AHS 2011-2012
January exam
290984860 | inyección | injection | |
290984861 | novacaína | novocain | |
290984862 | escupir | to spit | |
290984863 | saliva | saliva | |
290984864 | aguja | needle | |
290984865 | escupidor | spitoon | |
290984866 | aguda | sharp | |
290984867 | sangre | blood | |
290984868 | encías | gums | |
290984869 | caries | cavities | |
290984870 | muela | molar | |
290984871 | fresa | drill bit | |
290984872 | diente | tooth | |
290984873 | sacar | to pull | |
290984874 | pulir | to polish | |
290984875 | taladrar | to drill | |
290984876 | doctor | doctor | |
290984877 | enfermo | sick (person) | |
290984878 | especialista (m, f) | specialist | |
290984879 | experto | expert | |
290984880 | herido | wounded person | |
290984881 | matasanos | quack doctor | |
290984882 | médico | physician | |
290984883 | minusválido | handicapped | |
290984884 | paciente (m, f) | patient | |
290984885 | pediatra (m, f) | pediatrician | |
290984886 | psicólogo | psychologist | |
290984887 | psiquiatra (m, f) | psychiatrist | |
290984888 | técnico | a /technician | |
290984889 | terapeuta (m, f) | therapist | |
290984890 | víctima | victim | |
290984891 | agitado | agitated | |
290984892 | ansiar | to long for | |
290984893 | asustar | to frighten | |
290984894 | aterrorizar | to terrorize | |
290984895 | llanto | weeping | |
290984896 | llorar | to cry | |
290984897 | lloriqueo | whining | |
290984898 | pánico | panic | |
290984899 | preocuparse | to be worried | |
290984900 | quejarse | to complain | |
290984901 | temblar | to shake;shiver | |
290984902 | tensión (f) | tension; pressure | |
290984903 | abuso | abuse | |
290984904 | aconsejar | to advise | |
290984905 | ajustarse | to adjust | |
290984906 | apoyo | support | |
290984907 | calmar | to calm | |
290984908 | consejos | advice | |
290984909 | quejarse | to complain | |
290984910 | tranquilizante | tranquilizer | |
290984911 | tratamiento | treatment | |
290984912 | violación (f) | rape | |
290984913 | células | cells | |
290984914 | cicatriz (f) | scar | |
290984915 | espinilla | splinter | |
290984916 | glándula | gland | |
290984917 | grano | pimple | |
290984918 | grasa | fat | |
290984919 | hormonas | hormones | |
290984920 | lesiones (f) | injuries; lesions | |
290984921 | magulladuras | bruises | |
290984922 | nervios | nerves | |
290984923 | nódulos | nodules | |
290984924 | poros | pores | |
290984925 | quemadura | burn | |
290984926 | quiste (m) | cyst | |
290984927 | rasguño | scratch | |
290984928 | ronchas | rash; bumps | |
290984929 | sebáceo | sebaceous | |
290984930 | cabeza | head | |
290984931 | salud (f) | health | |
290984932 | enfermedad (f) | sickness | |
290984933 | relajo | relaxation | |
290984934 | sueño | dream | |
290984935 | susto | fright | |
290984936 | encabezar | to head | |
290984937 | saludar | to greet | |
290984938 | enfermarse | to get sick | |
290984939 | relajarse | to relax | |
290984940 | fiebre (f) | fever | |
290984941 | asustar | to scare | |
290984942 | cabezón | stubborn | |
290984943 | saludable | healthy | |
290984944 | enfermo | sick/ill | |
290984945 | relajante | relaxing | |
290984946 | soñoliento | sleepy | |
290984947 | asustado | frightened | |
290984948 | cabecera | headboard | |
290984949 | saludos | greetings | |
290984950 | enfermero | nurse | |
290984951 | relajación (f) | relaxation | |
290984952 | soñador | dreamer | |
290984953 | alergia | allergy | |
290984954 | estilo de vida | lifestyle | |
290984955 | estrés (m) | stress | |
290984956 | fumar | to smoke | |
290984957 | herir (ie, i) | to injure | |
290984958 | mordisco | bite | |
290984959 | picadura | sting | |
290984960 | peligro | danger | |
290984961 | cáncer (m) | cancer | |
290984962 | catarro | cold | |
290984963 | congestión (f) | congestion | |
290984964 | desmayarse | To pass out | |
290984965 | dolor (m) | pain, grief | |
290984966 | estornudar | to sneeze | |
290984967 | fallecer | to die | |
290984968 | fiebre (f) | fever | |
290984969 | fractura | fracture | |
290984970 | hipo | hiccup | |
290984971 | incapacidad (f) | incapacity | |
290984972 | infarto | heart attack | |
290984973 | insomnio | insomnia | |
290984974 | muerto | dead | |
290984975 | padecer | to suffer | |
290984976 | nauseabundo | nauseating | |
290984977 | palpitar | to palpitate | |
290984978 | recurrir | to turn to | |
290984979 | resfriado | cold | |
290984980 | romper | to break | |
290984981 | torcer | to twist | |
290984982 | tirón (m) | cramp, pull | |
290984983 | aliviarse | to get better | |
290984984 | consultar | to consult | |
290984985 | cuidar | to take care of | |
290984986 | curación (f) | cure | |
290984987 | descansar | to rest | |
290984988 | dormir | to sleep | |
290984989 | energía | energy | |
290984990 | enyesar | to put in a cast | |
290984991 | higiene (f) | hygiene | |
290984992 | masaje (m) | massage | |
290984993 | muletas | crutches | |
290984994 | soñar | to dream | |
290984995 | agrio | bitter, sour | |
290984996 | alimenticio | nutritious | |
290984997 | apetecible | appealing | |
290984998 | culinario | pertaining to cooking | |
290984999 | delicioso | delicious | |
290985000 | dietético | dietary | |
290985001 | dulce | sweet | |
290985002 | equilibrado | balanced | |
290985003 | esponjoso | spongy, fluffy, soft | |
290985004 | estupendo | marvelous | |
290985005 | exquisito | refined, exquisite, delicious | |
290985006 | hidrogenado | hydrogenated | |
290985007 | higiénico | hygienic | |
290985008 | jugoso | juicy | |
290985009 | cocido | boiled, cooked | |
290985010 | crudo | raw, underdone | |
290985011 | saludable | healthy | |
290985012 | variado | varied | |
290985013 | vegetariano | vegetarian | |
290985014 | apio | celery | |
290985015 | bróculi | broccoli | |
290985016 | frijoles | beans | |
290985017 | lechuga | lettuce | |
290985018 | rábanos | radish | |
290985019 | zanahoria | carrot | |
290985020 | aceite | oil | |
290985021 | ajo | garlic | |
290985022 | cebolla | onion | |
290985023 | escabeche | pickle | |
290985024 | hebras de azafrán | saffron threads | |
290985025 | hongos | mushroom | |
290985026 | pimienta | pepper | |
290985027 | manteca | fat | |
290985028 | mantequilla | butter | |
290985029 | vinagre | vinegar | |
290985030 | muslo | thigh | |
290985031 | pavo | turkey | |
290985032 | pollo | chicken | |
290985033 | pato | duc | |
290985034 | pechuga | breast | |
290985035 | calamares | squid | |
290985036 | camarones | shrimp | |
290985037 | gambas | shrimps | |
290985038 | pulpo | octopus | |
290985039 | salmón | salmon | |
290985040 | trucha | trout | |
290985041 | azúcar | sugar | |
290985042 | chocolate | chocolate | |
290985043 | coco | cocoa | |
290985044 | cerezas | cherry | |
290985045 | dátiles | date | |
290985046 | fresas | strawberries | |
290985047 | naranja | orange | |
290985048 | melocotón | peach | |
290985049 | pasas | raisins | |
290985050 | sandía | watermelon | |
290985051 | cerdo | pork | |
290985052 | chuleta | chop | |
290985053 | cochinillo | suckling pig | |
290985054 | cordero | lamb | |
290985055 | res | animal | |
290985056 | salchicha | sausage | |
290985057 | ternera | veal | |
290985058 | quehaceres | chores | |
290985059 | barrer el suelo | to sweep the floor | |
290985060 | cepillar las alfombras | to brush the rugs | |
290985061 | cortar la leña | to cut firewood | |
290985062 | cuidar de los niños | to take care of the kids | |
290985063 | fregar (ie) las ollas | to scrub the pots | |
290985064 | limpiar los cristales | to clean the windows | |
290985065 | planchar los pañuelos | to iron the handkerchiefs | |
290985066 | recoger el correo | to pick up the mail | |
290985067 | sacar la basura | to take out the garbage | |
290985068 | sacudir las almohadas | to shake the pillows | |
290985069 | secar los platos | to dry the dishes | |
290985070 | poner la mesa | to set the table | |
290985071 | quitar la mesa | to clear the table | |
290985072 | cubiertos | silverware | |
290985073 | servilleta | napkin | |
290985074 | tenedor | fork | |
290985075 | copa | wine glass | |
290985076 | cuchillo | knife | |
290985077 | cuchara | soup spoon | |
290985078 | cucharita | teaspoon | |
290985079 | contenido | ingredients (what's in it) | |
290985080 | carbohidratos | carbohydrates | |
290985081 | colesterol | colesterol | |
290985082 | fibra | fiber | |
290985083 | fécula | starch | |
290985084 | grasa | fat | |
290985085 | hierba | herbs (also, grass) | |
290985086 | proteína | protein | |
290985087 | sacarina | saccharine (artificial sugar) | |
290985088 | vitaminas | vitamins | |
290985089 | postres | desserts | |
290985090 | bombones | candy | |
290985091 | churros | fried dough (crullers) | |
290985092 | conos | cones | |
290985093 | galletas | cookies; crackers | |
290985094 | helado | ice cream | |
290985095 | suspiros | merengue cookies | |
290985096 | nata | whipped cream | |
290985097 | pasteles | pastries | |
290985098 | tarta | pie | |
290985099 | torta | cake | |
290985100 | bizcocho | cake | |
290985101 | herramientas | tools | |
290985102 | cepillo | brush | |
290985103 | destornillador | screw driver | |
290985104 | escoba | broom | |
290985105 | martillo | hammer | |
290985106 | pinzas | pliers | |
290985107 | sierra | sew | |
290985108 | un piso amueblado | a furnished apartment | |
290985109 | una sala amplia | a large living room | |
290985110 | una oficina climatizada | an air conditioned office | |
290985111 | la privacidad | privacy | |
290985112 | un baño sucio | a dirty bath room | |
290985113 | un jardín urbano | a city garden (urban) | |
290985114 | una vista al mar | a view of the sea | |
290985115 | una vivienda de lujo | a luxury living quarters | |
290985116 | aparatos | appliances | |
290985117 | electrodomésticos | electric appliances | |
290985118 | enchufe | outlet | |
290985119 | estufa | stove | |
290985120 | horno | oven | |
290985121 | lavaplatos | dishwasher | |
290985122 | lavadora | washing machine | |
290985123 | línea de teléfono | telephone line | |
290985124 | microondas | microwave oven | |
290985125 | ordenador | computer | |
290985126 | secadora | dryer | |
290985127 | albahaca | basil | |
290985128 | cebolleta | chives | |
290985129 | comino | cumin | |
290985130 | menta | mint | |
290985131 | perejil | parsley | |
290985132 | romero | rosemary | |
290985133 | tomillo | thyme | |
290985134 | azafrán | saffron | |
290985135 | anfitrión | host | |
290985136 | cocinero | cook | |
290985137 | criado | maid, servant | |
290985138 | empleado | employee | |
290985139 | familiares | relatives | |
290985140 | huéspedes | guests | |
290985141 | asados | roasted meats | |
290985142 | bocadillos | hors d'oeuvres; sandwiches | |
290985143 | bullabesa | bouillabaisse (fish stew) | |
290985144 | caldo | broth | |
290985145 | guisado | stew | |
290985146 | paella | chicken,rice, seafood stew | |
290985147 | pastas | pasta | |
290985148 | tortilla | Spain: potato omelet | |
290985149 | yogur | yogurt | |
290985150 | medidas | measurements | |
290985151 | cucharada | tablespoon (Tbs.) | |
290985152 | cucharadita | teaspoon (tsp.) | |
290985153 | kilograma | kilo (2.2 lbs.) | |
290985154 | ración (f) de gambas | a portion of shrimp | |
290985155 | trozo de torta | piece of pie | |
290985156 | tamaño | size | |
290985157 | talla | size (clothes) | |
290985158 | hiedra (yedra) | ivy | |
290985159 | regar (ie) | to water plants | |
290985160 | sembrar | to sow seeds | |
290985161 | semilla | seed | |
290985162 | grifo | faucet | |
290985163 | alcachofa | artichoke | |
290985164 | requesón | cottage cheese | |
290985165 | retrete | toilet | |
290985166 | receta | recipe | |
290985167 | hogar | home | |
290985168 | guardar cama | to stay in bed | |
290985169 | sin embargo | however | |
290985170 | gozar de | to enjoy | |
290985171 | probar (ue) | to test, to try, to taste | |
290985172 | probarse (ue) | to try on | |
290985173 | sobrarle | to be left over | |
290985174 | sobras | left-overs | |
290985175 | darle de comer | to feed | |
290985176 | darle de beber | to give a drink to | |
290985177 | me lo agradece | thank me for it | |
290985178 | agradecer (zc) | to thank | |
290985179 | apretar (ie) | to be tight | |
290985180 | me da asco | it disgusts me | |
290985181 | cuartos | rooms | |
290985182 | comedor | dining room | |
290985183 | dormitorio | bedroom | |
290985184 | alcoba | bedroom | |
290985185 | cuarto de dormir | bedroom | |
290985186 | oficina | office | |
290985187 | despacho | office | |
290985188 | salón | living room | |
290985189 | zaguán | hallway | |
290985190 | umbral | threshold | |
290985191 | ropa | clothing | |
290985192 | bombachas | gaucho pants | |
290985193 | gorra | cap | |
290985194 | traje | suit | |
290985195 | vestido | dress | |
290985196 | muebles | furniture | |
290985197 | archivo | file cabinet | |
290985198 | armario | closet | |
290985199 | banco | bench | |
290985200 | cama | bed | |
290985201 | escritorio | desk | |
290985202 | estante | shelf | |
290985203 | ropero | closet | |
290985204 | silla | chair | |
290985205 | sillón | arm chair | |
290985206 | butaca | arm chair | |
290985207 | rincón | interior corner | |
290985208 | esquina | exterior corner | |
290985209 | agujeros | holes | |
290985210 | grietas | cracks | |
290985211 | hoyos | holes | |
290985212 | etiqueta | label | |
290985213 | de etiqueta | formal wear | |
290985214 | pared | wall (inside) | |
290985215 | muro | wall | |
290985216 | puerta | gate | |
290985217 | rebanada | slice (bread) | |
290985218 | lonja | slice (ham) | |
290985219 | tajada | slice (other meat) | |
290985220 | rodaja | slice (cold cuts) | |
290985221 | raja | slice (cheese) | |
290985222 | rueda | slice (lemon, orange) | |
290985223 | suelo | floor (what you stand on) | |
290985224 | piso | floor (of a building) | |
290985225 | entrar en vigencia | come into force | |
290985226 | estar en vigencia | to be in force | |
290985227 | tener vigencia | to have the backing | |
290985228 | salir bien | to do well | |
290985229 | aprobar | to pass | |
290985230 | suspender | to fail | |
290985231 | preguntarse | to wonder | |
290985232 | hacerle preguntas | to ask questions | |
290985233 | preguntar | to ask (question) | |
290985234 | los profesores | teachers | |
290985235 | la facultad | faculty/School | |
290985236 | la biblioteca | library | |
290985237 | la librería | bookstore | |
290985238 | sostener | to support (hold) | |
290985239 | mantener | to maintain | |
290985240 | soportar | to put up with; bear | |
290985241 | en realidad | in fact | |
290985242 | un hecho | a fact | |
290985243 | los datos | facts (information) | |
290985244 | lectura | reading | |
290985245 | conferencia | lecture | |
290985246 | conferenciantes | lecturers | |
290985247 | asistir a | to attend (school) | |
290985248 | sacar apuntes | to take notes | |
290985249 | tomar riesgos | to take risks | |
290985250 | comportarse bien | to behave (well) | |
290985251 | obedecer | to obey | |
290985252 | graduarse | to graduate | |
290985253 | exigente | demanding | |
290985254 | académico | academic | |
290985255 | alumno | student (pupil) | |
290985256 | aprendiz | apprentice | |
290985257 | bibliotecarioa | librarian | |
290985258 | compañero | classmate | |
290985259 | director | principal | |
290985260 | maestro | teacher | |
290985261 | principiante | beginner | |
290985262 | profesor | teacher | |
290985263 | profesorado | teaching staff | |
290985264 | rector | dean | |
290985265 | carecer de | to lack for | |
290985266 | desdichado | unlucky | |
290985267 | encuesta | survey | |
290985268 | facultad | faculty | |
290985269 | imprimir | to print | |
290985270 | promedio | average | |
290985271 | el idioma | language | |
290985272 | fastidiar | to bother | |
290985273 | mofarse | to make fun of | |
290985274 | picardía | mischief | |
290985275 | torpeza | clumsiness | |
290985276 | ser travieso | to be naughty | |
290985277 | los títulos | diplomas | |
290985278 | el bachillerato | high school diploma | |
290985279 | la licenciatura | bachelor's degree (4 yrs) | |
290985280 | la maestría | Master's degree | |
290985281 | el doctorado | Doctoral degree | |
290985282 | a fondo | completely |