Skeletal system
577433706 | arthr/o | joint | |
577433707 | chondr/o | cartilage | |
577433708 | clavicul/o | clavicle | |
577433709 | coccyg/o | coccyx | |
577433710 | cost/o | rib | |
577433711 | crani/o | skull | |
577433712 | kyph/o | humpback | |
577433713 | lamin/o | lamina,thin flat plate,part of vertebral arch | |
577433714 | lord/o | swayback | |
577433715 | lumb/o | lower back | |
577433716 | metacarp/o | hand bones | |
577433717 | metatar/o | foot bones | |
577433718 | myel/o | bone marrow or spinal cord | |
577433719 | my/o | muscle | |
577433720 | myos/o | muscle | |
577433721 | muscul/o | muscle | |
577433722 | oste/o | bone | |
577433723 | pelv/o | pelvis,hipbone | |
577433724 | rhin/o | nose | |
577433725 | sacr/o | sacrum | |
577433726 | scoli/o | crooked,bent,twisted | |
577433727 | spondyl/o | vertebra | |
577433728 | stern/o | sternum,breastbone | |
577433729 | ten/o | tendon | |
577433730 | tendin/o | tendon | |
577433731 | vertebra/o | vertebra | |
577433732 | algia | pain | |
577433733 | blast | immature | |
577433734 | clasis | surgical fracture | |
577433735 | gram | record | |
577433736 | graphy | technique of recording/making an xray | |
577433737 | malacia | softening | |
577433738 | olisthesis | slipping | |
577433739 | oma | tumor, mass | |
577433740 | osis | abnormal condition | |
577433741 | plasty | surgical repair | |
577433742 | scope | instrument to visually examine | |
577433743 | scopy | process of visual eximination | |
577433744 | tomy | process of cutting,incision | |
577433745 | trophy | nourishment,development | |
577433746 | anterior | structure or part is facing front | |
577433747 | distal | body part is furthest away from point of origin | |
577433748 | dorsal | pertaining or referring to the back | |
577433749 | inferior | toward the feet or below | |
577433750 | lateral | away from midline of the body | |
577433751 | medial | toward the midline | |
577433752 | posterior | toward the back or pertaining to the back of the body | |
577433753 | prone | laying face down on the abdomen | |
577433754 | proximal | body part nearest point of origin | |
577433755 | superficial | near the surface | |
577433756 | superior | toward the head,above | |
577433757 | supine | laying face up on the back | |
577433758 | ventral | pertaining to the front |