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68760804STAR WARS (SDI)Reagan's defensive program; laser beams and satellites would shoot down USSR missiles
68760805"ping-pong" diplomacythrough an exchange of athletes, Americans visited China for the first time since 1949
68760806EPAEnvironmental Protection Agency; set up to protect nature and human health issues
68760807impeachlegal process to formally charge an elected official with misconduct in office
68760808summit meetingconference between the highest-ranking officials of different nations
68760809domino theoryEisenhower's theory that if one nation comes under Communist control then neighboring nations will also come under Communist control
68760810brinksmanshipThe principle of not backing down in a crisis, even if it meant taking the country to the brink of war.
68760811INF treatyReagan and Gorbachev signed this treaty, which provided for the dismantling of all short and medium range nuclear weapons in Russia and all of Europe
68760812guerrillassmall bands of fighters who weaken the enemy with surprise raids and hit-and-run attacks
68760813SolidarityPolish trade union created to protest working conditions. It began the opposition to communist rule that led in 1989 to the fall of communism in eastern Europe.
68760814glasnosta policy of the Soviet government allowing freer discussion of social problems
68760815silent majoritymiddle class Americans who do their job, respect their country and want law and order at home; Nixon appealed to them
68760816SALTStrategic Arms Limitations Treaty; between the United States and the USSR; designed to limit both countries' stock of nuclear weapons
68760817superpowera state powerful enough to influence events throughout the world
68760818moral majoritygroup that supported Reagan; returned to conservative, religious values
68760819detenteNixon's policy; relaxation of tensions between the United States and its two major Communist rivals, the Soviet Union and China
68760820satellite nationsCommunist nations in Eastern Europe under the USSR's control
68760821perestroikaMikhail Gorbache's policy that restructured the economy in communist Russia towards a market economy
68760822ReaganomicsReagan's theory that included tax breaks for the rich; "trickle down" theory, wasn't very successful
68760823Truman DoctrinePresident Truman's policy of providing economic and military aid to any country threatened by communism or totalitarian ideology
68760824Gulf of Tonkin Resolution1964 Congressional resolution authorizing President Johnson to take military action in Vietnam
68760825Sputnikfirst satellite launched by Moscow in 1957 and sparked U.S. fears of Soviet dominance in technology. It led to the creation of NASA and competition in missile production
68760826Pentagon PapersPresident Nixon tried to prevent these papers from being published; highlighted errors made in Vietnam.
68760827Berlin Airliftairlift in 1948 that supplied food and fuel to citizens of west Berlin when the Russians closed off land access to Berlin
68760828Iran-Contra AffairReagan administration sold weapons to Iran and used the money to support the Contras in Nicaragua; CIA operation
68760829George MarshallUS Secretary of State organized program that helped Europe recover after WWII
68760830Douglas MacArthurGeneral in charge of UN forces in Korean War, forced to give up command by President Truman.
68760831Mao ZedongChinese communist leader who won revolution in 1949
68760832Henry KissingerUnited States statesman who negotiated the end to Vietnam and opening China to the US under Nixon
68760833Oliver NorthIran-contra affair, officer who took $ to Nicaragua
68760834Nikita KhrushchevLeader of the USSR during the Cuban Missile Crisis
68760835Mikhail GorbachevSoviet statesman whose foreign policy brought an end to the Cold War and whose domestic policy introduced major reforms
68760836Leonid Brezhnevreplaced Khrushchev after the Cuban Missile Crisis; signed SALT agreement with Nixon in Moscow
68760837Boris YeltsinPresident of the Russian Republic in 1991. Helped end the USSR and force Gorbachev to resign.
68760838Ho Chi Minhcommunist leader of North Vietnam
68760839Bob Woodward & Carl BernsteinWashington Post reporters who uncovered Watergate
68760840Betty FriedanAmerican Feminist, writer of The Feminine Mystique, cofounded NOW
68760841Sandra Day O'Connorfirst woman supreme court justice. appointed by Reagan
68760842Ayatollah KhomeiniReligious leader of Iran, led the 1979 revolution and ordered the invasion of the US Embassy
68760843Joseph McCarthyUnited States senator who accused many citizens of being Communists with no evidence of the charge
68760844Anwar Sadatpresident of Egypt who signed the first peace treaty with Israel
68760845Menachem BeginLeader of Israel who signed a peace treaty with Egypt withdrawing from Sinai Peninsula and Gaza Strip and returning them to Egypt
68760846Lech WalesaPolish leader who organized Solidarity; elected president of Poland in the first free election in 50 years.
68760847Fidel CastroCuban socialist leader who overthrew a dictator in 1959 and established a communist state in Cuba
68760848William LevittCreated Levittown--the first "cookie cutter" suburb
68760849Great SocietyLBJ's dream policy of fighting poverty and racial injustice in the US
68760850Reza PahlaviShah of Iran until Islamic revolution; US support of his regime led to the Iran Hostage Crisis
68760851Reykjavik SummitReagan and Gorbachev discussed banning nuclear weapons; gains were made
68760852Chernobylnuclear power plant in Russia that had an explosion in 1986 & released radioactive materials into the air
68760853Neal Armstrongfirst man in the moon, "one small step for man one giant leap for mankind"
68760854Helsinki agreement35 nations pledged to respect basic rights such as religious freedom and freedom of thought; Ford's accomplishment
68760855CREEPCommittee to RE-Elect President; Nixon's team that organized Watergate break-in
68760856Woodstock1969 music festival that signified the counterculture of the late 1960s
68762801babyboomerspeople born from 1946 - 1964; youth culture was created
68762802Bay of Pigs1961invasion of Cuba by Cuban exiles with CIA support; complete failure under John F. Kennedy
68762803Peace CorpsKennedy's program established to send volunteers to help developing nations
68762804Tet Offensive1968 attack by Viet Cong and North Vietnamese forces throughout South Vietnam; moral defeat for US forces
68775502Three Mile IslandNuclear Power Plant in Penn. which failed, causing radiation to be admitted in the air
68775503Interstate Highway Act1950s plan to build 41,000 mi of highway; met the need of suburban growth and was a means to transport missiles
68775504containmentTruman's policy designed to keep the Soviet Union from expanding its power
68775505countercultureYoung americans in 60s who rejected conventional customs & mainstream culture
68775506Khmer Rougecommunist party in Cambodia that imposed a reign of terror
68775507Vladmir Putinreplaced Yeltsin, elected president of USSR in 2000

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