USCPA, TIM1, Endocrine, Maldanado
1826790901 | 3 main hormones associated w Parathyroid | Calcitonin Phosphate PTH | 0 | |
1826790902 | # of Parathyroid glands | Avg 4 but varies (may have none if thyroidectomy) | 1 | |
1826790903 | Ideal ratio between osteoblasts and osteoclasts | 1:1 | 2 | |
1826790904 | Aids in calcium aborption in the Gut | Vitamin D | 3 | |
1826790905 | What triggers release of Parathyroid hormone? | Low Serum Ca++ | 4 | |
1826790906 | Describe the pathway that happens when PTH is released | Bone: KD: Gut: | 5 | |
1826790907 | Function of PTH on Bone | increase the net release of skeletal calcium along w VitD | 6 | |
1826790908 | Function of PTH on the KDs | stimulate calcium reabsorption and synthesis of Vit D which stimulation GI absorption | 7 | |
1826790909 | Hi Calcium Lo PTH | R/O malignancy | 8 | |
1826790910 | Hi Calcium HI PTH | Hyperparathyroidism | 9 | |
1826790911 | Low Calcium Low PTH Hi Serum Phosphate Normal Alk Phos* | Hypoparathyroid | 10 | |
1826790912 | MCC Hypoparathyroidism | Thyroidectomy | 11 | |
1826790913 | Chvostek's Sign Trousseau's Phenomenon Increased DTR | Hypoparathyroidism | 12 | |
1826790914 | Tx for HypoParathyroid when acute tetany attack | Protect Airway IV Calcium Gloconate | 13 | |
1826790915 | Very Hi PTH Lo Calcium Hi Serum Phosphate | Pseudohypoparathyroidism (rare hereditary, seen in kids) (Hi PTH bc it is trying to get noticed by receptor but receptor is not working) | 14 | |
1826790916 | Renal resistance to PTH | Pseudohypoparathyroidism (MC Kids Hi PTH Lo Ca) | 15 | |
1826790951 | Mental Retardation Brachydactyly of 4th metacarpal Short stature | Pseudohypoparathyroidism (Renal resistance to PTH) | 16 | |
1826790917 | Pseudohypoparathyroidism Treatment | Calcium + Vit D | 17 | |
1826790918 | MCC Hypercalcemia | Primary Hyperparathyroidism * | 18 | |
1826790919 | Hi PTH Hi Ca++ | Hyperparathyroidism | 19 | |
1826790920 | Woman age 25 presents w Hyperparathyroidism what is she at a greater risk for | multiglandular dz | 20 | |
1826790921 | Hyperparathyroidism may be linked to which drugs | Thiazides Lithium | 21 | |
1826790922 | MC Etiology of Hyperparathyroidism | Solitary adenoma | 22 | |
1826790923 | Diminished DTRs Muscle Weakness | Hyperparathyroidism (R/O Hypothyroid) | 23 | |
1826790924 | Ssx of Severe Hyperparathyroidism | Painful BONES Renal STONE Ab GROANS Psychic MOANS Fatigue OVERTONES (send to ER) | 24 | |
1826790925 | Hallmark is hypercalcemia | Hyperparathyroidism (bones, groans, stones, moans...) | 25 | |
1826790926 | Confirmation test for Hyperparathyroidism | Hi PTH w IRMA Assay | 26 | |
1826790927 | Indication of medical monitoring for Hyperparathyroidism | Mild Serum Ca elevation Mild/Asymptomatic No previous life threatening hypercalcemia Normal Renal and Bone scans | 27 | |
1826790928 | Counseling points for Pts being monitored for Hyperparathyroidism | Keep active avoid immobilization Drink lots of fluids (flush KD avoid stones) Avoid thiazides diuretics, Large doses of Vit A and calcium containing antacids | 28 | |
1826790929 | Indications for surgical tx of Hyperparathyroidism | Markedly elevated Serum Ca (>10) w ssx Life threatening hypercalcemic episode KD stone, Bone Dz, Pregnancy Markedly hi 24 hr urine ca levels Reduced Bone mass <50-60 years old Pts whom medical surveillance is not suitable | 29 | |
1826790930 | MCC Secondary Hyperparathyroidism | Chronic Kd Dz | 30 | |
1826790931 | Low Vit D Lo Serum Ca Hi PTH | 2nd Hyperparathyroidism dt chronic kd dz | 31 | |
1826790932 | T Sc0re -1 to -2.5 | Osteopenia | 32 | |
1826790933 | T Score < -2.5 | Osteoporosis | 33 | |
1826790934 | matrix intact mineralization decreased | Osteomalacia | 34 | |
1826790935 | MC metabolic bone disorder | Osteoporosis (F post menopause) | 35 | |
1826790936 | Rate of bone resorption is greater than rate of bone formation | Osteoporosis | 36 | |
1826790937 | Loss of travecular bone is greater than loss of compact bone | osteoporosis | 37 | |
1826790938 | Most common fractures associated w osteoporosis | Crush/Compression fracture of vert Femoral neck fracture aka hip Distal Radius | 38 | |
1826790939 | MCC of osteoporosis | Aging Hi Corticosteroid ETOH, Smoking Sex Hormone xu | 39 | |
1826790940 | Spontaneous fracture | osteoporosis | 40 | |
1826790941 | Loss of height | Osteoporosis | 41 | |
1826790942 | Diagnostic tests fo osteoporosis | Vit D * (<20ng/mL) DXA Scan | 42 | |
1826790943 | Elevated Alkaline Phos | Malignancy Fracture Osteomalacia (Hi), Paget's (very Hi) | 43 | |
1826790944 | Ways to prevent Osteoporosis | Weight bearing exercise Adequate diet Avoid smoking Avoid Alcohol | 44 | |
1826790945 | Population that should receive routine DXA scan | Postmenopausal | 45 | |
1826790946 | DXA scan predicts | Fracture risk | 46 | |
1826790947 | Normal and pathological limits of T Score | WNL: > -1 -1 to -2.5 = osteopenia <-2.5 osteoporosis if fraacture present = severe osteoporosis | 47 | |
1826790948 | Treatment of osteoporosis | Bisphonsphonates Vit D** Calcium if diet is inadequate HRT/Reloxifen | 48 | |
1826790949 | osteonecrosis of jaw esophagitis/cancer femur fx, Afib | Risk of Bisphonsphonates * | 49 | |
1826790950 | Rickets | Osteomalacia in children (tx Vitamin D) | 50 | |
1827480890 | inadequate calcium or phosphate mineralization of bone osteoid | Osteomalacia | 51 | |
1827480965 | MCC Osteomalacia | Vit D deficiency | 52 | |
1827480891 | pain and weakness around pelvic girdle | Osteomalacia | 53 | |
1827480892 | Other ssx seen in children w rickets | Ht failure laryngospasm bone deformaty dental problems | 54 | |
1827480893 | Loq Vit D Hi Alk Phos Ca/Phos WNL | Osteomalacia | 55 | |
1827480894 | T/F Osteomalacia and Osteoporosis often coexist | TRUE | 56 | |
1827480895 | Looser's Zones | Osteomalacia - pseudofractures | 57 | |
1827480896 | Milkman Fractures | Osteomalacia - pseudofracture | 58 | |
1827480897 | Counseling for Pt at risk or w Osteomalacia | Adequate Vit D Adequate sun (15 min without sunscreen 2x weekly) Salmon, Cod Liver oil, Milk Patient on anti-convulsants/antiepileptic must take supplements | 59 | |
1827480966 | Hi Rate of bone turnover and disorganized osteoid formation | Paget Dz of Bone | 60 | |
1827480898 | Hi Alk Phos Hi C-Telopeptide | Paget Dz | 61 | |
1827480899 | Bone pain is 1st ssx | Paget's Dz | 62 | |
1827480900 | Chalkstick fractures | Paget Dz | 63 | |
1827480901 | Bones most frequently involved w Paget's Dz | Skull - Femur Tibia Pelvis Humerus | 64 | |
1827480902 | Pt reports increased Hat Size. What is your ddx? | Paget's - Hi Alk Phos Acromegaly - xs GH | 65 | |
1827480903 | Cyclinc use of Bisphosphates is treatment for | Paget's Dz | 66 | |
1827480904 | MC Thyroid Cancer | Papillary (aggressive, small amount of I Uptake) | 67 | |
1827480905 | Hi Blood Sugar Central Obesity Lo HDL Hi Triglycerides | Metabolic Syndrome | 68 | |
1827480906 | Inadequate or Deficiency of insulin secretion | Type 1 DM | 69 | |
1827480967 | Pancreas makes little to no insulin | Type 1 DM | 70 | |
1827480907 | Prone to DKA | Type 1 DM | 71 | |
1827480908 | Destruction of Beta Cells | Type 1 DM | 72 | |
1827480909 | Classic presentation of DM2 | new onset hyperglycemia without acidosis | 73 | |
1827480910 | Hyperglycemia and ketoacidosis | DKA | 74 | |
1827480911 | Polyura, polydipsia, polyphagia + weight loss, fatigue | New Onset DM1 (generally younger pt) | 75 | |
1827480912 | DM Dx | Fasting Glucose >126 Random Glucose >200 w sx LYTES (CMP) UA: Glucose/ketones HbA1C *** dx diabetes >6.5 Islet Ab - Type 1 Specific HLA Typing - Type 1 Specific CBC | 76 | |
1827480913 | Insulin Therapy | Tx Type1 DM | 77 | |
1827480914 | Complications of Hyperglycemia | Atherosclerosis Neuropathy* (microfilament) Nephropathy Retinopathy | 78 | |
1827480915 | Non ketotic hyperglycemia | DM2 | 79 | |
1827480916 | Impairment of insulin secretion | DM2 (Not keeping up w demands) | 80 | |
1827480917 | Complications of DM2 | Blindness Renal Failure Neuropathy, Lower Limb Amputation MI, Stroke | 81 | |
1827480918 | Pima Indians | Highest Risk of DM2 | 82 | |
1827480919 | Risk Factors for DM2 | FHx, Ethnicity Obesity * (BMI >30), Impaired fasting glucose Lo HDL, HI TG PCOS Vascular Dz | 83 | |
1827480920 | #1 test for diabetes | HbA1C (Glucose tolerance test if pregnant) | 84 | |
1827480921 | Yeast infections/Balanitis ingrown toenails, recurrent skin infections | DM2 | 85 | |
1827480922 | Female pt w history of preeclampsia - what might you want to check | Blood Sugar | 86 | |
1827480923 | Acanthosis Nigricans | DM2 | 87 | |
1827480924 | First line tx for DM2 | TLC** | 88 | |
1827480925 | Treatment of DM2 | TLC** Monotherapy (metformin) Combo Therapy (oral) Combo Therapy (oral w insulin) | 89 | |
1827480926 | Labs Values for DM | Fasting glucose >126 Random glucose >200 HbA1C >6.5 | 90 | |
1827480927 | DOC DM2 | Metformin | 91 | |
1827480928 | Drug that is not for patients w baseline Kd Dz | Metformin Can cause lactic acidosis Baseline CMP | 92 | |
1827480929 | DM2 that does not cause hypoglycemia | Metformin | 93 | |
1827480930 | DM2 PO drugs w high risk of hypoglycemia | SFUs:Glyburide, Glipizide, Glimepiride* Metglitinides Alpha Glucosidase Inhib SLGT2 Inhib? | 94 | |
1827480931 | Avoid w Sulfa Allergy | SFUs: Glyburide, Glipizide Glimepiride (okay..pride) | 95 | |
1827480932 | When is insulin tx given | DM1 DM2 - poorly controlled and unable to reduce A1C <10 | 96 | |
1827480933 | Somogyi Effect | pre-breakfast hyperglycemia recommend: eat something before bed (3 snacks, 3 meals) (nocturnal hypoglycemia ---> counter regulatory hormone) | 97 | |
1827480934 | How do you reduce risk of macrovascular dz in pt w DM2 | Smoking cessation Aspirin BP Control | 98 | |
1827480935 | Prevention of Nephropathy in DM2 | Yearly Microalbuminuria Preventive ACE Inhibitors/ARBs (-pril) | 99 | |
1827480936 | DKA Labs | Glucose >250 mg/dl Ketosis pH <7.3 Bicarb <15 mEq/L MEDICAL EMERGENCY | 100 | |
1827480937 | Low Insulin Hi Glucagon | DKA | 101 | |
1827480938 | Fruity Breath | Severe DKA | 102 | |
1827480939 | Kussmaul's Breathing | Severe DKA (deep and rapid breathing) | 103 | |
1827480940 | End stage risk of DKA | Mental Stupor Coma | 104 | |
1827480941 | Serum Ketosis Urine Ketosis Glycosuria +4 | DKA | 105 | |
1827480942 | First Step in treating DKA | Insulin* and Fluid Replacement | 106 | |
1827480943 | Severe Hyperglycemia No Ketosis Dehydration | Hyperglycemic Hyperosmolar State (HONK) | 107 | |
1827480944 | #1 tx for HONK | Fluids | 108 | |
1827480945 | 2nd MC form of Hyperglycemic Coma | HONK (usually DM2 w underlying CHF, CKD) | 109 | |
1827480946 | Which has better prognosis HONK or DKA | DKA (HONK 10x more fatal) | 110 | |
1827480947 | DM2 patient w reduced fluid intake - what is the risk | HONK | 111 | |
1827480948 | HHONK Labs | Glucose >600-2400 mg/dl Hi Serum Osmolty >310mos Normal Anion Gap UA w 4+ Glucose Lo Serum Na+ | 112 | |
1827480949 | Reasons for Acidosis w Anion Gap | MUDPILES Methanol Uremic DKA Propylene Glycol Isoniazide Lactic acid Ethanol Salycylates | 113 | |
1827480950 | Risk of patient on Metformin w renal failure | Lactic Acidosis | 114 | |
1827480951 | Rapid onset Hyperventilation | Lactic Acidosis | 115 | |
1827480952 | Labs for Lactic Acidosis | Hi Anion Gap >15 Hi Serum Lactate >5 Lo pH, Lo Bicarb No ketones | 116 | |
1827480953 | First line tx for Lactic Acidosis | Adequate O2 Vascular Perfusion of tissues Hemodialysis Abx to treat underlying infection | 117 | |
1827480954 | Prognosis Lactic acidosis | Hi mortality | 118 | |
1827480955 | Tx for Lactic acidosis in cases of metformin | Hemodialysis*, Ensure O2 perfusion, IV Bicarb, Abx for sepsis | 119 | |
1827480956 | Leading limiting factor in glycemic management of DM | Hypoglycemia (aka insulin reaction) | 120 | |
1827480957 | Risk factors for Hypoglycemia | Sleep Illness, stress* >5 years diabetic Aging Starvation, fasting, ETOH Oral Hypoglycemics Combo anti DM agents | 121 | |
1827480958 | Dx Hypoglycemia | BS <60mg/DL (neruo ssx <50) Lo HbA1C (R/O Insulinoma) | 122 | |
1827480959 | Tx hypoglycemia | 15-15-15 15g Glucose/Carbs Check BS again in 15 min If still low tx w another 15g CHO | 123 | |
1827480960 | healthy person w fasting hypoglycemia w some degree of CNS dysfunction | Insulinoma | 124 | |
1827480961 | Whipple's Triad | Insulinoma Hx hypoglycemia FBS <45 mg/dL during ssx Resolution of sx when treated w glucose | 125 | |
1827480962 | When are Insulinoma sx most common | early morning missed meals after exercise | 126 | |
1827480963 | Insulinoma Dx Lab | Fasting 72hrs or until sx Hi Insulin Lo BS Hi C-Peptide | 127 | |
1827480964 | First line tx for Insulinoma | Surgery | 128 | |
1868864849 | Psamomma bodies/ "chalky" Nodules | Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma (MC) | 129 | |
1868904032 | 70 y/o patient w new onset arrhythmia | R/O Toxic Multi Nodular Goiter (Cardiac Sx MC Clinical Sx) | 130 | |
1870529897 | MC T1DM Complications | Microvascular s/a Chronic Kd Dz Retinopathy | 131 | |
1870529898 | MC T2DM Complications | Macrovascular s/a MI, Stroke (also retinopathy) | 132 | |
1870529899 | MCC Visual impairments in T2DM | Retinal Edema in the macular decreasing visual acuity (non proliferative retinopathy) | 133 | |
1870529900 | cotton wool spots | Proliferative Retinopathy DM Complication (More Common T1DM) | 134 | |
1870529901 | Earliest sign of diabetic nephropathy | Protein in urine - Microalbuminura Alb/Cr 30-399 | 135 | |
1870529902 | can reduce development of end stage KD Dz | Glycemic control and ACE Inhib/Anti HTN Low protein Diet (<30 | 136 | |
1870529903 | MC Complication of DM | Distal Symmetric Polyneuropathy | 137 | |
1870529904 | Prevention for Cardiovascular complications w DM | Lower LDL Reduce BP <130/80 ACE inhibitors ASA if >10%/10year risk (Men>50, Women >60) | 138 | |
1870529905 | Clinical Manifestation of PVD in diabetic patients | Lower Limb Ischemia ED Intestinal Angina | 139 | |
1870529906 | Prevention of Diabetic PVD | Lower LDL Avoid tobacco, propanalol | 140 | |
1870529907 | Xanthomas are indicative of | Hi TGs | 141 | |
1870529908 | Bone and Joint complications of DM | Stiffness of hands, elbows, shoulders, spine | 142 | |
1870623695 | 15-15-15 Rule | tx hypoglycemia w 15g CHO e 15min until stable BS 15g CHO: 3-4 glucose tablets, 5-6 lifesavers, 4oz OJ, 1/2 Can Soda* | 143 | |
1874923853 | MC pituitary Microadenoma | Cushing Dz (Prolactinoma is usually macroadenoma) | 144 | |
1874923854 | Childhood malignancy | Neuroblastoma | 145 |