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Euro - Chapter 13B (European State Consolidation)

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WHO: Henry of Navarre, Bourbon Family WHAT: 1st French Ruler; Took Control Of... 1) Religion - Converts to Catholocism, and Edict of Nantes (1598) - Protestant Religious Freedom 2) Finances - Sully (financial advisor), lowers taxes, and facilitates trade 3) Nobility - fees for participation in government WHEN: 1589-1610 (assasinated) WHERE: France WHY: foundation of Absolutism in France, consolidated the power of the government; the nation had been weakened and disabled by war and longed for peace and stability in a single ruler
WHO: Henry 4th finanical advisor WHAT: Fixed Economy by... 1) reformed the tax collection 2) improved transportation 3) stimulated national and international trade 4) fostered prosperity 5) increased prestige and power in monarchy WHEN: 1589 WHERE: France WHY: the nation had been weakened and disabled by war and longed for peace and stability in a single ruler and a sound financial system
WHO: King of France after Henry VI (4th), aided by Cardinal Richelieu, and Catherine de Medici WHAT: Louis 13th was only 5 years old when he became king, kingdom and power was mostly run by Richelieu WHEN: 1610-1643 WHERE: France WHY: the government was placed in the hands of Richelieu because Louis 13th was too young, government suffered from corruption and mismanagement
WHO: Prime Minister under Louis 13th WHAT: laid the groundwork for Louis 14th absolutism; unifies France; provoked rebellions (Fronde) among French nobles; enforced policies though force Centralized the Government by... 1) intendants - royal agents that supervised the provinces (diminished power of nobility) 2) sparked commerce and industry (which increased tax base) 3) strengthening military WHEN: 1624-1642 (rule as prime minister) WHERE: France WHY: believed in divine right of the king and his role to promote peace and order in society; believed the state is above everything (including religion) state>religion
WHO: Louis 14th Reign, French nobles WHAT: French nobles that formed the law approving body WHEN: 1640-1670 WHERE: France WHY: the nobility attempted to reassert their authority over the monarch; under nobility rule it was utter chaos, the economy declined, and people wanted the King back
WHO: replaces Louis 13th as King of France, Mom = Anne of Austria, Mazarin = Cardinal (prime minister), Bishop Bossuet = tutor WHAT: "I am the state", LOUIS 4TH REIGN... 1) Nobility - Versailles - controls nobility 2) Finances - Colbert (financial advisor) raises taxes, international trade 3) Religion - 1ST BIG MISTAKE; official religion = Catholic, revokes Edict of Nantes (1685), Protestants leave 4) Military - expand empire to natural boundaries (Rhine River), builds Navy and Army LOUIS 14TH WARS... 1) War of Devolution (1667-1668) 2) Dutch War (invades Netherlands) (1670) 3) War of League of Ausburg (1689-1697) 4) War of Spanish Succession (1702-1713) WHEN: 1643-1715 WHERE: France WHY: believed in the divine right of kings, Mazarin dies (1661) and Louis 14th becomes the Absolute Ruler, practiced absolutism
WHO: replaces Richelieu, Cardinal, Louis 14th WHAT: Prime Minister of France under Louis 14th; died 1661 and Louis 14th became absolute ruler WHEN: 1643-1661 WHERE: France WHY: Louis 14th was only 5-years-old when he became king, so Mazarin was appointed to govern the nation
WHO: Louis 14th, Mazarin WHAT: tutor, advisor for Louis 14th, reinforced divine right WHEN: 1643-1704 WHERE: France WHY: philisophical justification for Divine Right Theory
WHO: Royal Palace, Louis 14th WHAT: location of the government (monarchy), forced nobles to pay for political influence, controlled Nobility WHEN: 1676-1708 WHERE: France WHY: the nobility were a threat to the authority of the throne, Louis 14th moved the monarchy in order to control the nobility
WHO: Louis 14th WHAT: Mazarin dies 1661, Louis 14th declares himself the absolute monarch and his own Prime Minister WHEN: 1661 WHERE: France WHY: Louis 14th desired an absolutist monarchy and wanted complete power
WHO: Cornelious Jansen = leader, Roman Catholic Calvinists, St. Augustine WHAT: opposed the theology and political influence of the Jesuits (counter-reformation) especially doctrine of free will; opposed royal authority WHEN: 1630s WHERE: France WHY: believed nothing could be done to contribute to own salvation; lived extremely pious and morally austere lives
WHO: Father of Mercantilism, Louis 14th WHAT: Louis 14th (financial advisor) 1) raise taxes 2) free trade zone - international trade 3) build up military (army not navy) 4) overseas empire WHEN: 1660s WHERE: France WHY: the French industry and agriculture surpassed all other European nations due to Colbert's Plans, with a large population there was a strong need for a functional economic structure
WHO: Louis 14th, 1st War WHAT: Louis 14th makes an unsuccessful attempt to seize the Spanish Netherlands (Belgium); Holland, Spain, and England fight AGAINST France WHEN: 1667-1668 WHERE: France, Spanish Netherlands (Belgium) WHY: part of a fuedal dispute, that led to Louis 14th failure (only few gains)
WHO: England, Sweden, & United Provinces vs Louis 14th (France) WHAT: alliance between England, Sweden, and United Provinces WHEN: 1667-1668 WHERE: France invaded Spanish Netherlands, alliance formed between England, Sweden, & United Provinces WHY: repulsed Louis 14th, attempt to unify in order to prevent Louis 14th from taking the Spanish Netherlands
WHO: Louis 14th WHAT: secret alliance between England and France WHEN: 1670 WHERE: Enlgand and France WHY: France was losing the wars because of England, so they tried to ally with England to win, but other countries fought back and they lost the wars
WHO: prince and future King William 3rd of Englad WHAT: France invaded the Netherlands in 1672 WHEN: 1670s WHERE: England WHY: defended Netherlands territory, did not want France to gain to much land and power
WHO: Henry 4th (Navarre), Louis 14th, Huguenots WHAT: granted by Henry 4th - expression of religious tolerance that guaranteed civil and religious freedom to the Heugonot minority (Protestants); revoked by Louis 14th WHEN: 1685 WHERE: France WHY: granted by Henry 4th to stop the persecution of Protestants, he wanted religious peace, revoked by Louis 14th because he wanted to unify France religiously under Catholocism
WHO: King of France = Louis 14th, King of England = William and Mary WHAT: 3rd War, Grand Alliance (England, Holland, & Holy Roman Empire); Queen William's War = America, League of Augsburg = Europe Treaty of Ryswick (1697) - ended war, no gains WHEN: 1689-1697 WHERE: England, Holland, and HRE vs France WHY: other European nations wante to prevent France from expanding their empire and gaining more land and power
WHO: Louis 14th, Philip 5th, Louis 15th, Queen Anne's War = America, Spanish Succession = Europe WHAT: 4th War, Louis 14th attempted to claim the Spanish throne, France = unprepared Treaty of Utrecht (1713) - Philip 5th becomes King of Spain, but France and Spain cannot have the same Monarch WHEN: 1702-1714 WHERE: France & Spain vs. England, Holland, Holy Roman Empire WHY: 4th War, Louis 14th attempted to claim the Spanish throne which caused the war, resulted in Philip 5th as King of Spain, but France and Spain can never be ruled by same Monarch
WHO: descendant of Louis 14th, possible heir to spanish throne WHAT: reason for the war of Spanish Succession, had claims to the Spanish throne through (Mom's Spanish birth) WHEN: 1713 WHERE: France WHY: Louis 14th wished to control both France and Spain, and attempted to place one of his heirs on the Spanish throne; however, he succeeded but one monarch can never rule both France and Spain
WHO: England, Holland, and Holy Roman Empire, Louis 14th, Philip 5th WHAT: alliance formed to preserve the balance of power, during the War of Spanish Succession WHEN: 1701 WHERE: England, Holland, and Holy Roman Empire WHY: prevent France from becoming Monarch over France and Spain

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