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Euro Ch. 25 Age of Nationalism

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133019689Germanyfirst state to enact social welfare legislation
133019690Abolition of Serfdomfirst and most important of the Great Reforms in Russia
133019691Zemstvolocal government institution established by Great Reforms in Russia
133019692Mazzinipushed for a centralized democratic Italian republic
133019693Kulturekampfattack on the Catholic Church by Bismarck
133019694Garibaldicharismatic leader of the Red Shirts who annexed the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies
133019695Crimean WarConflict lost by Russian to France and Great Britain that resulted in the freeing of the serfs
133019696Schleswig-Holsteinland claimed by Denmark on its southern border but taken by force by the German Federation led by Prussia
133019697Zollvereincustoms union controlled by Prussia that excluded Austria
133019698Cottonmain new crop in the United States that required large importations of slaves
133019699Theodore HerzlJewish leader that called for the creation of a homeland for European Jews
133019700Franco-Prussian WarWar between France and Prussia engineered by Bismarck and won by Prussia with help of German Confederation
133019701Great Reforms in Russia1) freeing the serfs, 2) introducing local government (zemstvo) 3) establishing independent courts 4) censorship relaxed 5) better treatment of Jews
133019702Mexican War of 1848War won by U.S. that resulted in gaining large tract of land from Texas to California
133019703Sergei WitteRussian minister of finance who improved the infrastructure, established high trade tariffs and put Russia on gold standard
133019704Friedrich ListGerman who felt that nations should support their economies. He inspired Witte of Russia
133019705Alexander IITsar of Russia who brought about the Great Reforms but was assassinated
133019706Bismarckminister of Prussia that brought German Confederation together its lead. He opposed socialism.
133019707Dreyfus AffairFrench episode where Captain Dreyfus was falsely accused by the army and the church largely because he was a Jew. The case revived dislike of the Catholic Church by republicans.
133019708Liberal Party of Great BritainEliminated House of Lords, increased taxes on the rich and passed a national health program.
133019709German Social Democratic PartyBecame dominant party in Germany by taking on a more patriotic tone and broadening their base.
133019710First Internationalmultinational group of socialists organized by Karl Marx in 1860s- short lived
133019711Second Internationalsecond multinational group of socialists organized by Marx in the 90s that called for an annual worker's strike on May 1st
133019712Edward Bernsteinsocialist who preached change through elections rather than revolution
301980049Dumanational parliament created in Russia in the aftermath of the revolution of 1905
301980050ReichstagThe Lower House of the Legislative Assembly in Germany.
301980051Bloody SundayIn Russia 1905 Russian soldiers inadvertently opened fire on demonstrators, turning them against the Tsar. Start of the Revolution.
301980052Red Shirtsthe followers of the 19th century Italian nationalist leader Giuseppe Garibaldi.
301980053Zionisma policy for establishing and developing a national homeland for Jews in Palestine
301980054October ManifestoThis was issued by Nicholas II; granted full civil rights to people and opened up the Duma.

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