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Fatty Acid Metabolism Flashcards

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2942026819LipidsUsed as energy in biomembranes, as signaling hormones, waterproofing, insulation. Fraction of any biological material which was extractable by non-polar solvents. Water insoluble biomolecules. Hydrophobic.0
2942042300Fatty AcidsAmphipathic molecules that are part of lipids. Made up of a hydrophobic chain and carb acid head. Saturated=all single bonds, unsaturated= at least one double bond.1
2942048579WaxesLong chain lipids that melt at high temperatures. Water proof.2
2942051761ParaffinWax. Very long hydrocarbons (over 20 C)3
2942052988Waxy estersLong FA esterified to an alcohol, 25% of nonpolar lipids excretedfrom human skin.4
2942056558GlycerolBackbone of triglycerides5
2942058940glycerophospholipidsGlycerol-based phospholipids. They are the main component of biological membranes.6
2942068763Sphingolipidsa class of lipids containing a backbone of sphingoid bases, important in signal transmission and cell recognition.7
2942075264Cholesterol27C amphipathic molecule in lipoprotein particles, plasma membranes, and used to synthesize bile salts and steroid hormones.8
2942081381SterolsA subgroup of steroids with a hydroxyl group at the 3-position of the A-ring. They are amphipathic lipids synthesized from acetyl-coenzyme A. Important ones=cholesterol esters and bile salts.9
2942088027Cholesterol estersFA esterified to cholesterol10
2942092647Bile saltsDetergents that dissolve hydrophobic food molecules11
2942095604Storage lipidsTriacylglycerol (triglyceride) and cholesterol ester. Hydrophobic, exist inside a lipid droplet or lipoprotein particle12
2942099576TriacylglycerolFuel storage and plasma transport via lipoprotein particles. In adipose cells. Lots of energy.13
2942103045Fat soluble vitaminsMolecules can exist inside a lipid droplet with no interation with water. Includes Vitamins A, D, E, K14
2942106773Vitamin AUsed to generate retinol, retinal and retinoic acid, important for vision and hormone signalling15
2942110447Vitamin DSynthesized from cholesterol in response to light, used in the kidney and the liver16
2942112742Vitamin EFat soluble antioxidant17
2942114547Vitamin KEnhances blood clotting18
2942117159FA NomenclatureCarbon at carboxyl group is Carbon 1. alpha carbon is immediately adjacent to C1. omega carbon=last carbon. omega 9 fatty acid=double bond at C9.19
2942148601Melting points of FADouble bonds significantly lower the mp, especially cis double bonds. Shortening of the chain length will also lower the mp by a little bit.20
2942157743Adipocyte fat globulesAnhydrous and low density. Glycogen is very polar and heavily hydrated. In adipocytes, triglyceride droplets coalesce to form a single globule.21
2942162183SaponificationTriglycerides can be converted to soap by treating with a strong base which cleaves the ester bond and releases the fatty acid salt and glycerol.22
2942172620LipasesEnzymes that catalyze the hydrolysis of fatty acid esters from the glycerol backbone of triglycerides23
2942174960Source of FACome from diet. TGs are converted to chylomicrons in the intestine which go to the bloodstream. Hepatic TGs-generate VLDL. Adipose FA-dump FA into blood to bind serum albumin.24
2942181335LipogenesisProcess by which FA are synthesized adn made into TGs, occurs primarily in the liver.25
2942185551LipolysisStimulated by glucagon. Harvesting of TGs from adipose tissue26
2942187356InsulinSignals well fed state; inhibits breakdown of TGs and FAs, istimulates synth of FAs and TGs.27
2942190725GlucagonSignals hunger state. Breakdown of TG and FA and Glycogen. Inhibits storage and synth of FA.28
2942197855Glucagon stimulation of lipolysiscAMP-PKA activates hormone sensitive lipase (HSL) in adipocytes. PKA phosphorylates perilipin, a lipid droplet coating protein, allowing HSL to bind perilipin and have access to TGs. Resulting FA bind to serum albumin in the blood stream.29
2942207437Formation of Acyl CoAIf a FA is going to become part of another lipids or will enter mitochondria or peroxisome, it must first be derivatized with CoA. Uses Fatty acyl CoA synthestase to do this. Acyl CoA cannot diffuse across the inner mitochondrial membrane.30
2942219181Acyl CarnitineForm of acyl CoA that can diffuse across the mitochondrial membrane, then is turned back to Acyl CoA31
2942221454CarnitineCompound required for transport of FA from intermembranous space in the mitochondrial matrix during breakdown of lipids32
2942225262Mitochondrial Carnitine ShuttleThe carnitine shuttle is responsible for transferring long-chain fatty acids across the barrier of the inner mitochondrial membrane to gain access to the enzymes of beta-oxidation. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mw5Hg5OUEGY33
2942266597B Oxidation of FAThe catabolic process by which fatty acid molecules are broken down in the mitochondria to generate acetyl-CoA, which enters the citric acid cycle, and NADH and FADH2, which are co-enzymes used in the electron transport chain. Occurs in muscle, liver and kidney. Occurs in the mitochondria. B Oxidation intermediates are bound to CoA. Requires oxidizing power of NAD+ and FAD. Results: 1 NADH, 1 FADH2, 1 Acetyl CoA--> 3 NADH, 1 FAHD2, and 1 GTP from the Krebs Cycle https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EaeSPo39xEE34
2942321734Carnitine DefiniciencyResults in muscle cramping (mild cases), severe weakness and death (severe cases). Treatment=oral carnitine35
2942325596Carnitine acyl transferase deficiencyMuscle weakness during prolonged exercise. Oral carnitine won't help because it's deficient in the enzyme, not carnitine.36
2942882205MCAD DeficiencyMedium chain fatty acyl CoA Dehydrogenase actes on medium length (C10 and C8) fatty acids. Mutation K304E-protein is misfolded. Causes hypoglycemia as tissues demand more glucose due to poor B oxidation of fatty acids. Strongly affect infants because they depend on milk that is rich in medium chain fatty acyl CoA. Treatment is a high carb diet.37
2942897162KetogenesisKetone body production. Acetoacetate in the liver is either reduced to the alcohol, hydroxybutyrate, or decarboxylated to form acetone. All of these are ketone bodies.38
2942903354KetoacidosisMost common in Type I diabetes (insulin dependent). Happens when ketone body production exceeds use. Ketonemia and ketonuria occur.39
2942933842Peroxisomal FA DegradationPeroxisome degrades long FA and beta branched FA. Beta oxidation in the peroxisome differs in the 1st step where oxygen accepts the electrons from FADH2. This generates hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) which is rapidly eliminated by catalase activity. The remaining 3 steps of the beta oxidation are the same. Acetyl CoA resulting from peroxisomal beta oxidation is shipped out of the peroxisome as citrate or acetyl carnitine, both of which can enter the mitochondria without further modification.40
2942944936Zellweger Syndromeresults from the absence of functional peroxisomes. Results in buildup of long chain and beta-branched fatty acids which affects multiple organs and muscle tissue during fetal and early development. With no cure, typically fatal by 6 yr old.41
2942959598FA Synthesis (anabolism)Mostly occurs in the liver in the cytosol. Starts with pre-condensation when acetyl CoA and malonyl CoA get into position to add ACP and FA synthase. Acetyl groups add to malonyl ACP and CO2 is lost. Condensation with the growing acyl chain proceeds. Intermediates are bound to the acyl carrier protein. Synthesis requires the reducing power of NADPH. Consumes Acetyl CoA.42
2942974706Malonyl CoA FormationAcetyl CoA Carboxylase (or malonyl CoA synthetase) adds CO2 to acetyl CoA. Biotin is a coenzyme (vitamin B7) that is carboxylated, thus activating CO2. Transcarboxylation adds CO2 to acetyl CoA.43
2943014358Citrate ShuttleSupplies most of the acetyl CoA for FA synthesis in most humans. Supplies half of the NADPH for FA synthesis in humans. Other 50% comes from the PPP.44
2943021605Acetyl CoA CarboxylaseKey enzyme in regulation of fatty acids. Hormonal control. High glucagon activates PKA which inactivates the carboxylase. High insulin reverses PKA activity and activates the carboxylase. Citrate is an allosteric activator of acetyl CoA carboxylase.45
2943044771Essential fatty acidsSome polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) synthesized by plants that are required in the diet of higher animals. Example: In order to make the eicosanoid hormones, we must get arachidonic acid or make it from one of its precursors: Linoleic acid (C18:2,9,12) -linolenic acid (C18:3, 6,9,12) arachidonic acid (C20:4,5,8,11,14)46

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