to permit the flow of a fluid in only one direction.119
2663770337VeinAny blood vessel returning to the heart.120
2663770820Venae CavaeSuperior and inferior, these two major veins return blood from the body to the right atrium.121
2663773563VentilationThe process of moving gases (oxygen and carbon dioxide) between inhaled air and the pulmonary circulation of blood.122
2663776360VentriclesThe two lower chambers of the heart.123
2663776512VenuleThe smallest kind of vein.124
2663777466VertebraeThe thirty-three bones of the spinal column.125
2663778287Voluntary MuscleMuscle that can be consciously controlled126
2663779307White Blood CellsComponents of blood. The produce substances which help fight infection.127
2663780366Xiphoid processThe inferior portion of the sternum.128
2663780669Zygomatic archesBones that form the structure of the cheeks.129

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