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EMT Emergency Care 13th edition Chapter 4 Flashcards

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5839242611designated agentan EMT or other person authorized by a Medical Director to give medications and provide emergency care0
5839242612Off-line medical directionconsists of standing orders issued by Medical Direcctor that allows EMT s to give certain medications or perform certain procedures without speaking to Medical Director or another physician1
5839242613On-line medical directionorders from the on-duty physician given directly to an EMT in the field by radio or telephone2
5839242614911 systema system for telephone access to report emergencies3
5839242615Medical Directionoversight of the patient care aspects of an EMS system by the Medical Director4
5839242616Medical Directora physician who assumes the ultimate responsibility for the patient-care aspects of the EMS system5
5839242617Quality ImprovementA process of continuous self-review with the purpose of identifying and correcting aspects of the system that requires improvement.6
5839242618Protocolslist of steps, such as assessment and interventions, to be taken in different situations7
5839242619Standing Ordera policy or protocol issued by a Medical Director that authorizes EMTs and others to perform particular skills in certain situations8
5839242620Evidence Baseddescription of medical techniques or practices that are supported by scientific evidence of their safety and efficacy rather than merely supposition and tradition9
5839242621Patient outcomesthe long-term survival of pateints10
5839242622the earliest documented emergency med. service was in:France, 1790's11
5839242623In 1966 the_________ charged the United States __________ with developing the EMS standards and helping the states to upgrade the quality of their pre-hospital emergency careNational Highway Safety Act; Department of Transportation12
58392426243 major components of Nat. Highway Traffic Safety Administration's EMS system assessment standardstransportation, communications, evaluation13
5839242625US department of transportation provides for national levels of EMS training in all of the following(not advanced first aid) advanced EMT, emergency medical responder, paramedic14
5839242626The major emphasis of EMT education deals with _________ of the ill or injured patient in the pre-hospital settingbasic assessment and care15
5839242627patient care provided by the EMT should be:based on assessment findings16
5839242628an example of ensuring continuity in during the transfer of care of the patient would be:providing pertinent information to hospital staff17
5839242629patient advocacy isspeaking up for your patient18
5839242630Good personality traits are very important to the EMT. You should be:pleasant, cooperative, resourceful, neat/clean, leader, controlled19
5839242631AN EMT who is not in control of personal habits might:contaminate patient's wounds, render improper care, make inappropriate decisions20
5839242632to prevent violating patient confidentiality, the EMT shouldavoid inappropriate conversation with others21
5839242633AN EMT may maintain up-to-date knowledge and skills through continuing educations such as:attending EMS conferences22
5839242634A process of continuous self review of all aspects of an EMS system for the purpose of identifying and correcting aspects of the system that require improvement is called:quality improvement23
5839242635obtaining feedback from patients and hospital staff is a means ofproviding quality improvement24
5839242636Every EMS system should have aMedical DirectorI25
5839242637It is important that each EMT know his or her Med. Director. AN EMT is operating as the Medical Director'sdesignated agent26
5839242638difference between on=line and off-line medical direction is thaton line orders are given by the on-duty physician, usually over radio/phone27
5839242639an example of medication carried by EMTs that may require a physician consultation to administer is:Aspirin28
5839242640AS a new EMT, you will witness many changes in the EMS system and patient care, moving from practices that have been based on _______ to those based on ______tradition; research29
5839242641THe EMT has many jobs to do . It is resp. of EMT to treat patientsin a nonjudgmental and fair manner30
5839242642categories/standards of an EMS system established by the National HIghway Traffic Safety Administrationregulation and policy, resource management, human resources and training, trauma systems, public information and education, communications, transportation, facilities, evaluation, med. direction31
58392426436 types specialty hospitals are:trauma centers, burns c., cardiac c., poison control c., stroke centers, pediatric centers32
58392426444 levels EMS certification:emergency medical responder, EMT, Advanced EMT, PAramedic33
5839242645Specific areas of responsibility for EMT:personal safety, safety of crew, patient, & bystanders, patient assessment, lifting and moving, transport, transfer of care, patient advocacy34

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