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Euro - Chapter 13A (European State Consolidation)

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WHO: Stuart Line (James I, Charles I, Charles II, James II), Hobbes, France, Henry 4th (Navarre), Louis 13th & 14th, WHAT: idea of a King's divine right to rule, King has absolute power over people Control of 3 Main Things... 1) Nobility 2) Economy 3) Religion WHEN: 1600s WHERE: France, some England WHY: military concerns, power of monarchs to raise funds, controversy between the rights of Parliment and the right of the King erupted and many tried to defend and refute the idea that the King had absolute control and was above parliment
WHO: Tudor Line (Henry 8th, Elizabeth, Puritans, middle class WHAT: shaped English political development, English monarchy was governed through Parliment WHEN: 1600s WHERE: England WHY: military concerns, dispute over power of monarchs to raise funds, rule through parliment not a tyrant king
WHO: Son of Mary Stuart, King of England WHAT: succedded Elizabeth, unpopular because... 1) unwilingness to involve Parliment in raising revenue 2) scandal and corruption inhis court 3) friendly relations with Spaiin 4) enhance Anglican church (not Puritan Church) WHEN: early 1600s WHERE: England WHY: became King because Elizabeth had no heirs, extremely unpopular because he tried to rule without parliment (weaken parliment, strengthen Royal rule), Catholic King which enraged Puritans
WHO: Stuart Line (James I, Charles I, Charles II, James II), Henry 4th, Louis 13th & 14th WHAT: Kings have absolute rule over the nation, given to them by God through Royal birth WHEN: 1600s WHERE: England and France WHY: military concerns raised issues over who should have certain powers as to raise revenue, tax, and hold an army, many English and French monarchs adopted the idea of divine right
WHO: Elizabeth, James 1st = King of England, English Calvinists WHAT: sought to "puirfy" the Church from Catholic Influence from... 1) liturgy - religious rituals 2) Hierarchy - the order of rank within the church challenged royal authority WHEN: early 1600s WHERE: England, Plymouth WHY: believed the Church needed to be purifed from the Catholic Influence
WHO: Puritans, King James 1st WHAT: Puritan separatists founded Plymouth Colony in the New World in an attempt to avoid Anglican Conformity WHEN: 1620 WHERE: Enlgand, Plymouth WHY: Puritans sought religious freedom if they could not purify the church
WHO: King of England, Parliment, Cavaliers WHAT: forced to sign Petition of Right (1628) to raise funds for War; dismisses Parliment (aided financially by King of France); Star Chamber Courts - Guilty until proven innocent, restores parliment WHEN: 1625-1649 (Beheaded) WHERE: England WHY: devoted to the Divine Right theory, did not believe in Parliment, restores Parliment to stop rebellion in Scotland
WHO: James 1st, James' homosexual lover WHAT: single person who controlled substantial access to the monarch 1) controlled royal patronage 2) sold titles to the highest bidder WHEN: early 1600s WHERE: Enlgand WHY: James 1st rule became loaded with scandal and corruption, angered the nobility
WHO: Charles 1st WHAT: 1) only parliment can levy taxes 2) no freeman should be imprisoned without due cause 3) soldiers may not be quartered 4) martial law cannot be declared in peactime WHEN: 1628 WHERE: England WHY: Parliment forced Charles 1st to sign this document which limited the power of the King, and shifted the power towards Parliment. Charles forced to sign in order to raise funds for war
WHO: Charles 1st, high Church Arch Bishop WHAT: 1) persecuted Puritans 2) forced Anglican worship upon Presbyterian Scots Scotts rebelled and Charles 1st was forced to reconvene Parliment because he had insufficient funds to stop the rebellion WHEN: 1637 WHERE: England WHY: Charles hoped to impose religious conformity within England and Scotland towards Catholocism, but he was forced to reconvene parliment which limited his power
WHO: Charles 1st, William Laud, Parliment WHAT: Charles reconvened Parliment to raise funds, but quickly dissolved Parliment shortly after the rebellion was stopped WHEN: 1640 WHERE: England WHY: Charles 1st was forced to reconvene Parliment in order to raise funds to stop the rebellion in Scotland
WHO: Charles 1st, Parliment (supported by landowner, merchant class, and Puritans) WHAT: Parliment during King Charles 1st reign... 1) executed Strafford and Laud 2) barred King from levying taxes without Parliment approval 3) King could not dissolve Parliment without its consent WHEN: 1640-1660 WHERE: England WHY: Parliment was extremely divided over religion which soon led to the civil war that englulfed England between the Cavaliers (Charles 1st) vs. Roundheads (Parliment)
WHO: Earl of Strafford, William Laud, Charles 1st WHAT: Earl of Strafford and William Laud were impeached and executed by Long Parliment (House of Commons) WHEN: 1640s WHERE: England WHY: executed for attempting to impose Religious conformity and supporting Charles 1st, beginnings of English Civil War
WHO: Charles 1st, Nobility, Wealthy Landowners, Peasants WHAT: supporters of King Charles 1st (Pro-Monarchy), English Civil War, Anglican Church, Catholic WHEN: 1642-1649 WHERE: England WHY: the English Civil War was fought between Charles 1st (Cavaliers) vs. Cromwell (Roundheads) over whether power should be placed in the hands of the King or Parliment; Parliment/Cromwell (Roundheads) WINS
WHO: Cromwell and Fairfax, Middle Class, Small Land Owners, House of Commons WHAT: supporters of Parliment (Pro-parliment)English Civil War, Puritans, creates the New Model Army - professional, dedicated, religious, and effective WHEN: 1642-1649 WHERE: England WHY: Cromwell/Parliment wins the war, beheading Charles 1st and reaffirming the Power of Parliment as Cromwell as the leader, shift in power
WHO: Charles 1st, Long Parliment WHAT: Long parliment summarized its political and religious grievances against the King WHEN: 1641 WHERE: England WHY: this list of grievances showed a great divide between the King and Parliment which soon led to the Civil War in England where Parliment won back its power
WHO: Cromwell, Fairfax, Charles 1st, Parliment, Roundheads WHAT: leader of the Roundheads (supporters of Parliment), Puritan, tax middle class Key to Success = New Model Army, Rump Parliment - executed Charles 1st Lord Protectorate (1653-1658) - Cromwell's title while he was dictator of England WHEN: 1640s-1660s (English Civil War - ) WHERE: England WHY: Cromwell found the Absoulte Monarchy of the King (Charles 1st) to be unjust; thus, he started the English civil war to restore power to Parliment, and diminish the authority of the King
WHO: Leader = Cromwell, Opponent = Charles 1st WHAT: army created for Parliment, major victory that ends the English civil war WHEN: 1645 WHERE: Nasbey, England WHY: Cromwell defeats Charles at Nasebey which is a substantial victory for Parliment that ends the war
WHO: Cromwell, Parliment, Charles 1st WHAT: 96 moderate Presbyterians were removed from the House of Commons; the remaining members formed the Rump Parliment... 1) led by Cromwell (Puritans) 2) abolished the Monarchy, Anglican Church, and House of Lords 3) established commonwealth - English Republic (NO KING) 4) executed Charles 1st WHEN: 1648 WHERE: England WHY: the power had shifted from the King (Charles 1st) to Parliment (under Cromwell), England became officially a Puritanic Republic
WHO: Cromwell "Lord Protector" WHAT: Cromwell became the English Dictator of Puritan England... 1) tax middle class 2) not tolerant of other religions (only Puritans) 3) moral codes = extremely strict WHEN: 1649-1660 WHERE: England WHY: led by Cromwell, Parliment gained power; however, Cromwell proved to be more of a strict dictator than a leader partnered with Parliment
WHO: Charles 2nd (Stuart Family) WHAT: restores English Throne/ reestablishes Monarchy and Royal Absolutism (after Cromwell's Rule); receives money from France (Louis 14th), enforced Clarendon Code WHEN: 1660-1685 WHERE: England WHY: England returned to normal after the Puritanical Phase, with a Monarch, Anglican Church, and a supreme religion
WHO: Charles 2nd, ultra-royalists (in Parliment) WHAT: reestablished the Church of England... 1) placed restrictions on Roman Catholics, Prebyterians, and Independents 2) banned from official religious and political life of the nation WHEN: 1661-1665 WHERE: England WHY: Charles 2nd favored religious toleration; however ultra-royaltists in Parliment placed these restrictions to reinforce the dominance of the Church of England
WHO: James 2nd WHAT: unpopular King, Roman Catholic, daughter = Mary (Protestant) overthrown by the nobles in Glorious Revolution (William and Mary) WHEN: 1685-1688 WHERE: England WHY: Catholic believed in absolute rule and divine right, question arose over who would replace James, which spurred the Glorious Revolution placing Protestants back in control
WHO: William (of Orange), and Mary (James 2nd's Protestant daughter), replace James II WHAT: Glorious Revolution... 1) invade England to stop James new Catholic son from getting the throne 2) accepted the Bill of Rights 3) accepted idea of limited (constitutional) monarchy WHEN: 1688-1704 WHERE: England WHY: stopped James 2nd's Catholic son from becoming King, restored Protestant power, and prohibited any more Catholics from occupying the English throne
WHO: William & Mary (New King and Queen of England), James 2nd (fled to Scotland) WHAT: overthrow of James 2nd by nobles determined to assert the Rights of Parliment... 1) New Rulers of England = William and Mary 2) Passage of the Bill of Rights 3) Passage fo the Toleration Act 4) England becomes a Consitutional Monarchy WHEN: 1688-1689 WHERE: England WHY: evolutionary process that increased the power of Parliment over the monarchy
WHO: William and Mary WHAT: Rights of Parliment (NOT King)... 1) impose taxes 2) make laws 3) maintain a standing army 4) free speech 5) freely elected & dissolved only by its own consent Rights of the People... 1) right to petition 2) right to bear arms 3) right to due process, trial by peers, reasonable bail WHEN: 1689 WHERE: England WHY: document outlineing British Rights accepted after Glorious Revolution; important step in the creation of British Government
WHO: Hobbes, Pro-Charles WHAT: major work = the Leviathan defended royal absolutism but denied stuart claim of "divine right"... 1) humans original state = unhappy & miserable 2) give up rights to be protected by government 3) believed in absolute monarchy WHEN: mid 1600s WHERE: England WHY: believed an absolute monarch was the only way for a society to survive and to prevent chaos and violence
WHO: Locke, Anti-Charles WHAT: major work = Two Treatises of Government defended Glorious Revolution... 1) humans original state = happy & natural rights to life, liberty, and property 2) government has LIMITED power to protect people's rights 3) if government fails, people have a right to abolish it by revolution *greatly influenced later thinkers (Jefferson, Framers of Constitution, Rousseau) WHEN: mid 1600s WHERE: England WHY: Locke argued that James 2nd had violated the people's rights and deserved to be deposed in the Glorious Revolution

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