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Euro - Chapter 13C (European State Consolidation)

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WHO: Queen Anne (England), Philip 5th (Spain), Louis 15th (France) WHAT: Treaty of Utrecht (1713) - ended war, 5 Main Power Nations... England, France, Austria, Prussia, Russia WHEN: early 1700s WHERE: England, France, Spain, Dutch, Holy Roman Empire WHY: every nations economy, social structure, and government have been wrecked and weakened by the war, this causes the nations to try and establish peace and stability pursuing a central government and monarchs
WHO: William 3rd, Louis 14th WHAT: Golden Age to Decline, Protestant 1) high urban consolidation 2) transformed agriculture 3) extensive trade and finance 4) overseas empire WHEN: (late 1600s-early 1700s) WHERE: Netherlands WHY: Netherlands=republic=distrusted monarchy
WHO: King of France, Duke of Orleans WHAT: King of France, appointed Duke of Orleans as ruler because he was too young (bad leader), War of Austrain succession (1740) 1) suffered major defeats in Europe 2) lost most of its North American empire 3) challenged by the French aristocracy WHEN: 1720 WHERE: France WHY: undermined the faltering prestige of the monarchy due to... 1) financial problems 2) moral scandals
WHO: Duke of Orleans, Louis 15th, John Law WHAT: appointed ruler of France under Louis 15th, During his reign... 1) Financial advisor = John Law 2) reinstituted the Parliment of Paris - lessened power of monarchy, strengthened nobles/parliment WHEN: 1720-1726 WHERE: France WHY: Louis 15th was too young to rule, Duke of Orleans was a fairly unsuccessful ruler whose main policies strengthed parliment and weakened the monarch, he was replaced by Cardinal Fleury
WHO: John Law, Duke of Orleans, Louis 15th WHAT: Duke of Orlean's Financial Advisor... 1) established a bank - printed paper money 2) organized a monopoly - Mississippi Company 3) took over management of French national debt Results... 1) bank collapses 2) economic panic triggered WHEN: WHERE: WHY: believed an increase in the paper money supply would stimulate France's economic recovery; overall effect - brougt disgrace on the government, people doubt King's absolutism, and French feared paper money and speculation
WHO: Louis 15th, Duke of New Orleans WHAT: reinstituted Parliment of Paris due to the Financial crisis, strengthens power of the nobles WHEN: 1720s WHERE: France WHY: the nobles gained power, while the King/monarch lost power, this lead to the new leader Cardinal Fleury
WHO: Cardinal Fleury, Louis 15th WHAT: replaces Duke of Orleans, job = train Louis 15th to become King 1) pays off finacial debt 2) paper currency - back to normal WHEN: 1726-1743 WHERE: France WHY: brings back financial stability and peace to France
WHO: Queen Anne, Walpole, Hanovers WHAT: Queen of England after William and Mary; Protestant, Queen during War of Spanish Successions; important legislation... 1) Settlement Act of 1701 - pass throne to German Hanover line 2) Act of Union - united Scotland and England WHEN: 1700s WHERE: England WHY:
WHO: George I (Walpole), George II, George III WHAT: ruling family after Queen Anne, German WHEN: 1700s-1820s WHERE: England WHY: after the death of Queen Anne, she established the Settlement Act of 1701 which gave the throne to the Hanover Line (German), England needed a stable line of rulers
WHO: Walpole, members of parliament WHAT: 1) religious toleration 2) parliament = final authority 3) Liberal WHEN: 1700s WHERE: England WHY: Whigs and Tories was the beginning of political parties; since George 1st didn't speak English he appointed Walpole the Prime Minister, once George 3rd was in power there were conflicting ideas between Walpole (Whig) and George 3rd (Tory)
WHO: George 3rd, nobles, land-holders WHAT: 1) King = absolute power 2) tax the poor 3) against the Whigs (Walpole) WHEN: 1700s WHERE: England WHY: the conflict between the Whigs and the Tories was the first appearance of political parties
WHO: Walpole, George I WHAT: prime minister appointed under George I (because George only spoke German/Not English); liberal whig, political beliefs... 1) power through parliment (King = NOT absolute) 2) Religious toleration 3) South Sea Bubble (1720s) - Walpole fixes economic depression 4) forced into war of Austrian Succession 5) built a strong navy - leading power WHEN: 1741-1742 WHERE: England WHY: liberal whig, 1st prime minister of England
WHO: Walpole WHAT: economic depression in England WHEN: 1720s WHERE: England WHY: Walpole fixed the Economic depression which strengthened the economy, stability of the government, and people's trust in a monarch/gov.
WHO: Hanover line WHAT: King of England WHEN: 1727-1760 WHERE: England WHY: Hanover line was place on the throne by Queen Anne in the Settlement Act of 1701
WHO: Charles 12th, Peter the Great (Russia) WHAT: defeated the Russians (Peter the Great), but later Sweden could only maintain a holding and fled WHEN: 1697-1718 WHERE: Sweden WHY: the Romanov line (Russian Empire) were becoming a dominant force militarily
WHO: diverse group of people WHAT: diverse collection of people, largest and most stable political entity (muslim) to arise in or near Europe after the collapse of the Romans WHEN: 1500s-1700s WHERE: southeastern borders of Europe and Shores of the Mediterranean Sea WHY: Decline of Ottoman Empire... 1) rivalries for power - weakened the government 2) external factors - europeans advanced in technology, wealth, and science 3) New World (Americas) - mad countries much wealthier - didn't need to get stuff from Ottoman 4) Europeans developed greater naval power
WHO: King of Poland WHAT: Poland had an absence of strong central authority; WHEN: 1674-1696 WHERE: Poland WHY: Divisions and distrust among nobility prevented their electing a King or central leader
WHO: Rudolph 1st (1300s), Leopold 1st, Joseph 1st, Charles 6th, Maria Theresa, Fredrick II (Prussia) WHAT: ruling family of Austria that enlarges/strengthens empire through NO war, and marriage alliances, Pragmatic Sanction, War of Austrian Succession, Goals... 1) dominate Holy Roman Empire 2) stop spread of Protestantism (Reformation) 3) alliance with Spain WHEN: 1700-1740, 600 year Rule WHERE: Austia WHY: Turning Point = 30 Years War - Austria Loses, France Wins, marks the beginning of Hapsburg decline
WHO: Hapsburg Empire, Leopold I (1658-1705), Joseph I (1705-1711), Charles 6th (1711-1740) WHAT: Hapsburg Line of Austria, Chalres 6th - Pragmatic Sanction (1713) - secured Maria Theresa as heir to throne WHEN: 1700s-1740s WHERE: Austria WHY: the Austrian Hapsburg empire gained much power and territory over the 1700s until Maria Theresa took the throne and her power was challenged in the War of Austrian Succession
WHO: Charles 6th, Maria Theresa, Frerick II (Prussia) WHAT: provided legal line of inheritence through Charles 6th daugther, Maria Theresa 1) got countries to accept his daughter as ruler 2) assured the empire would not be broken apart 3) assured no internal rebellions WHEN: 1713-1740 WHERE: Austria, invaded by Fredrick II (Prussia) WHY: many used this oppurtunity to seize control of the throne/empire (b/c didn't think a girl could be a strong ruler); when Fredrick II (Prussia) takes Silezia, Austria, this starts the war of Austrian Succession
WHO: Fredrick William ("Great Elector"), Fredrick 1st, Fredrick William 1st, Fredrick 2nd WHAT: ruling family of Prussia... 1) strong military - militaristic discipline 2) Beer 3) Hohenzollerans UNITE Prussia through the military and common language (German) 4) start War of Austrian Succession (Fredrick 2nd) WHEN: 1400s-1700s WHERE: Prussia WHY: believed that a strong army and a sound financial system would unite their country
WHO: Prussia (Hohenzollerans) WHAT: known for their MILITARY, Fredrick 2nd - Started the War of Austrian Succession 1) strong military 2) centralized the government 3) patronized the great voltaire 4) improved education 5) fostered industry 6) extended religious toleration WHEN: 1640s-1780s WHERE: Prussia WHY: Hohenzollerans attempted to unify their holdings through a strong army, functional economic/tax structure, and a common language
WHO: Vladimir of Kiev, Yaroslav the Wise, Mongol WHAT: medieval russia official religion = greek orthodox; russia divided into three cultural groups... 1) Great Russians 2) White Russians 3) Little Russians russian government included monarchy, aristrocracy, and democracy; social division = freemen and slaves WHEN: 1200s-1400s WHERE: Russia, Moscow WHY: after the fall of Constantinople to the turks (1453) Russians began to view Moscow as the political and religious center of Russia (the "third rome") however it would be another century until Moscow was united under Ivan the Great
WHO: Ivan the Great, Ivan the Terrible WHAT: rulers of Russia before the Romanov Dynasty Ivan the Great (mid 1400s-early 1500s)... 1) political and military success 2) beginning foundation for leading nobility Ivan the Terrible (1530-1580)... 1) 1st ruler with the title CZAR 2) builds Russia into major power 3) "Time fo Trouble" after death - inside turmoil and outside invasion WHEN: 1400s-1580s WHERE: Russia WHY: Russia had had several leaders and family lines because of the lack of trade due to location before settling on the Romanov Dynasty
WHO: Ivan the Terrible WHAT: ruler of Russia, terrible ruler WHEN: 1530s-1580s WHERE: Russia WHY: Russia suffered from inside turmoil and outside invasion due to Ivan the Terrible
WHO: Michael Romanov, Aleksi, Theodore II, Peter the Great WHAT: ruling family of Russia WHEN: 1600s-1900s WHERE: Russia, leading city = Moscow WHY: religion = eastern orthodox; mirrors Bzantine Empire
WHO: Romanov WHAT: junkers = german noble landlords boyars = russian nobility streltsi = guards of the Moscow garrison WHEN: 1600s-1900s WHERE: Russia WHY: the boyars elected Michael Romanov as the leader of Russia; however he was soon challenged by the Boyars andthe Streltsi who expected to be rewarded for their efforts
WHO: Peter the Great, Romanov WHAT: westernized Russia and strengthened army... 1) nobility - built St. Petersburg/ Table of Ranks - controls nobility 2) money - encouraged industry and commerce, taxes 3) religion - supports Russian Orthodox Church (Holy Synod) WHEN: 1682-1725 WHERE: Russia WHY: Peter the Great was one of Russia's greatest rulers and he tremendously strengthened the army/navy while taming the nobles; However, Peter executed his only son Aleksei which left him with no heir - political turmoil
WHO: Peter the Great, Romanov WHAT: Table of Ranks (1722) - intended to draw/conrtrol the nobility into state service (buy into gov) St Petersburg (1703) - new government capital (similar to Versailles) controls nobility Orthodox Church (1720s) - attempted to suppress independence of the Church, Holy Synod - gov. dept. ruled by Peter WHEN: 1700s WHERE: Russia WHY: Peter the Great knew in order to rule the country he must first control the nobility and religion of his people in order to lead
WHO: Hanover-George 1st, Walpole WHAT: King of England after Queen Anne (granted by the Settlement Act of 1701) WHEN: 1714-1727 WHERE: England, German Hanover WHY: George 1st could not speak English and thus appointed Walpole as the Prime Minister of England. This later lead to the development of political parties based on the different ideas of Walpole and George

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