6166820626 | Synecdoche | A part referring to the whole, as in "hand" for "sailor" | 0 | |
6166820627 | Metonymy | A word or phrase standing for another word or phrase. Washington to Government | 1 | |
6166820628 | Metaphor | Word or phrase designating comparison | 2 | |
6166820629 | Simile | Comparison of unlike things using like or as | 3 | |
6166820630 | Apostrophe | Object or person that is addressed by the speaker that is not present | 4 | |
6166820631 | Phlegmatic | A calm, sluggish temperament | 5 | |
6166820632 | Splenetic | Irritable | 6 | |
6166820633 | Melancholy | Sad/depressed | 7 | |
6166820634 | Sanguine | Cheerfully confident | 8 | |
6166820635 | Choleric | Easily angered | 9 | |
6166820636 | Rhetoric | Using language effectively | 10 | |
6166820637 | Redundant | Exceeding, repeating | 11 | |
6166820638 | Strumpet | A woman prostitute | 12 | |
6166820639 | Sycophant | A brown-noser, suck-up | 13 | |
6166820640 | Unctuous | Exaggerated, or insincere earnestness | 14 | |
6166820641 | Condone | To disregard or overlook something without protest | 15 | |
6166820642 | Pragmatic | Practical Point of View | 16 | |
6166820643 | Auspicious | Successful, prosperous | 17 | |
6166820644 | Perquisite | An incidental payment or benefit; tip or gratuity | 18 | |
6166820645 | Stoic | Emotionless | 19 | |
6166820646 | Hackneyed | Over familiar through overuse | 20 | |
6166820647 | Jaded | Worn out | 21 | |
6166820648 | Jejune | Not interesting | 22 | |
6166820649 | Solipsist | Belief that self is the only reality | 23 | |
6166820650 | Trite | Over familiar through overuse; expression | 24 | |
6166820651 | Hamartia | Tragic flaw | 25 | |
6166820652 | Hubris | Excessive pride | 26 | |
6166820653 | Didactic | Designed or intended to teach | 27 | |
6166820654 | Itinerant | Traveling from place to place | 28 | |
6166820655 | Mawkish | Excessively sentimental | 29 | |
6166820656 | Ameliorate | To make or become better, or more satisfactory | 30 | |
6166820657 | Superficial | Shallow; Not profound | 31 | |
6166820658 | Archetype | A model or first form (prototype) | 32 | |
6166820659 | Egregious | Outstandingly bad | 33 | |
6166820660 | Satire | The use of irony and sarcasm | 34 | |
6166820661 | Fastidious | Demanding | 35 | |
6166820662 | Hyperbole | Exaggeration | 36 | |
6166820663 | Onomatopoeia | Form of a word that imitates a sound | 37 | |
6166820664 | Ephemeral | Short-lived | 38 | |
6166820665 | Allusion | Indirect reference | 39 | |
6166820666 | Vacillate | To waver or fluctuate in opinion | 40 | |
6166820667 | Apocryphal | Of doubtful authenticity | 41 | |
6166820668 | Feisty | Ill tempered | 42 | |
6166820669 | Altruistic | Devoted to others welfare | 43 | |
6166820670 | Sonnet | A poem with a complete thought--14 lines | 44 | |
6166820671 | Imagery | Use of language to create mental images | 45 | |
6166820672 | Prolepsis | The anachronistic representation of something | 46 | |
6166820673 | Orthodox | Conforming to the approved way | 47 | |
6166820674 | Innate | Quality given from birth | 48 | |
6166820675 | Dramatic Irony | Irony understood by audience but not by the characters | 49 | |
6166820676 | Cryptic | Mysterious in meaning | 50 | |
6166820677 | Banal | Commonplace | 51 | |
6166820678 | Scrutinize | To examine with critical attention | 52 | |
6166820679 | Condescend | To belittle | 53 | |
6166820680 | Philathrophy | Altruistic concern for human welfare | 54 | |
6166820681 | Aggravate | To provoke | 55 | |
6166820682 | Anxious | Worried, apprehensive | 56 | |
6166820683 | Stentorian | Extremely loud | 57 | |
6166820684 | Taciturn | habitually un-talkative | 58 | |
6166820685 | Epigram | Short witty poem expressing single thought | 59 | |
6166820686 | Connotation | An idea associated with the word | 60 | |
6166820687 | Chronic | Constant, habitual | 61 | |
6166820688 | Preclude | To rule out; disqualify | 62 | |
6166820689 | Enervate | Weaken or destroy strength | 63 | |
6166820690 | Languid | Lacking in energy | 64 | |
6166820691 | Hypocritical | Two-faced | 65 | |
6166820692 | Prodigal | Wastefully or recklessly extravagant | 66 | |
6166820693 | Disparge | Speak of in disrespectful way | 67 | |
6166820694 | Cupidity | Excessive desire for wealth | 68 | |
6166820695 | Apathy | Lack of interest or concern | 69 | |
6166820696 | Augment | To make larger | 70 | |
6166820697 | Reticent | Likely to be silent | 71 | |
6166820698 | Incoherent | Without logical connection | 72 | |
6166820699 | Heresy | Going against an accepted religious doctrine | 73 | |
6166820700 | Importune | Demand with urgency | 74 | |
6166820701 | Extol | To exalt | 75 | |
6166820702 | Enigma | puzzling, or inexpilcable | 76 | |
6166820703 | Provincial | Narrow, self-centered | 77 | |
6166820704 | Repudiate | To reject the validity or authority | 78 | |
6166820705 | Shibboleth | A word that distinguishes one group from another | 79 | |
6166820706 | Relegate | To classify or assign | 80 | |
6166820707 | Dogmatic | Inclined to lay down principles as incontrovertibly true | 81 | |
6166820708 | Adamant | Stubbornly unyielding | 82 | |
6166820709 | Indolent | Habitually lazy | 83 | |
6166820710 | Nihilism | An extreme form of skepticism that denies all existence | 84 | |
6166820711 | Ascetic | Simple life | 85 | |
6166820712 | Elucidate | To make clear or plain by explanation | 86 | |
6166820713 | Complacent | Pleased with one's self | 87 | |
6166820714 | Nefarious | Extremely wicked or villainous | 88 | |
6166820715 | Germane | Closely or significantly related; relevant | 89 | |
6166820716 | Reprehensible | Blameworthy | 90 | |
6166820717 | Mitigate | To moderate in force or intensity | 91 | |
6166820718 | Immutable | Not subject or susceptible to change | 92 | |
6166820719 | Hedonist | A person who is in pursuit of devotion or pleasure | 93 | |
6166820720 | Insipid | Lacking flavor or zest | 94 | |
6166820721 | Digress | To get off topic | 95 | |
6166820722 | Incongruous | Inconsistent | 96 | |
6166820723 | Esoteric | Belonging to a select few | 97 | |
6166820724 | Ambivalent | Uncertainty or fluctuation | 98 | |
6166820725 | Atrophy | Wasting away, decrease | 99 | |
6166820726 | Engender | To bring into existence | 100 | |
6166820727 | Ironic | Event that is different from what is expected | 101 | |
6166820728 | Profound | From the depth of one's being | 102 | |
6166820729 | Congenial | Sympathetic | 103 | |
6166820730 | Abate | To reduce in intensity | 104 | |
6166820731 | Acrimonious | Bitter and sharp in language or tone | 105 | |
6166820732 | Indifferent | Apathetic | 106 | |
6166820733 | Ambiguous | Open to more than one interpretation | 107 | |
6166820734 | Objective | Uninfluenced by personal emotions or opinions | 108 | |
6166820735 | Revere | To regard with awe and devotion | 109 | |
6166820736 | Discriminate | To note or observe a difference | 110 | |
6166820737 | Denounce | To condemn openly | 111 | |
6166820738 | Candid | Straightforward | 112 | |
6166820739 | Discern | To distinguish | 113 | |
6166820740 | Disdain | To despise | 114 | |
6166820741 | Abstract (adj.) | Theoretical- Not applied or pratical | 115 | |
6166820742 | Temper (v.) | To strengthen through experience or hardship | 116 | |
6166820743 | Eccentric | Departing from a recognized center- Irregular, odd | 117 | |
6166820744 | Futile | Incapable or producing any result; Ineffective | 118 | |
6166820745 | Resignation | The act of stepping down from an office | 119 | |
6166820746 | Servile | Of or suitable to a slave or servant | 120 | |
6166820747 | Resolve | To find a solution | 121 | |
6166820748 | Virulent | Extremely infectious, malignant, or poisonous | 122 | |
6166820749 | Aesthetic | Concerning the appreciation of beauty or good taste | 123 | |
6166820750 | Diligent | Marked by persevering, painstaking effort | 124 | |
6166820751 | Guile | Skillful deceit | 125 | |
6166820752 | Incessant | Non-stopping | 126 | |
6166820753 | Infamous | Evil reputation | 127 | |
6166820754 | Excoriate | To wear or tear the skin off | 128 | |
6166820755 | Euphony | Agreeable sound | 129 | |
6166820756 | Depravity | Moral corruption or degredation | 130 | |
6166820757 | Lust, Greed, Gluttony, Envy, Wrath, Sloth, Pride | Seven Deadly Sins | 131 | |
6166820758 | Oxymoron | Rhetorical figure in which contradictory terms are combined | 132 | |
6166820759 | Deus Ex Machina | (God from Machine)- An unexpected power or event saving a seemingly hopeless situation | 133 | |
6166820760 | Curmudgeon | Ill tempered person full of resentment | 134 | |
6166820761 | Milquetoast | One who has a meek timid nature | 135 | |
6166820762 | Cliché | An overused expression or idea | 136 | |
6166820763 | Picaresque | Of or relating to a piece of literature where the hero is a rogue | 137 | |
6166820764 | Bathos | Anti-climactic; insincere actions | 138 | |
6166820765 | Scansion | Analysis of verse into metrical patterns | 139 | |
6166820766 | Incredulous | Skeptical; Disbelieving | 140 | |
6166820767 | Inexorable | Incapable of being persuaded | 141 | |
6166820768 | Inveterate | Firmly and long established | 142 | |
6166820769 | Offal | Waste parts especially of a butchered animal, rubbish | 143 | |
6166820770 | Motley | Having elements of great variety | 144 | |
6166820771 | Poltroon | Coward | 145 | |
6166820772 | Interlude | An intervening period of time | 146 | |
6166820773 | Exhort | To urge by strong appeal | 147 | |
6166820774 | Gauche | Lacking social polish | 148 | |
6166820775 | Gratis | Without charge, out of kindness | 149 | |
6166820776 | Ignominious | Marked by shame or disgrace | 150 | |
6166820777 | Heinous | Wicked or horrible | 151 | |
6166820778 | Dolorous | Exhibiting grief or sorrow | 152 | |
6166820779 | Undaunted | Not discouraged | 153 | |
6166820780 | Dirge | Funeral hymn or lament | 154 | |
6166820781 | Dissipated | Used of energy | 155 | |
6166820782 | Cower | To cringe in fear | 156 | |
6166820783 | Amenities | Features that increase attractiveness or value | 157 | |
6166820784 | Carnal | Of or relating to the body or flesh | 158 | |
6166820785 | Depraved | Morally corrupt | 159 | |
6166820786 | Chasten | To inflict suffering upon for purposes of moral improvement | 160 | |
6166820787 | Denouement | Resolution | 161 | |
6166820788 | Fickle | Characterized by erratic instability | 162 | |
6166820789 | Libertine | A person who is morally or sexually unrestrained | 163 | |
6166820790 | Sage | A wise person | 164 | |
6166820791 | Satyr | A lecher, a lascivious man...half man-half goat | 165 | |
6166820792 | Urbane | Reflecting elegance, sophistication, especially in expression | 166 | |
6166820793 | Rustic | Of pertaining to or living in the country; simple, artless | 167 | |
6166820794 | Wily | Crafty, cunning | 168 | |
6166820795 | Vestige | Visible evidence of something that is no longer present | 169 | |
6166829210 | Expository | Serving to expand, set forth, or explain | 170 | |
6166830854 | Neophyte | Recent convert to a belief | 171 | |
6166835055 | Lassitude | Lack of energy | 172 | |
6167626254 | Prosody | Study of poetic meters and versification | 173 | |
6167629389 | Fiscal | Pertaining to the public treasury or revenues | 174 | |
6167634512 | Précis | A concise summary | 175 | |
6167637280 | Baroque | Fantastically over-decorated; gaudily ornate | 176 | |
6167644539 | Burlesque | A ludicrous parody or grotesque caricature | 177 | |
6167649276 | Chutzpah | Audacity; nerve | 178 | |
6167651062 | Mensch | A decent, upright, mature, and responsible person | 179 |
English Literature and Composition-AP Test #17 Flashcards
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