Aristotle - Linnaeus - Lamarck - August Weismann - Thomas Malthus - Geology - Charles Darwin - Theory- Facts- Inference- Evidence for Evolution - Speciation - Reproductive isolation - Microevolution (Hardy Weinberg Equilibrium) - Adaptation, Selection, CoEvolution and Convergent Evolution, Great Transformations, Origin of Life
141669411 | Aristotle | "Scale of nature" Ladder of Increasing complexity | |
141669412 | Linnaeus part. 1 | Modern classification Taxanomy - Science of classification Morphology - form, anatomy, structure Modern Biochem compare - DNA, amino-acid Phylogeny - evolutionary. History of an organism Cladogram - relatedness and common ancestry Binomial Nomenclature 2 Name System - Latin 7 Levels or Taxa (Singular- Taxon) "God creates Linnaeus arranges!" | |
141669413 | Linnaeus part. 2 | King (Kingdom) - Most Inclusive Philip (Phylum) Comes (Class) Over (Order) For (Family) Great (Genus) Sex (Species) - Least Inclusive | |
141669414 | Lamarck (1809) | Idea of change. Use and disuse. Inheritance of acquired characteristics Strive for perfection -> improve themselves. | |
141669415 | August Weismann | Test Lamarck ideas. Cut off tails of mice. No change in lengths. Lamarck was WRONG. | |
141669416 | Thomas Malthus | "Where did all the elephants go." Unchecked populations will increase exponentially. Unchecked = no predators, surplus food/space/shelter War, Famine, Disease checks human population | |
141669417 | Change | Needs Geology. First Geologist Charles Lyell. | |
141669418 | Principles of Geology | Earth is old (millions) Built by slow process | |
141669419 | Charles Darwin Observation | (Takes HMS Beagle to SA (1831-1836) - 5 year voyage.) Observations: Organisms are well adapted to their environment. Patterns of diversity, Grasslands in Europe, Argentina and Australia different yet similar adaptations. Fossils resembled living organisms. Other fossils are completely unalike anything alive. (ex. Dinosaurs) Galapagos Islands each with a slightly different environment. The wildlife such as insects and birds are similar yet with slightly different adaptations. Finches varied by beak size and shape. Tortoises shell varied from island to island. "What a trifling difference must often determine which shall survive and which perish!" | |
141669420 | Darwin's Theory | Evolution by means of natural selection | |
141669421 | Fact 1: | Exponential Growth - (From Thomas Mathus. All species have a great potential fertility. | |
141669422 | Fact 2: | Most population are stable. | |
141669423 | Fact 3: | Resources are limited. (resources include; food, water, shelter, space, mates, sunlight and minerals.) | |
141669424 | Inference 1: | More offspring are produced than can survive, this leads to a struggle for existence among individuals. A small fraction from each generation survive. | |
141669425 | Fact 4: | Individuals vary in a population no two are alike. (Mendel rules apply. Different alleles.) | |
141669426 | Fact 5: | Variation is heritable. Most like your parents. | |
141669427 | Inference 2: | Those with characteristics that best suit them to the environment survive and are most likely to have offspring. (Success is measured by how many offspring an animal has.) Darwinian Fitness | |
141669428 | Inference 3: | This unequal ability to survive leads to a gradual change in a population, favorable characteristics accumulate over many generations. | |
141669429 | Evolutionary Theory | Rest upon facts and experimental evidence. 1. Fossils 2. Comparative Cytology 3. Comparative Biochemistry 4. Comparative Anatomy 5. Comparative Embryology 6. Transitional Series 7. Vestigial Organs 8. Intermediate Forms 9. BioGeography | |
141669430 | ET: Fossils | relic (remain), impression (ex. Leaf, footprint). Fossilization - rare. (teeth, shells, bone) Found in Sedimentary rocks. ex/ Petrified wood, and amber. Minerals replace tissue. Sand -> sandstone Mud -> shale Determining age of Fossil: Older sediment on bottom Relative dating - index fossil to match sediments (Wide distribution) Absolute Dating - radioactive dating (isotopes are used. Known half-life) | |
141669431 | ET: Comparative Cytology | "All living things are made up of cells." | |
141669432 | ET: Comparative Biochemistry | Dna, Rna, proteins | |
141669433 | ET: Comparative Anatomy | Muscles, bones, organs Similar structures show - Common Ancestry Homologous structure - similar structure that used for different functions (ex/ Bat wing, human arm, whale flipper.) Analogous Structures - Different structure similar/same function. (ex/ bird wing - insect wing. Chordate eye - Arthropod eye - Mollusks eye) | |
141669434 | ET: Comparative Embryology | Similar, early embryo's | |
141669435 | ET: Transitional Series | A change in the fossil record for 1 species over million of years (ex/ Eohippus -> equus) | |
141669436 | ET: Vestigal Organs | Organs that disappear when NOT needed. (ex/ Humans -> appendix) Any structure that you have but non-functional or not needed | |
141669437 | ET: intermediate forms | Fossil that links two or more groups. (ex/ Archeopteryx "Ancient Wing" -> Teeth/feathers or reptiles/birds) | |
141669438 | ET: BioGeography | Distribution of species | |
141669439 | Speciation | How are new species formed? (species = viable offspring) Branching evolution Mutation is the source of variation along with crossing over (mixing genes, recombination) [Darwin was never able to explain the source of the variation he wrote about: Origin of species 1859] To form new species the parent population must become separated. A subset is now reproductively isolated from the parent population. Each population will respond to the pressures place upon them. *Populations Evolve *Individuals are selected | |
141669440 | Reproductive Isolation | (Adaptive radiation) 1. Geographic (water, mountain range, desert, river, canyon) 2. Behavioral (courtship rituals (song+dance)) 3. Temporal (Time~ Gene pool stay separated) | |
141669441 | (Macro/Micro)evolution | Macroevoltuion- Major events in the history of life on Earth Microevoltuion - Minor events. (ex/ Shift in allele frequencies form one generation to the next.) | |
141669442 | Microevolution: Hardy Weinberg Equilibrium | Formula: p² + 2pq + q² Hardy Weinberg Equilibrium: Conditions of No evoltuion. (Helps establish a baseline.): 1. Large population 2. Random Mating 3. No mutation 4. No immigration/emigration 5. No natural selection For Evolution: 1. Small - allele frequency can change/faster 2. Assortive mating - pick winner 3. Mutations are necessary 4. Allow movement 5. Natural selection (Nature selects) | |
141669443 | Adaptations | Structural: paws, jaws, claws, wing, fin, tentacles Physiological: cold-blooded/ warm-blooded, hibernate, ink (octopus), water conservation Camouflage: Blend-in (ex/ walking stick, chameleon, lion/tiger. octopus) Behavioral: gender mating Warning Coloration: Advertise poisonousness (ex/ Frogs SA) Mimicry: Pretends to be poisonous by their vibrant colors (ex/ Monarch, viceroy) | |
141669444 | Selection | Standard distribution: favors majority Directional: The extremes are selected for. Stabilizing: both extremes are selected against. Average is the winner. Disruptive Selection: Both extreme. (Leads to 2 species) *Sexual Selection: Contests for a mate | |
141669445 | Observed Natural Selection | 1. Industrial Melanism - Peppered moth (ex/ light moth vs. dark moth) 2. Drug Resistant Bacteria (ex/ MRSA) 3. Resistance to Pesticies (ex/ Bugs) | |
141669446 | Pace of Evolution | Gradualism: straight line Punctuated Quilibrium: broken line *Debate facts that support* (fossil record -> how thorough is it?) | |
141669447 | Convergent, Divergent and Coevolution | Convergent: Distantly related species converge upon similar solutions to life's struggle (ex/ Fish in the NP and SP both use Antifreeze. Genes are different) Divergent: Same group separate from ancestors. (Half evolves because of a certain geography other half evolves because of their geography.) Coevolution: Species influence each other (ex/ Birds/flowers, orchids, nutrition/pollination) | |
141669448 | Extinction | Whale- Transitional series. Movement of spines, homology, nostrils to top of their heads. Sea to Land- 1) Fin in H₂O -> Fins land then arms OR 2) Arms in H₂O -> Arms on land further adapt. (Ex/ Tetrapod) Origin of Animals- Cambrian Explosion (sudden appearance) Evolution of all major animal phyla. Segmentation. 1 set of genes. (Universal to all animals controls its development) | |
141669449 | Origin of Life | Spontaneous Generation: Non-life -> Life (ex/ dirty clothes+grain -> Mice; rotting meat -> maggots) Pasteur~ S-shape Flask. First Living thing arise: Hypothesis: (AI oparin & JBS Haldane 1920s- 30s) Primitive Earth Environment. Chemical evolution~ Prebiotic No free oxygen - O₂ Gas Early Atmosphere (H₂O, N₂, H₂S, CO₂, CO etc.) -> (+ Energy; lightning, heat, uv, radiation) Building Blocks. Primordial soup Stanley Miller + Urey Experiment -> stimulate conditions of Early atmosphere. Results: Amino Acid, Nucleic Acid, ATP | |
141669450 | Heterotroph Hypothesis | Anerobic - Heterotroph First Organism were bacteria like Heterotrophic organisms They consumed 'ate' organic molecules in the primordial soup. They were anaerobic. Autotrophs evolved later. With the addition of free oxygen Aerobic. Anerobes -> Autotrophs (added free of molecular oxygen, O₂) -> Heterotrophs Aerobic) |