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Endocrine Flashcards

USCPA, TIM1, Endocrine, Maldanado

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18267909013 main hormones associated w ParathyroidCalcitonin Phosphate PTH0
1826790902# of Parathyroid glandsAvg 4 but varies (may have none if thyroidectomy)1
1826790903Ideal ratio between osteoblasts and osteoclasts1:12
1826790904Aids in calcium aborption in the GutVitamin D3
1826790905What triggers release of Parathyroid hormone?Low Serum Ca++4
1826790906Describe the pathway that happens when PTH is releasedBone: KD: Gut:5
1826790907Function of PTH on Boneincrease the net release of skeletal calcium along w VitD6
1826790908Function of PTH on the KDsstimulate calcium reabsorption and synthesis of Vit D which stimulation GI absorption7
1826790909Hi Calcium Lo PTHR/O malignancy8
1826790910Hi Calcium HI PTHHyperparathyroidism9
1826790911Low Calcium Low PTH Hi Serum Phosphate Normal Alk Phos*Hypoparathyroid10
1826790912MCC HypoparathyroidismThyroidectomy11
1826790913Chvostek's Sign Trousseau's Phenomenon Increased DTRHypoparathyroidism12
1826790914Tx for HypoParathyroid when acute tetany attackProtect Airway IV Calcium Gloconate13
1826790915Very Hi PTH Lo Calcium Hi Serum PhosphatePseudohypoparathyroidism (rare hereditary, seen in kids) (Hi PTH bc it is trying to get noticed by receptor but receptor is not working)14
1826790916Renal resistance to PTHPseudohypoparathyroidism (MC Kids Hi PTH Lo Ca)15
1826790951Mental Retardation Brachydactyly of 4th metacarpal Short staturePseudohypoparathyroidism (Renal resistance to PTH)16
1826790917Pseudohypoparathyroidism TreatmentCalcium + Vit D17
1826790918MCC HypercalcemiaPrimary Hyperparathyroidism *18
1826790919Hi PTH Hi Ca++Hyperparathyroidism19
1826790920Woman age 25 presents w Hyperparathyroidism what is she at a greater risk formultiglandular dz20
1826790921Hyperparathyroidism may be linked to which drugsThiazides Lithium21
1826790922MC Etiology of HyperparathyroidismSolitary adenoma22
1826790923Diminished DTRs Muscle WeaknessHyperparathyroidism (R/O Hypothyroid)23
1826790924Ssx of Severe HyperparathyroidismPainful BONES Renal STONE Ab GROANS Psychic MOANS Fatigue OVERTONES (send to ER)24
1826790925Hallmark is hypercalcemiaHyperparathyroidism (bones, groans, stones, moans...)25
1826790926Confirmation test for HyperparathyroidismHi PTH w IRMA Assay26
1826790927Indication of medical monitoring for HyperparathyroidismMild Serum Ca elevation Mild/Asymptomatic No previous life threatening hypercalcemia Normal Renal and Bone scans27
1826790928Counseling points for Pts being monitored for HyperparathyroidismKeep active avoid immobilization Drink lots of fluids (flush KD avoid stones) Avoid thiazides diuretics, Large doses of Vit A and calcium containing antacids28
1826790929Indications for surgical tx of HyperparathyroidismMarkedly elevated Serum Ca (>10) w ssx Life threatening hypercalcemic episode KD stone, Bone Dz, Pregnancy Markedly hi 24 hr urine ca levels Reduced Bone mass <50-60 years old Pts whom medical surveillance is not suitable29
1826790930MCC Secondary HyperparathyroidismChronic Kd Dz30
1826790931Low Vit D Lo Serum Ca Hi PTH2nd Hyperparathyroidism dt chronic kd dz31
1826790932T Sc0re -1 to -2.5Osteopenia32
1826790933T Score < -2.5Osteoporosis33
1826790934matrix intact mineralization decreasedOsteomalacia34
1826790935MC metabolic bone disorderOsteoporosis (F post menopause)35
1826790936Rate of bone resorption is greater than rate of bone formationOsteoporosis36
1826790937Loss of travecular bone is greater than loss of compact boneosteoporosis37
1826790938Most common fractures associated w osteoporosisCrush/Compression fracture of vert Femoral neck fracture aka hip Distal Radius38
1826790939MCC of osteoporosisAging Hi Corticosteroid ETOH, Smoking Sex Hormone xu39
1826790940Spontaneous fractureosteoporosis40
1826790941Loss of heightOsteoporosis41
1826790942Diagnostic tests fo osteoporosisVit D * (<20ng/mL) DXA Scan42
1826790943Elevated Alkaline PhosMalignancy Fracture Osteomalacia (Hi), Paget's (very Hi)43
1826790944Ways to prevent OsteoporosisWeight bearing exercise Adequate diet Avoid smoking Avoid Alcohol44
1826790945Population that should receive routine DXA scanPostmenopausal45
1826790946DXA scan predictsFracture risk46
1826790947Normal and pathological limits of T ScoreWNL: > -1 -1 to -2.5 = osteopenia <-2.5 osteoporosis if fraacture present = severe osteoporosis47
1826790948Treatment of osteoporosisBisphonsphonates Vit D** Calcium if diet is inadequate HRT/Reloxifen48
1826790949osteonecrosis of jaw esophagitis/cancer femur fx, AfibRisk of Bisphonsphonates *49
1826790950RicketsOsteomalacia in children (tx Vitamin D)50
1827480890inadequate calcium or phosphate mineralization of bone osteoidOsteomalacia51
1827480965MCC OsteomalaciaVit D deficiency52
1827480891pain and weakness around pelvic girdleOsteomalacia53
1827480892Other ssx seen in children w ricketsHt failure laryngospasm bone deformaty dental problems54
1827480893Loq Vit D Hi Alk Phos Ca/Phos WNLOsteomalacia55
1827480894T/F Osteomalacia and Osteoporosis often coexistTRUE56
1827480895Looser's ZonesOsteomalacia - pseudofractures57
1827480896Milkman FracturesOsteomalacia - pseudofracture58
1827480897Counseling for Pt at risk or w OsteomalaciaAdequate Vit D Adequate sun (15 min without sunscreen 2x weekly) Salmon, Cod Liver oil, Milk Patient on anti-convulsants/antiepileptic must take supplements59
1827480966Hi Rate of bone turnover and disorganized osteoid formationPaget Dz of Bone60
1827480898Hi Alk Phos Hi C-TelopeptidePaget Dz61
1827480899Bone pain is 1st ssxPaget's Dz62
1827480900Chalkstick fracturesPaget Dz63
1827480901Bones most frequently involved w Paget's DzSkull - Femur Tibia Pelvis Humerus64
1827480902Pt reports increased Hat Size. What is your ddx?Paget's - Hi Alk Phos Acromegaly - xs GH65
1827480903Cyclinc use of Bisphosphates is treatment forPaget's Dz66
1827480904MC Thyroid CancerPapillary (aggressive, small amount of I Uptake)67
1827480905Hi Blood Sugar Central Obesity Lo HDL Hi TriglyceridesMetabolic Syndrome68
1827480906Inadequate or Deficiency of insulin secretionType 1 DM69
1827480967Pancreas makes little to no insulinType 1 DM70
1827480907Prone to DKAType 1 DM71
1827480908Destruction of Beta CellsType 1 DM72
1827480909Classic presentation of DM2new onset hyperglycemia without acidosis73
1827480910Hyperglycemia and ketoacidosisDKA74
1827480911Polyura, polydipsia, polyphagia + weight loss, fatigueNew Onset DM1 (generally younger pt)75
1827480912DM DxFasting Glucose >126 Random Glucose >200 w sx LYTES (CMP) UA: Glucose/ketones HbA1C *** dx diabetes >6.5 Islet Ab - Type 1 Specific HLA Typing - Type 1 Specific CBC76
1827480913Insulin TherapyTx Type1 DM77
1827480914Complications of HyperglycemiaAtherosclerosis Neuropathy* (microfilament) Nephropathy Retinopathy78
1827480915Non ketotic hyperglycemiaDM279
1827480916Impairment of insulin secretionDM2 (Not keeping up w demands)80
1827480917Complications of DM2Blindness Renal Failure Neuropathy, Lower Limb Amputation MI, Stroke81
1827480918Pima IndiansHighest Risk of DM282
1827480919Risk Factors for DM2FHx, Ethnicity Obesity * (BMI >30), Impaired fasting glucose Lo HDL, HI TG PCOS Vascular Dz83
1827480920#1 test for diabetesHbA1C (Glucose tolerance test if pregnant)84
1827480921Yeast infections/Balanitis ingrown toenails, recurrent skin infectionsDM285
1827480922Female pt w history of preeclampsia - what might you want to checkBlood Sugar86
1827480923Acanthosis NigricansDM287
1827480924First line tx for DM2TLC**88
1827480925Treatment of DM2TLC** Monotherapy (metformin) Combo Therapy (oral) Combo Therapy (oral w insulin)89
1827480926Labs Values for DMFasting glucose >126 Random glucose >200 HbA1C >6.590
1827480927DOC DM2Metformin91
1827480928Drug that is not for patients w baseline Kd DzMetformin Can cause lactic acidosis Baseline CMP92
1827480929DM2 that does not cause hypoglycemiaMetformin93
1827480930DM2 PO drugs w high risk of hypoglycemiaSFUs:Glyburide, Glipizide, Glimepiride* Metglitinides Alpha Glucosidase Inhib SLGT2 Inhib?94
1827480931Avoid w Sulfa AllergySFUs: Glyburide, Glipizide Glimepiride (okay..pride)95
1827480932When is insulin tx givenDM1 DM2 - poorly controlled and unable to reduce A1C <1096
1827480933Somogyi Effectpre-breakfast hyperglycemia recommend: eat something before bed (3 snacks, 3 meals) (nocturnal hypoglycemia ---> counter regulatory hormone)97
1827480934How do you reduce risk of macrovascular dz in pt w DM2Smoking cessation Aspirin BP Control98
1827480935Prevention of Nephropathy in DM2Yearly Microalbuminuria Preventive ACE Inhibitors/ARBs (-pril)99
1827480936DKA LabsGlucose >250 mg/dl Ketosis pH <7.3 Bicarb <15 mEq/L MEDICAL EMERGENCY100
1827480937Low Insulin Hi GlucagonDKA101
1827480938Fruity BreathSevere DKA102
1827480939Kussmaul's BreathingSevere DKA (deep and rapid breathing)103
1827480940End stage risk of DKAMental Stupor Coma104
1827480941Serum Ketosis Urine Ketosis Glycosuria +4DKA105
1827480942First Step in treating DKAInsulin* and Fluid Replacement106
1827480943Severe Hyperglycemia No Ketosis DehydrationHyperglycemic Hyperosmolar State (HONK)107
1827480944#1 tx for HONKFluids108
18274809452nd MC form of Hyperglycemic ComaHONK (usually DM2 w underlying CHF, CKD)109
1827480946Which has better prognosis HONK or DKADKA (HONK 10x more fatal)110
1827480947DM2 patient w reduced fluid intake - what is the riskHONK111
1827480948HHONK LabsGlucose >600-2400 mg/dl Hi Serum Osmolty >310mos Normal Anion Gap UA w 4+ Glucose Lo Serum Na+112
1827480949Reasons for Acidosis w Anion GapMUDPILES Methanol Uremic DKA Propylene Glycol Isoniazide Lactic acid Ethanol Salycylates113
1827480950Risk of patient on Metformin w renal failureLactic Acidosis114
1827480951Rapid onset HyperventilationLactic Acidosis115
1827480952Labs for Lactic AcidosisHi Anion Gap >15 Hi Serum Lactate >5 Lo pH, Lo Bicarb No ketones116
1827480953First line tx for Lactic AcidosisAdequate O2 Vascular Perfusion of tissues Hemodialysis Abx to treat underlying infection117
1827480954Prognosis Lactic acidosisHi mortality118
1827480955Tx for Lactic acidosis in cases of metforminHemodialysis*, Ensure O2 perfusion, IV Bicarb, Abx for sepsis119
1827480956Leading limiting factor in glycemic management of DMHypoglycemia (aka insulin reaction)120
1827480957Risk factors for HypoglycemiaSleep Illness, stress* >5 years diabetic Aging Starvation, fasting, ETOH Oral Hypoglycemics Combo anti DM agents121
1827480958Dx HypoglycemiaBS <60mg/DL (neruo ssx <50) Lo HbA1C (R/O Insulinoma)122
1827480959Tx hypoglycemia15-15-15 15g Glucose/Carbs Check BS again in 15 min If still low tx w another 15g CHO123
1827480960healthy person w fasting hypoglycemia w some degree of CNS dysfunctionInsulinoma124
1827480961Whipple's TriadInsulinoma Hx hypoglycemia FBS <45 mg/dL during ssx Resolution of sx when treated w glucose125
1827480962When are Insulinoma sx most commonearly morning missed meals after exercise126
1827480963Insulinoma Dx LabFasting 72hrs or until sx Hi Insulin Lo BS Hi C-Peptide127
1827480964First line tx for InsulinomaSurgery128
1868864849Psamomma bodies/ "chalky" NodulesPapillary Thyroid Carcinoma (MC)129
186890403270 y/o patient w new onset arrhythmiaR/O Toxic Multi Nodular Goiter (Cardiac Sx MC Clinical Sx)130
1870529897MC T1DM ComplicationsMicrovascular s/a Chronic Kd Dz Retinopathy131
1870529898MC T2DM ComplicationsMacrovascular s/a MI, Stroke (also retinopathy)132
1870529899MCC Visual impairments in T2DMRetinal Edema in the macular decreasing visual acuity (non proliferative retinopathy)133
1870529900cotton wool spotsProliferative Retinopathy DM Complication (More Common T1DM)134
1870529901Earliest sign of diabetic nephropathyProtein in urine - Microalbuminura Alb/Cr 30-399135
1870529902can reduce development of end stage KD DzGlycemic control and ACE Inhib/Anti HTN Low protein Diet (<30136
1870529903MC Complication of DMDistal Symmetric Polyneuropathy137
1870529904Prevention for Cardiovascular complications w DMLower LDL Reduce BP <130/80 ACE inhibitors ASA if >10%/10year risk (Men>50, Women >60)138
1870529905Clinical Manifestation of PVD in diabetic patientsLower Limb Ischemia ED Intestinal Angina139
1870529906Prevention of Diabetic PVDLower LDL Avoid tobacco, propanalol140
1870529907Xanthomas are indicative ofHi TGs141
1870529908Bone and Joint complications of DMStiffness of hands, elbows, shoulders, spine142
187062369515-15-15 Ruletx hypoglycemia w 15g CHO e 15min until stable BS 15g CHO: 3-4 glucose tablets, 5-6 lifesavers, 4oz OJ, 1/2 Can Soda*143
1874923853MC pituitary MicroadenomaCushing Dz (Prolactinoma is usually macroadenoma)144
1874923854Childhood malignancyNeuroblastoma145

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