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English 12 B Flashcards

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8801677260FurtivelyAttempting to avoid notice or attention; secretive0
8801677261StridentLoud and harsh1
8801677262NebulousCloudy; hazy; unclear2
8801677263FormidableInspiring fear or respect throughout being impressively large powerful or intense; daunting3
8801687367RenegadeA person who deserts and betrays an organization, country or set of principles;traitor4
8801701202InherentlyIn a manner existing in something as a permanent, essential, or characteristic attribute, intrinsically5
8801730755LucidExpress clearly: easy to understand6
8801730756PretenseAn attempt to make something that is not the case appear true7
8801730757RavishFill with intense delight; enthrall8
8801730758FleetingLasting for a very short time; brief9
8801730759EquivocalOpen to more than one interpretation; ambiguous10
8801730760StagnantHaving no current or flow; still11
9941260654StupendousExtremely impressive; amazing12
9941260655ZealotA person who is fanatical and uncompromising in pursuit of his religious, political, or other ideas13
9944245965indifferentlysaid or done with no particular interest or sympathy; nonchalantly14
9944268105aloofnessthe state of being unfriendly or unforthcoming; detachment15
9944278085mischievouscausing or showing a fondness for causing trouble in a playful way16
9944287813tacitlyin a manner to be understood or implied without being stated; implicit17
9944307908listlessnessthe state of lacking energy or enthusiasm; lethargy18
9944328168conspicuousstanding out so as to be clearly visible19
9944344100imbecilea stupid person20
9944347339contriveddeliberately created rather than arising naturally or spontaneously21
9944443019insatiablyin a manner impossible to satisfy22
9944453508embellishingmaking something more attractive bu the addition of decorative details or features23
9944483291apatheticshowing or feeling no interest, enthusiasm, or concern24
9944494285sanctuarya place of refuge or safety; haven25
9944507242pretentiousattempting to impress by affecting greater importance, talent, culture, etc. than is actually possessed; ostentatious26
9944554697austeresevere or strict in a manner, attitude, or appearance; harsh27
9944572270orthodoxconfirming to what is generally or traditionally accepted as right or true; establish and improved28
9944605249solidarityunity or agreement of feeling or action, especially among individuals with a common interest.29
9944626292wantonnessdeliberate and unprovoked actions intended to be cruel or violent30
9944647738vehementlyin a forceful, passionate, or intense manner31
9944654058forlornpitifully sad and abandoned or lonely32
9944662039succumbingfailing to resist a pressure, temptation, or other negative force33
9944673891unhallowednot formally consecrated or made sacred34
9944683972homagespecial honor or respect shown publicly; reverence35
9944707871rapturea feeling of intense pleasure or joy36
9944713169congenialpleasant because of a personality, qualities, or interests that are similar to ones own; hospitable37
9944738402beguiledhelped time pass pleasantly; amused38
9944750270incessantcontinuing without pause or interruption; unceasing39
9944762373benevolencehaving a well meaning and Kindly manner40
9944775237capacioushaving a lot of space inside; roomy41
9944784111ubiquitouspresent, appearing, or found everywhere42
9944790207adamantrefusing to be persuaded or to change ones mind; unwavering43
9944807079blitheshowing a casual and cheerful indifference considered to be callous or improper44
9944821675bereftdeprived of or lacking something, especially a nonmaterial asset45
9944832967dubiousnot to be relied on; suspect46
9944850737ludicrouslyin a manner so foolish, unreasonable, or out of place as to be amusing; ridiculously47

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