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Exam 2: Agency, Employment Law, Corporate Form Flashcards

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13447054085Agency-one person is authorized to act behalf of another person -agency law is generally common law0
13447068256Parties in AgencyPrincipal and Agent1
13447071733PrincipalThe party who employs, engages, empowers another person to act on his/her behalf2
13447081846AgentThe party employed, engaged, empowered to act on behalf of another person3
13447088870Agency Relationships-have metal consent -delegation of the power to act on the principals behalf.4
13447099086Express AgencyAgency relationship that is formed by an expressed agreement between the parties. This agreement sets explicit limits on the power of the agent EX: power of attorney5
13447116576Implied Agency-Agency relationship which is implied from the conduct of the parties -The limits of the agents powers are based on the facts and circumstances of the relationship6
13447129620Apparent Agencyan agency relationship formed when the principal creates the appearance that an agency exists when one does not actually exisst7
13447144177Agency by Ratificationagency cerated when one person holds him/her self out as an agent of another party when he/she is not and the purported principal accepts the unauthorized act8
13447162517Duty to compensate-the principal must pay the agent for the services provided -duties owned by principal9
13447169463Duty to Reimburse-the principal must reimburse the agent for expenses incurred if the expenses were 1. authorized by the principal 2. within the scope of the agency 3. necessary to discharge the agents duties -duties owned by principal10
13447191228duty to idemnify-the principal must repay the agent for losses suffered because of the principals conduct -duties owned by principal11
13447199588Duty to Cooperate-the principal must cooperate with the agent in the performance of the agents duties -duties owned by principal12
13447224548duty to perform-the agent must perform his duties pursuant to the agency relationship with reasonable care and skill -duties owned by agent13
13480159406Duty to notify-the agent must keep the principal informed about important concerning the agency relationship -duties owned by agent14
13480169255duty to account-the agent must maintain accurate records of all transactions undertaken on the principals behalf and account to the principal for all transactions -duties owned by agent15
13480177654duty of loyalty-the agent must act solely in the interests of the principal in agency related matters, the duty prohibits self-dealing -duties owned by agent16
13480190775Tort Liabilitythe principal is liable for the tortious acts of the agent if the tortious act is committed within the scope of his/her authority17
13480198594respondent superiorthe employer or principal is liable fo the tort act of the employees or agents18
13480205649Misrepresentationsthe principal is liable for intentional or innocent misrepresentations made by and agent within the scope of his or her authority19
13480217241Contract Liability-principal Is liable for a contract executed by an agent acting within the scope of their authority -a principal is not liable for a contract where the agent exceeded the scope of their authority -agent must be liable for a contract her or she executed depending if it was fully, partially, or undisclosed20

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