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Emergency Care 13th Edition Chapter 6 Flashcards

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4346864288Thyroid cartilageThe wing shaped plate of cartilage that sits anterior to the larynx and formd the Adams apple0
4346864289Musculoskeletal systemThe system of bones and skeletal muscles that support and protect the body and permit movement1
4346864290SkeletonThe bones of the body2
4346864291MuscleTissue that can contract and allow movement of a body part3
4346864292LigamentTissue that connects bones to bone4
4346864293TendonTissue that connects muscle to bone5
4346864294The three main functions of the Musculoskeletal systemTo give the body shape, to protect vital organs and provide for body movement6
4346864295SkullThe bony structure of the head7
4346864296CraniumThe top, back, and sides of the skull8
4346864297MandibleThe lower jaw bone9
4346864298MaxillaeThe two fused bones forming the upper jaw10
4346864299Nasal bonesThe nose bones11
4346864300OrbitsThe bony structures around the eyes; the eyesockets12
4346864301Zygomatic archesBones that form the structure of the cheeks13
4346864302VertebraeThe 33 bones of the spinal column14
4346864303Divisions of the spineThe spine is comprised of five regions, cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral, Coccyx15
4346864304Cervical sectionThe neck consisting of seven vertebrae16
4346864305Thoracic sectionThe thorax, ribs and upper back consisting of 12 vertebrae17
4346864306Lumbar sectionThe lower back consisting of five vertebrae18
4346864307Sacral sectionThe back wall of the pelvis consisting of five vertebrae19
4346864308Coccyx sectionTailbone consisting of four vertebrae20
4346864309ThoraxThe chest21
4346864310SternumThe breastbone22
4346864311ManubriumThe superior portion of the sternum23
4346864312Xiphoid processThe inferior portion of the sternum24
4346864313PelvisThe basin shaped bony structure that supports the spine and is the point of proximal attachment for the lower extremities25
4346864314IliumThe superior and why this portion of the pelvis26
4346864315IschiumThe lower, posterior portions of the pelvis27
4346864316PubisThe medial anterior portion of the pelvis28
4346864317AcetabulumThe pelvic socket into which the ball at the proximal end of the femur fits to form the hip joint29
4348192857Lower extremity bonesThe femur, patella, tibia, fibula, malleolus, tarsals, metatarsals, calcaneus and the flanges30
4348192858Upper extremity bonesThe clavicle, scapula, acromion process, acromioclavicular joint, humerus, the radius, ulna, carpals, and metacarpals31
4348192859FemurThe large bone of the thigh32
4348192860PatellaThe kneecap33
4348192861TibiaThe medial and larger bone of the lower leg34
4348192862FibulaThe lateral and smaller bone of the lower leg35
4348192863MalleolusThe protrusion on the side of the ankle. The lateral malleolus, at the lower end of the fibula, is seen on the outer ankle: the medial malleolus, at the lower end of the tibia, the scene on the inner ankle36
4348192864TarsalsThe ankle bones37
4348192865MetatarsalsThe foot bones38
4348192866CalcaneusThe heel bone39
4348192867PhalangesThe toe bones and finger bones40
4348192868ScapulaThe shoulder blade41
4348192869ClavicleThe collarbone42
4348192870Acromion processThe highest portion of the shoulder43
4348192871Acromioclavicular jointThe joint where the acromion and clavicle meet44
4348192872HumerusThe bone of the upper arm, between the shoulder and the elbow45
4348192873RadiusThe lateral bone of the forarm46
4348192874UlnaThe medial bone of the forearm47
4348192875CarpalsThe wrist bones48
4348192876MetacarpalsThe hand bones49
4348192877JointThe point where two bones come together50
4348192878The three types of musclesVoluntary muscle, involuntary muscle in the cardiac muscle51
4348192879Voluntary muscle (skeletal muscle)Muscle that can be consciously controlled52
4348192880Involuntary muscle (smooth muscle)Muscle that responds automatically to brain signals but cannot be consciously controlled53
4348192881Cardiac muscleSpecialized involuntary muscle found only in the heart54
4348192882AutomaticityThe ability of the heart to generate and conduct electrical impulses on its own55
4348192883Respiratory systemThe system of the nose, mouth, throat, lungs, and muscles that bring oxygen into the body and expels carbon dioxide. Also called the pulmonary system56
4348192884OropharynxThe area directly posterior to the mouth57
4348192885NasopharynxThe area directly posterior to the nose58
4348192886PharynxThe area directly posterior to the mouth and nose. It is made up of the oropharynx in the nasopharynx59
4348192887EpiglottisA leaf shaped structure that prevents food and foreign matter from entering the trachea60
4348192888LarynxThe voice box61
4348192889Cricoid cartilageThe ring shaped structure that forms the lower portion of the larynx62
4348192890TracheaThe structures that connect the pharynx to the lungs. Also called the windpipe63
4348192891LungsThe organs were exchange of atmospheric oxygen and waste carbon dioxide take place64
4348192892BronchiThe two large set of branches that come off the trachea and enter the lungs. There are right and left bronchi. Singular bronchus.65
4348192893AlveoliThe microscopic sacks of the Longs where gas exchange with the bloodstream takes place66
4348192894DiaphragmThe muscular structure that divides the chest cavity from the abdominal cavity. A major muscle of respiration67
4348192895InhalationAn active process in which the intercostal muscle and the diaphragm contracts, expanding the size of the chest cavity and causing air to flow into the lungs68
4348192896ExhalationA passive process in which the intercostal muscles in the diaphragm relax, causing the chest cavity to decrease in size and air to flow out of the lungs69
4348192897VentilationThe process of moving gases between the inhaled air in the pulmonary circulation of blood70
4348192898Respiration (cellular)The process of moving oxygen and carbon dioxide between circulating blood in the cells71
4348192899Cardiovascular systemThe system made up of the heart (cardio) and the blood vessels (vascular); the circulatory system72
4348192900AtriaThe upper chambers of the heart. There's a right atrium (which receives oxygenated blood returning from the body) and a left atrium (which receives oxygenated blood returning from the lungs).73
4348192901VentriclesThe two lower chambers of the heart. There's a right ventricle (which sends oxygen poor blood to the lungs ) and a left ventricle (which sends oxygen-rich blood to the body).74
4348192902Venae cavaeThe superior vena cava and the inferior vena cava. These two major veins return blood from the body to the right atrium. Singular vena cava75
4348192903ValveA structure that opens and closes to permit the flow of a fluid in only One Direction76
4348192904Cardiac conduction systemA system of specialized muscle tissues that conducts electrical impulses that stimulate the heart to beat77
4348192905ArteryAny blood vessel curing blood away from the heart78
4348192906Coronary arteriesBlood vessels that supply the muscle of the heart (myocardium).79
4348192907AortaThe largest artery in the body. It transports blood from the left ventricle to begin systemic circulation80
4348192908Pulmonary arteriesThe vessels that carry deoxygenated blood from the right ventricle of the heart to the lungs81
4348192909Carotid arteriesThe large neck arteries, one on each side of the neck, that carry blood from the heart to the head82
4348192910Femoral arteryThe major artery supplying the leg83
4348192911Brachial arteryArtery of the upper arm; the site of the pulse checked during infancy CPR84
4348192912Radial arteryThe artery of the lower arm: the artery felt when taking the pulse at the thumb side of the wrist85
4348192913Posterior tibial arteryArtery supplying the foot, behind the medial ankle86
4348192914Dorsalis pedis arteryArteries supplying the foot, lateral to the large tendon of the big toe.87
4348192915ArterioleThe smallest kind of artery88
4348192916CapillaryA thin walled, microscopic blood vessel where the oxygen/carbon dioxide and nutrient/waste exchange with the body's cells take place89
4348192917VenuleThe smallest kind of vein90
4348192918VeinAny blood vessel returning blood to the heart91
4348192919Pulmonary veinsThe vessels that carry oxygenated blood from the longs to the left atrium of the heart92
4348192920PlasmaThe fluid portion of the blood93
4348192921Red blood cellsComponents of the blood. They carry oxygen to and carbon dioxide away from the cells94
4348192922White blood cellsComponents of the blood. They produce substances that help the body fight infection95
4348192923PlateletsComponents of the blood; membrane enclosed fragments of specialized cells96
4348192924PulseThe rhythmic beats cost is way it's a blood moves through and expand the arteries97
4348192925Peripheral pulsesThe radial, brachial, posterior tibial, dorsalis pedis pulses, which can be felt at peripheral (out lying) points of the body98
4349472425Central pulsesThe carotid and femoral pulses, which can be felt in the central part of the body99
4349472426Blood pressureThe pressure caused by blood exerting force against the walls of blood vessels. Usually arterial blood pressure is measured. There are two parts: diastolic blood pressure and systolic blood pressure100
4349472427Systolic blood pressureThe pressure-treated in the arteries when the left ventricle contracts and forces blood out into circulation101
4349472428Diastolic blood pressureThe pressure in the arteries when the left ventricle is refilling102
4349472429PerfusionThe supply of oxygen and nutrients to and removal of waste from the cells and tissues of the body as a result of the flow of blood through the capillaries103
4349472430HypoperfusionInability of the body to adequately circulate blood to the body cells to supply them with the oxygen and nutrients. A life-threatening condition. Also called shock.104
4349472431Cardiopulmonary systemThe respiratory system and cardiovascular system working together105
4349472432Lymphatic systemThe system composed of organs, tissues, and vessels that help to maintain the fluid balance of the body and contribute to the body's immune system106
4349472433Nervous systemThe system of brain, spinal cord, and nerves that govern sensation, movement, and thought107
4349472434Central nervous systemThe brain and spinal cord108
4349472435Peripheral nervous systemThe nerves that enter and leave the spinal cord and travel between the brain and organs without passing through the spinal cord109
4349472436Autonomic nervous systemThe division of the peripheral nervous system that controls involuntary motor functions110
4349472437Digestive systemSystem by which food travels through the body and is digested, or broken down into absorbable forms111
4349472438StomachMuscular sac between the esophagus and the small intestine where digestion of food begins112
4349472439Small intestineThe muscular tube between the stomach and the large intestine, divided into the duodenum, the jejunum, and the ileum, which receives partially digested food from the stomach and continues digestion. Nutrients are absorbed by the body through its walls113
4349472440Large intestineThe muscular tube that removes water from waste products received from the small intestine and moves anything not absorbed by the body toward excretion from the body114
4349472441LiverThe largest organ of the body, which produces bile to assist in breakdown of fats and assists in the metabolism of various substances in the body115
4349472442GallbladderA sack on the underside of the liver that stores bile produced by the liver116
4349472443PancreasA gland located behind the stomach that produces insulin and juices that assist in digestion of food in the duodenum of the small intestine117
4349472444SpleenAnd organ located in the left upper quadrant of the abdomen the acts as a blood filtrate Chin system and a reservoir for reserves of blood118
4349472445AppendixIt's small tube located near the junction of the small and large intestines in the right lower quadrant of the abdomen, the function of which is not well understood. It's inflammation, called appendicitis, is a common cause of abdominal pain119
4349472446SkinThe layer of tissue between the body and the external environment120
4349616105Functions of the skinProtection, water balance, temperature regulation, excretion, and shock (impact) absorption121
4349472447EpidermisThe outer layer of skin122
4349472448DermisThe inner layer of skin, Rich and blood vessels and nerves, found beneath the epidermis123
4349472449Subcuntaneous layersThe layers of fat and soft tissue found below the dermis124
4349472450Endocrine systemSystem of glands that produce chemicals called hormones that help to regulate many body activities and functions125
4349472451InsulinThe hormone produced by the pancreas or taken as a medication by many diabetics126
4349472452EpinephrineA hormone produced by the body. As a medication, it dilates respiratory passages and is used to relieve severe allergic reactions127
4349593062Renal systemThe body system that regulates fluid balance and the filtration of blood. Also called the urinary system128
4349593063KidneysOrgans of the renal system used to filter blood and regulate fluid levels in the body129
4349593064BlatterThe round saclike organ of the renal system used as a reservoir for urine130
4349593065UretersThe tubes connecting the kidneys to the bladder131
4349593066UrethraTube connecting the bladder to the vagina or penis for excretion of urine132
4349593067Reproductive systemThe buddy system that is responsible for human reproduction133
4349593068TestesThe mail organs of reproduction used for the production of sperm134
4349593069PenisThe organ of mail reproduction responsible for sexual intercourse and the transfer of sperm135
4349593070OvariesBig producing organs within the female reproductive system136
4349593071UterusFemale organ of reproduction used to house the developing fetus137
4349593072VaginaThe female organ of reproduction used for both sexual intercourse and as an exit from the uterus for the fetus138
4374449929Structures of the muscularskeletal systemBones, joints, muscles139
4374449930Structures of the respiratory systemNasal cavity, pharynx, larynx trachea, bronchial tubes tubes and lungs140
4374449931Structures of the cardiovascular systemHeart, arteries, veins141
4374449932Structures of the bloodPlasma, red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets142
4374449933Structures of the lymphatic systemTonsils and adenoids, thymus gland, spleen, lymph nodes, lymphatic vessels143
4374449934Structures of the nervous systemBrain, spinal cord, nerves144
4374449935Structures of the digestive systemOral cavity, Pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine (colon) liver, gallbladder, pancreas145
4374449936Structures of the integumentary systemSkin, hair, nails, sweat glands146
4374449937Structures of the endocrine systemPituitary gland, pineal gland, thyroid gland, parathyroid glands, thymus gland, adrenal gland's, pancreas, testes, ovaries147
4374449938Structures of the renal and urinary systemKidneys, ureters, urinary bladder, urethra148
4374449939Structures of the male reproductive systemTestes, epididymis, vas deferens, penis, seminal vesicles, prostate gland149
4374449940Structures of the female reproductive systemOvaries, fallopian tubes, uterus, vagina, Volva, breasts150
4384285760Which is the principle organ of the renal system? A) Kidney B) Bladder C) Ureter D) UrethraA) Kidney151
4384299410What type of muscles control the size of the bronchioles in the lungs? A) Striated B) Skeletal C) Voluntary D) SmoothD) Smooth152
4384316229Which of the following BEST describes the medical condition of shock? A) An extreme emotional reaction to a stressful event B) Hypotension C) A state of inadequate tissue perfusion D) Delayed capilary refillB) Hypotension153
4384329822Which glands produce the oil that collects on the surface of the skin? A) Epilthelial B) Adipose C) Sebaceous D) Meissner'sC) Sebaceous154
4384347662The movement of oxygen into the cells, coupled with the removal of waste products, is refered to as: A) Ventilation B) Osmosis C) Diffusion D) PerfusionD) Perfusion155
4384356997Oxygen aids in converting glucose into: A) ADP B) AMP C) ATP D) ACLC) ATP156
4384374103If oxygen is not present in sufficient supply, the body will shift to: A) Anaerobic metabolism B) Aerobic metabolism C) mitochondrial metabolism D) differential metabolismA) Anaerobic metabolism157
4384391645A condition that reduces the number of oxygen-carrying red blood cells is: A) Leukopenia B) Erythropoiesis C) Anemia D) PolycythemiaC) Anemia158
4384437879Which of the following characteristics of the pediatric airway makes children more susceptible to airway obstruction? A) Proportionally larger tounge B) Faster metobolic rate C) Cricoid ring that is smaller in size than the glottis opening D) A faster rate of consumption of oxygen than in the adultA) Proportinally larger tounge159
4384481568Compared to adults, which of the following is TRUE about the respiratory system in children? A) The child's trachea is wider and less easily obstructed B) The child's trachea is more ridgid and longer C) The child's tounge takes up proportionally more space in the pharynx D) The child's tounge takes up proportionally less space in teh pharynxC) The child's tounge takes up proportionally more space in the pharynx160
4384520631Why is it critical to manage swelling of the pediatric patient's airway? A) Because the rigidity of the pediatric patient's airway B) Becasue of the small diameter of the pediatric airway C) Because of the reduced oxygen demand in children D) Because the child's tounge is unlikely to cuase an airway obstructionB) Becasue of the small diameter of the pediatric airway161
4384541267Oxygen-poor blood is pumped to the lungs from the right ventricle into the: A) Aorta B) Vena cava C) Pulmonary artery D) Pulmonary veinC) Pulmonary artery162
4384558109Between the right atrium and right ventricle is the: A) Tricuspid valve B) Mitral valve C) Pulmonary valve D) Aortic archA) Tricuspid valve163
4384573979The blood supply for the heart itself is provided by the: A) cardiac arteries B) carotid arteries C) pulmonary arteries D) coronary arteriesD) coronary arteries164
4384588863The right atrium pumps blood to the: A) right ventricle B) left atrium C) left vetricle D) pulmonary valveA) right ventricle165
4384605672The airway structure that leads from the trachea to the lungs is: A) larynx B) alveoli C) mainstem bronchus D) carinaC) mainstem bronchus166
4384620941The structure that contains the vocal cords is called the: A) epiglottis B) oropharynx C) pharynx D) larynxD) larynx167
4384632113How many vertebrae make up the lumbar spine? A) 5 B) 12 C) 7 D) 4A) 5168
4384645480The bones that form the structure of the cheeks are the: A) maxillae B) orbital bones C) manubrium D) zygomatic archesD) zygomatic arches169
4384665939Which bones have the same name in the upper extremities as they do in the lower extremities? A) The phalanges B) The metatarsals C) The metacarpasl D) The tarsalsA) The phalanges170
4384678729The tube through which urine passes to be eliminated from the body is the: A) calyx B) ureter C) urethra D) loop of HenleC) urethra171
4384693241The MOST superficial layer of skin is the: A) subcutaneous layer B) dermis C) epidermis D) cutaneous layerC) epidermis172
4384703543Blood returns to the heart from the lungs by way of the: A) aorta B) pulmonary vein C) vena cava D) right heartB) pulmonary vein173
4384717113At the base of the aortic artery, where it originates from the left ventricle, is the: A) tricuspid valve B) aortic valve C) pulmonary valve D) mitral valveB) aortic valve174
4384732419At the base of the pulmonary artery in teh right ventricle is the: A) tricuspid valve B) pulmonary valve C) aortic valve D) mitral valveB) pulmonary valve175
4384745949The lower part of the heart is called the: A) myocardium B) apex C) tip D) septumB) apex176
4384763763Which of the following cardiovascular structures carries deoxygenated blood? A) Pulmonary artery B) Subclavian artery C) Innominate artery D) Aortic arteryA) Pulmonary artery177
4384774721The trachea is part of the: A) Alveoli B) esophagus C) upper airway D) lower airwayD) lower airway178
4384783691What is the name of the large thigh bone? A) Tibia B) Fibula C) Acetabulum D) FemurD) Femur179
4384804985Urine is transported to the bladder by the: A) fallopian tube B) kidney C) ureter D) UrehtraC) ureter180
4384817299The pulmonary veins are the only veins that carry: A) oxygen-poor blood B) capillary blood C) oxygen-rich blood D) cardiac bloodC) oxygen-rich blood181
4384830064Deoxygenated blood FIRST enters the heart's: A) right ventricle B) right atrium C) left ventricle D) left atriumB) right atrium182
4384840290The upper chambers of the heart are known as the: A) sinus nodes B) ventricles C) septum D) atriaD) atria183
4384854207The tube tha carries inhaled air from the larynx down to the lungs is the: A) esophagus B) epiglottis C) bronchus D) tracheaD) trachea184
4384870384The occipital, parietal, temporal, and frontal bones are all parts of the: A) spinal column B) abdomen C) cranium D) rib cageC) cranium185
4384887459The cervial spine is form by: A) the first seven vertebrae B) five fused vertebrae at the pelvis C) five vertebrae in the lower back D) twelve vertebrae inferior to the neckA) the first seven vertebrae186
4384902025Which of the following is part of the cranium? A) Occiput B) Ischium C) Olecranon D) PatellaA) Occiput187
4384927884Which of the following is TRUE about inhalation? A) During inhalation, teh ribs move downward and inward, causing air to flow into the lungs B) The intercostal muscles relax, causing air to move into the lungs C) The diaphram contracts, bringing air into the lungs D) Muscles in the lungs cause them to expand and take in airC) The diaphram contracts, bringing air into the lungs188
4384943885The fight-or-flight response is generally tied to the: A) voluntary nervous system B) parasympathetic nervous system C) sympathetic nervous system D) endocrine systemC) sympathetic nervous system189
4384955704Which of the following gland of the endocrine system is specific to the male? A) Pineal gland B) Testes C) Ovaries D) Thyroid glandB) Testes190
4384974897Which of the following occurs in response to an increase in parasympathetic nervous system simulation? A) Increased heart rate B) Decreased digestion mobility C) Slowing of the heart rate D) Diminished salivation rateC) Slowing of the heart rate191
4385035771Red blood cells: A) are essential to the formation of blood clots, which are necessary to stop bleeding B) are part of the body's immune system C) help defend against infection D) carry oxygen to cells and carbon dioxide away from cellsD) carry oxygen to cells and carbon dioxide away from cells192
4385050117What are the vessels that surround the alveoli in the lungs called? A) Arteries B) Capilaries C) Veins D) AxonsB) Capilaries193
4385057199How many layers does the skin have? A) Two B) Five C) Four D) ThreeD) Three194
4385115039Which of the following occurs during normal expiration? A) The intercostal muscles contract, and the diaphram relax B) The intercostal muscles and diaphram contract C) The intercostal muscles relax, and the diaphram contracts D) The intercostal muscles and the diaphram relaxD) The intercostal muscles and the diaphram relax195
4385129721The system primarily responsible for ventilation is the: A) pulmonary system B) renal system C) cardiovacular system D) endocrine systemA) pulmonary system196
4385146523What organ of the body is responsible for filtering out substances in the bloodstream such as urea? A) Kidney B) Ureter C) Urethra D) BladderA) Kidney197
4385202743You are caring for a patient who was involved in a farming accident in which he was exposed to insecticides used on vegetables. You contact poison control center, which advises you the checmical will have significant parasympathetic effects on teh body. Which of the following clinical manifestations would you expect? A) The patient may experience significant hypertension B) The patient may experience excessive hyperglycemia C) The patient may experience significant hypotension D) The patient may experience heightened sensitivityC) The patient may experience significant hypotension198
4385221456What effect does an increase in parasympathetic stimulus have on the cardiovascular system? A) Slowing of the heart rate B) Stronger contraction of the heart muscle C) Increased heart rate D) Faster blood flowA) Slowing of the heart rate199
4385232574Which of the following is part of teh female reproductive system? A) Vas deferens B) Urethra C) Fallopian tubes D) TestesC) Fallopian tubes200
4385243845The tonsils, thymus, and spleen are components of the: A) integumentary system B) digestive system C) lymphatic system D) nervous systemC) lymphatic system201
4385256095The ribs move downward and inward and the diaphram rises during: A) inhalation B) exhalation C) agonal gasps D) inspirationB) exhalation202
4385276625What occurs when the autonomic nervous system is stimulated by stressors, resulting in a fight-or-flight reaction? A) Pupils constrict B) Bronchioles constrict C) Heart rate decreases D) Peripheral blood vessels constrictD) Peripheral blood vessels constrict203
4385290280Which vessels transport blood from the tissues back to the heart? A) Arteries B) Veins C) Nodes D) CapillariesB) Veins204
4385308714Which of the following causes inhalation? A) Diaphram rises and the ribs move upward and outward B) Intercostal muscles and the diaphragm contract C) Diaphram rises and teh ribs move downward and inward D) Intercostal muscles and teh diaphram relaxB) Intercostal muscles and the diaphragm contract205
4385319804Which types of muscle allows for movement such as running or throwing a baseball? A) Involuntary B) Nonstriated C) Red D) VoluntaryD) Voluntary206
4385351044Which division of the nervous system carries sensory information to the spinal cord and motor information away from the spinal cord? A) Epidural nervous system B) Peripheral nervous system C) Central nervous system D) Distal nervous systemB) Peripheral nervous system207
4385369606The skeletal system protects the internal organs and provides the ability to: A) increase blood pressure B) stand erect C) ventilate during sleep D) regulate sleep cyclesB) stand erect208
4385380544Which of the followig glands secrete epinephrine into the blood stream? A) Pineal B) Adrenal C) Pituitary D) ThyroidB) Adrenal209
4385395974Which of the following glands of the endocrine system is specific to the female A) Testes B) Thyroid C) Ovaries D) PinealC) Ovaries210
4385423960Which layer of skin contains the MOST glands, nerves, and blood vessels? A) Dermal layer B) Keratinized layer C) Epidermal layer D) Subcutaneous layerA) Dermal layer211
4385434857Bile is created in which organ of the digestive system? A) Gallblader B) Spleen C) Liver D) Small intestineC) Liver212
4385451827What two divisions of the nervous system help to control the size of teh blood vessels? A) Voluntary and cerebellar B) Parasympathetic and sympathetic C) Sympathetic and antisympathetic D) Autonomic and voluntaryB) Parasympathetic and sympathetic213
4385465758The brachial arteries supply blood to the: A) legs B) kidneys C) arms D) skullC) arms214
4385469382What is an exmaple of the ball-and-socket joint? A) Knee B) Elbow C) Hip D) AnkleC) Hip215
4385491966Functions of teh skeletal system include: A) carrying sensory information to and from the brain B) protecting the body from the environment and foreign organisms C) filtering and excreting wastes D) allowing for movementD) allowing for movement216
4385501304Components of the male reproductive system include: A) ovaries B) urethra C) fallopian tubes D) TestesD) Testes217
4385511236The kidneys and vital components of the: A) endocrine system B) digestive system C) urinary system D) reproductive systemC) urinary system218
4385539471The thyroid gland, adrenal glands, and gonads are part of the: A) urinary system B) reproductive system C) endocrine system D) digestive systemC) endocrine system219
4385564757An insufficient supply of oxygen to the cells and inadequate elimination of carbon dioxide and wastes from cells result in a condition known as: A) hypotension B) hypovolemia C) hyperfusion D) hypofusionD) hypofusion220
4385582089The cricoid cartilage is: A) an airway structure B) a cardiac structure C) a thoracic structure D) an abdominal structureA) an airway structure221
4385622497The set of neural tracts in the brain that must be functioning to allow consciousness to occur is know as the: A) hypothalamus B) cranial nerve C) reticular activating system D) somatic nervesC) reticular activating system222
4385636922The only completely circular cartilaginous ring of the airway is the: A) meniscal cartilage B) thyroid cartilage C) laryngeal cartilage D) cricoid cartilageD) cricoid cartilage223
4385651988Automaticity, the ability to generate an impulse on its own, is a property of: A) involuntary muscle B) cardiac muscle C) skeletal muscle D) smooth muscleB) cardiac muscle224

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