This is under "Pre-IB" but both AP classes and Pre-IB classes have the same English 1 midterm. All English 1 classes can use this. (:
Other English 1 Midterm Quizlet sets? Right here. (Lit. Terms) (Rhetorical)
290796228 | alienate | verb - turn away, repel | 1 | |
290796229 | elated | adjective - very happy, ecstatic | 2 | |
290796230 | epigram | noun - witty saying | 3 | |
290796231 | fatalistic | adjective - fate-oriented | 4 | |
290796232 | lackadaisical | adjective - apathetic, disinterested | 5 | |
290796233 | licentious | adjective - lewd, immoral | 6 | |
290796234 | numismatist | noun - coin collector | 7 | |
290796235 | obtrude | verb - intrude, impose | 8 | |
290796236 | paucity | noun - scarcity, small amount | 9 | |
290796237 | pensive | adjective - serious, meditative | 10 | |
290796238 | amalgamate | verb - unite, merge, blend | 11 | |
290796239 | antiquated | adjective - outdated, obsolete | 12 | |
290796240 | beleaguer | verb - surround, overwhelm | 13 | |
290796241 | caricature | noun - exaggeration, cartoon | 14 | |
290796242 | dally | verb - waste time, dawdle | 15 | |
290796243 | demented | adjective - deranged, insane | 16 | |
290796244 | felonious | adjective - criminal | 17 | |
290796245 | gorge | verb - eat greedily, stuff | 18 | |
290796246 | hone | verb - refine, sharpen | 19 | |
290796247 | opiate | noun - drug, narcotic | 20 | |
290796248 | ambidextrous | adjective - two-handed | 21 | |
290796249 | animate | verb - enliven, excite | 22 | |
290796250 | belated | adjective - late | 23 | |
290796251 | berserk | adjective - frenzied, crazy | 24 | |
290796252 | chauvinist | noun - hateful towards a group, as in women | 25 | |
290796253 | delude | verb - mislead, confuse | 26 | |
290796254 | edifice | noun - fortress | 27 | |
290796255 | egalitarian | adjective - fair-minded | 28 | |
290796256 | knead | verb - rub, press, massage | 29 | |
290796257 | ostentatious | adjective - grandiose, showy | 30 | |
290796258 | blight | noun - blemish, disease | 31 | |
290796259 | denizen | noun - inhabitant | 32 | |
290796260 | elude | verb - escape, avoid | 33 | |
290796261 | entice | verb - tempt, lure | 34 | |
290796262 | fallow | adjective - barren, unproductive, empty | 35 | |
290796263 | fealty | noun - a sign of loyalty, allegiance | 36 | |
290796264 | gambit | noun - strategy, maneuver | 37 | |
290796265 | gratify | verb - please, satisfy | 38 | |
290796266 | laggard | noun - straggler, dawdler | 39 | |
290796267 | obsequy | noun - funeral rite, prayer | 40 | |
290796268 | advocate | verb - support, promote | 41 | |
290796269 | bandy | verb - banter, exchange words | 42 | |
290796270 | charisma | noun - charm, magnetism | 43 | |
290796271 | dastardly | adjective - dishonorable, shameful | 44 | |
290796272 | efface | verb - erase, wipe out | 45 | |
290796273 | entity | noun - being | 46 | |
290796274 | gist | noun - main idea, essence | 47 | |
290796275 | jaded | adjective - dulled, worn out, wearied | 48 | |
290796276 | mesmerize | verb - enchant, hypnotize | 49 | |
290796277 | ogre | noun - brute, monster, giant | 50 | |
290796278 | begrudge | verb - resent, envy | 51 | |
290796279 | bibliophile | noun - book lover | 52 | |
290796280 | declaim | verb - speak out blusteringly | 53 | |
290796281 | enmity | noun - hatred, antagonism | 54 | |
290796282 | gaff | noun - fisherman's pole | 55 | |
290796283 | glutinous | adjective - glue-like, sticky | 56 | |
290796284 | imbue | verb - instill, inspire, influence | 57 | |
290796285 | mandarin | noun - influential, learned person | 58 | |
290796286 | nepotism | noun - cronyism, favoritism | 59 | |
290796287 | quaff | verb - guzzle, gulp | 60 | |
290796288 | cadaverous | adjective - corpse-like | 61 | |
290796289 | daunt | verb - make afraid, intimidate | 62 | |
290796290 | despot | noun - tyrant, overbearing ruler | 63 | |
290796291 | egress | noun - way out, exit | 64 | |
290796292 | felicity | noun - happiness, bliss, delight | 65 | |
290796293 | flux | noun - fluctuation, instability | 66 | |
290796294 | gird | verb - prepare for, brace | 67 | |
290796295 | gothic | adjective - medieval, mysterious | 68 | |
290796296 | hovel | noun - dirty, wretched living place | 69 | |
290796297 | penury | noun - poverty | 70 | |
290796298 | allude | verb - refer to, suggest | 71 | |
290796299 | beget | verb - produce, generate, lead to | 72 | |
290796300 | chafe | verb - wear or irritate through rubbing | 73 | |
290796301 | desist | verb - stop, discontinue | 74 | |
290796302 | educe | verb - elicit, bring out, deduce | 75 | |
290796303 | effrontery | noun - audacity, nerve | 76 | |
290796304 | elite | noun - best of the best, privileged | 77 | |
290796305 | feign | verb - fake, pretend | 78 | |
290796306 | glean | verb - gather, collect, gain information | 79 | |
290796307 | imbibe | verb - drink (often alcohol), indulge | 80 |