393006363 | November Crime | Hitler referred to the signing of the 1918 armistice as this | 0 | |
393006364 | Okinawa | Kamikaze pilots were first introduced during this battle | 1 | |
393006365 | Kashmir | India and Pakistan fought over this in 1947 | 2 | |
393006366 | Truman Doctrine | Policy to contain the spread of communism | 3 | |
393006367 | Magic | Secret weapon in the Pacific (Code-breaking operation) | 4 | |
393006368 | Normandy | The U.S. victory here led to the end of German resistance in western Europe | 5 | |
393006369 | Marshall Plan | U.S. provides economic aid to rebuild Western Europe after World War II | 6 | |
393006370 | Yalta | Wartime conference in 1945 between the 3 principle Allied leaders | 7 | |
393006371 | Midway | Turning point in the War in the Pacific | 8 | |
393006372 | Warsaw Pact | A military alliance of communist European nations and the Soviet Union | 9 | |
393006373 | Blitzkrieg | Lightening War | 10 | |
393006374 | Operation Barbarosa | Code name for Germany's invasion of the Soviet Union | 11 | |
393006375 | Spanish Civil War | Italy and Germany intervened here before the outbreak of WWII (practiced their new weapons and military skills) | 12 | |
393006376 | Munich Conference | High point of appeasement took place here. | 13 | |
393006377 | Anschluss | Germany's union with Austria | 14 | |
393006378 | Non-Agression Treaty | An agreement between Germany and the Soviet Union which shocked the world | 15 | |
393006379 | Sudetenland | Western part of Czechoslovakia with many ethnic Germans | 16 | |
393006380 | Manchuria | An undeclared war in the Pacific began with Japan's invasion here | 17 | |
393006381 | Poland | World War II in Europe began with Hitler's invasion here | 18 | |
393006382 | Rhineland | In 1936, Hitler remilitarized this area that bordered France | 19 | |
393006383 | Neville Chamberlain | British prime minister who promised "peace for our time" to support his appeasement policies toward Hitler | 20 | |
393006384 | The Berlin Airlift | After the Soviet Union blockaded all of Berlin, the US responded with this that changed the attitude of the German people in favor of the Allies | 21 | |
393006385 | capitalism and communism | Ideologically, the two competing sides in the Cold War | 22 | |
393006386 | Soviet Union | The German Democratic Republic was controlled by what superpower | 23 | |
393006387 | domino theory | Eisenhower's belief that if one nation fell to Communism than so would its neighbors | 24 | |
393006388 | Bay of Pigs | Failed invasion of Cuba to overthrow Castro planned by the US government and JFK, who failed to provide air support | 25 | |
393006389 | Cuban Missile Crisis | This Cold War event was the closest to the United States and the Soviet Union came to war with one another | 26 | |
393006390 | Brezhnev Doctrine | This act reserved the right for the Soviet Union to invade any socialist country that was deemed to be threatened by forces hostile to socialism | 27 | |
393006391 | detente | reduction in hostility between nations | 28 | |
393006392 | Afghanistan | The Soviet Union's "Vietnam" | 29 | |
393006393 | Gorbachev | The Russian leader who brought massive reform to the Soviet Union beginning in 1985 | 30 | |
393006394 | Solidarity | A combined trade union and nationalist movement in Poland | 31 | |
393006395 | Boris Yeltsin | Leader who dismantled the Soviet Communist party and pushed Russia towards free market reforms | 32 | |
393006396 | Bandung Conference | The first international conference of colored people | 33 | |
393006397 | Ho Chi Ming | Leader of North Vietnam from 1945-1969 | 34 | |
393006398 | Dienbienphu | The disastrous 1954 defeat that forced the French out of Vietnam | 35 | |
393006399 | Indira Gandhi | Indian leader who tried to control the population through involuntary sterilization | 36 | |
393006400 | Mao Zedong | He initiated the disastrous "Great Leap Forward" | 37 | |
393006401 | Nehru | Leader of India's Congress Party; India's first Prime Minister | 38 | |
393006402 | Gamal Nasser | Leader of the Arab world in the 1950's and 1960's | 39 | |
393006403 | Deng Xiaoping | Opened China to foreign, capitalist economic values | 40 | |
393006404 | Diem | First president of South Vietnam | 41 | |
393006405 | Ali Jinnah | Leader of the Muslim League, wanted an independent "Pakistan" (land of the pure) | 42 | |
393006406 | De Klerk | Released Mandela from prison and worked to dismantle the apartheid system | 43 | |
393006407 | Ayatollah Khomeini | He led the Iranian Revolution | 44 | |
393006408 | Nehru | One of the main leaders of the nonaligned movement | 45 | |
393006409 | Contras | counterrevolutionary group in Nicaragua funded by the CIA that opposed the communist regime | 46 | |
393006410 | Ataturk | Established the Republic of Turkey and became its first president | 47 | |
393006411 | Fran Ferdinand | His assassination was the spark that ignited World War I | 48 | |
393006412 | FDR | President of the United States who implemented the "New Deal" | 49 | |
393006413 | Sun Yatsen | Early leader of the Nationalist People's Party, proclaimed China a republic in 1912 | 50 | |
393006414 | Nicholas II | Last czar of Russia | 51 | |
393006415 | Marcus Garvey | A pivotal figure for black nationalism, wrote "Africa for Africans" | 52 | |
393006416 | DuBois | Black U.S. activist and leading proponent of Pan-Africanism | 53 | |
393006417 | Chiang Kai-shek | Leader of the Nationalist Party (Guomindang) after 1925 in China, launched the Northern Expedition | 54 | |
393006418 | Gandhi | Influenced Indian Nationals to work toward independence | 55 | |
393006419 | Wilfred Owen | Great poet during WWI, wrote "Duce el decorum est" | 56 | |
393006420 | Mao Zedong | Leader of the Chinese Communist Party | 57 | |
393006421 | Kenyatta | Led Kenya to independence from the British | 58 | |
393006422 | John Keynes | He urged the U.S. government to expand the money supply and undertake public work programs | 59 | |
393006423 | Stalin | His 5-year plans were designed to turn Russia into an industrial power house | 60 | |
393006424 | Lenin | Instituted the New Economic Policy in Russia | 61 | |
393006425 | Mussolini | The leader of the Italian fascist movement | 62 | |
393006426 | the Marne River | The German offense of 1914 was halted here | 63 | |
393006427 | Verdun | The massive German assault on the western front in 1916 | 64 | |
393006428 | Little Big Horn | Last major Indian victory against the U.S. | 65 | |
393006450 | bourgeoisie | Middle class in revolutionary French: the doctors, lawyers, merchants, business owners | 66 | |
393006451 | factory system | The dominant form of industrial organization by the end of the nineteenth century | 67 | |
393006452 | capitalists and proletariat | Marx and Engles proposed that capitalism divided people into which two classes? | 68 | |
393006453 | Hong Xiuquan | Leader of the Taiping Rebellion | 69 | |
393006454 | Wounded Knee | Last major Indian resistance battle in 1890 | 70 | |
393006455 | Lincoln | U.S. president dedicated to "free soil" | 71 | |
393006456 | Alexander II | Emancipated the Russian serfs | 72 | |
393006457 | Muhammad Ali | Egyptian leader who overthrew Ottoman control | 73 | |
393006458 | Mahmud II | Sultan in 1826 who slaughtered mutinous Janissaries and opened the door for reform within the Ottoman Empire | 74 | |
393006459 | Sergei Witte | Prime mover behind Russian industrialization | 75 | |
393006460 | Nanjing | This treaty ended the Opium War | 76 | |
393006461 | Self-Strengthening Movement | Wanted to blend Chinese cultural traditions with western technology | 77 | |
393006462 | Cixi | Ruled China for most of the last fifty years of the Qing Dynasty | 78 | |
393006463 | Boxers | Foreign embassies in China were attacked by this group ("get rid of the foreign devils") | 79 | |
393006464 | Cecil Rhodes | Leading British imperialist who said, "We are the finest race in the world we inhabit, the better it is for the human race" | 80 | |
393006465 | Thomas Raffles | Founded the Port of Singapore | 81 | |
393006466 | Boers | Dutch settlers in South Africa | 82 | |
393006467 | Rudyard Kipling | Author of The White Man's Burden | 83 | |
393006468 | Berlin Conference | This set the rules for European colonization of Africa | 84 | |
393006469 | Prague Spring | Alexander Dubcek's reform in Czechoslovakia; promised "socialism with a human face" | 85 | |
393006470 | hindu | Mohandas Gandhi was assassinated by a ________ extremist | 86 | |
393006471 | American | The Vietnam Declaration of Independence was modled on the _____________ Constitution | 87 | |
393006472 | Great Britain | This country served as the mandate power in Palestine after WWI | 88 | |
393006473 | Balfour Declaration | This supported a Jewish homeland in Palestine in 1917 | 89 | |
393006474 | Year of the Africans | This refers to the independence in 1960 of 13 former European African colonies | 90 | |
393006475 | Tiananmen Square | A pro-democracy demonstration in China in 1989 that was crushed by a bloody crackdown. | 91 | |
393006476 | Saddam Hussein | Became president of Iraq and attacked Iran hoping to become the new leader of a revived pan-Arab nationalism | 92 | |
393006477 | Belgium | This country established the Congo Free State | 93 | |
393006478 | Russo-Japanese War | Japan became a major imperial power after its victory in this war | 94 | |
393006479 | tea | Under British control, Ceylon became a major producer of _____ | 95 | |
393006480 | India | In the nineteenth century, the majority of indentured laborers came from which country? | 96 | |
393006481 | Young Turks | Rebellious people in the Ottoman Empire who forced the Sultan to reform with universal suffrage and free education | 97 | |
393006482 | Russia | Slavic cultural unity was actively promoted by ______________. | 98 | |
393006483 | World War I | The worlds first total war | 99 | |
393006484 | May Fourth Movement | A 1919 protest in China against the Treaty of Versailles and foreign influence. | 100 | |
393006485 | Mukden Incident | When Japanese soldiers disguised as Chinese attacked a Japanese railway; used by Japan as an excuse to seize Manchuria | 101 | |
393006486 | Treaty of Brest-Litovsk | A treaty between Russia and the Germans that allowed Russia to exit World War I | 102 | |
393006487 | Dubcek | Leader of Czechoslovakia during the Prague Spring, he expanded freedom of discussion and other intellectual rights at a time when they were being repressed in the Soviet | 103 | |
393006488 | France | Louisiana Purchase was purchased from _________ | 104 | |
393006489 | France | Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos came under control of which European country | 105 | |
393006490 | Stalin | Means "Made of Steel" | 106 | |
393006491 | Pakistan | Means "Land of the Pure" | 107 | |
393006492 | Brown vs Board of Education | US Supreme Court case making the segregation of schools unconstitutional | 108 | |
393006493 | Erasmus | Important humanist thinker; wrote In Praise of Folly | 109 | |
393006494 | Zheng He | Made seven voyages for China | 110 | |
393006495 | Vasco da Gamma | Portuguese mariner who reached India in 1498 | 111 | |
393006496 | Brunelleschi | Dome on the cathedral of Florence was designed by him | 112 | |
393006497 | Hongwu | Founder of the Ming Dynasty | 113 | |
393006498 | Ibn Battuta | Legal scholar (qadi) who traveled extensively recording his observations | 114 | |
393006499 | Marco Polo | His stories influenced other Europeans to visit China | 115 | |
393006500 | Yongle | Compiled Chinese history and cultural traditions into a large encyclopedia | 116 | |
393006501 | Magellan | First to circumnavigate the globe | 117 | |
393006502 | Dias | First to sail around the Cape of Good Hope; first named it the Cape of Storms | 118 | |
393006503 | James Cook | Led three expeditions for English into the Pacific in the eighteenth century | 119 | |
393006504 | Netherlands | Most prosperous country in Europe in the 17th century | 120 | |
393006505 | fur | Russian merchants and explorers began expedition into Siberia in search of what? | 121 | |
393006506 | Prince Henry | Set up navigational school and sponsored a series of voyages down the west coast of Africa | 122 | |
393006507 | Portugal | First European nation to dominate trade with Asia | 123 | |
393006508 | Aztec | Early Native American civilization located near present day Mexico City | 124 | |
393006509 | Astrolab | This new instrument was designed to measure latitude | 125 | |
393006510 | sugarcane | The Portugese viewed the Atlantic Ocean Islands as a great location for the cultivation of what? | 126 | |
393006511 | Australia | By 1750, all parts of the world participated in a global trade network in which Europeans played a dominate role except which country? | 127 | |
393006512 | spices | Europeans desired what from India? | 128 | |
393006513 | England | What country carried out most of the actual exploration of the Pacific Ocean? | 129 | |
393006514 | VOC | Abbreviation of The United East India Company | 130 | |
393006515 | Manila | The center of the Spanish commercial activity in Asia | 131 | |
393006516 | Council of Trent | The council took steps to reform the Catholic Church | 132 | |
393006517 | Martin Luther | Who said, "I cannot and will not recant anything, for it is neither safe nor right to act against one's conscience. Here I stand. I can do no other." | 133 | |
393006518 | Henry VIII | English King who left the Catholic Church to secure a divorce | 134 | |
393006519 | sell of indulgences | What sparked Martin Luther to post his 95 Thesis? | 135 | |
393006520 | Charles V | This leader tried but failed to centralize authority and the Catholic Church in the Holy Roman Empire; retired to monastery | 136 | |
393006521 | Charles I | The English Civil War ended with the trial and decapitation of this King | 137 | |
393006522 | Louis XIV | Versailles was the royal palace of this King; the Sun King | 138 | |
393006523 | Portugal | This nation led the way in Early European exploration | 139 | |
393006524 | Fernando and Isabel | They established the Spanish Inquisition in 1478 | 140 | |
393006525 | Thirty Years' War | The most destructive European conflict before the 20th Century was this war | 141 | |
393006526 | Jesuits | Ignatius Loyola founded the __________? | 142 | |
393006527 | Adam Smith | First proponent of capitalism | 143 | |
393006528 | Isaac Newton | Theory of universal gravitation is associated with whom? | 144 | |
393006529 | Netherlands | England and what other country established a constitutional government in the 17th century? | 145 | |
393006530 | Elizabeth | Last of the Tudor dynasty; one of the most famous monarchs of England | 146 | |
393006531 | Renaissance | Fascination with the classical Rome and Greece, means "rebirth" | 147 | |
393006532 | Phillip II | The Spanish leader who sent an armada against England in 1588 | 148 | |
393006533 | Muslims | Cotton was brought to west Africa by whom? | 149 | |
393006534 | land | Luxury goods of high value relative to their weight usually traveled by _______ routes. | 150 | |
393006535 | China | The outbreak of the bubonic plague in the 14th century began where? | 151 | |
393006536 | centralized | Under Hongwu, China moved to a more ________ governmental form | 152 | |
393006537 | Reconquista | The Spanish attempt to win Spain back from Islamic control | 153 | |
393006538 | African slaves | From 1500 to 1800, the largest contingent of migrants consisted of ________ ________. | 154 | |
393006539 | Chinese | The sternpost ruder and magnetic compass were both ___________ inventions | 155 | |
393006540 | Cardinal Richelieu | The architect of French absolutism | 156 | |
393006541 | John Calvin | Author of the Institutions of the Christian Religion | 157 | |
393006542 | Catholicism | Under Spanish rule, the Philippines were pressured to convert to ___________ | 158 | |
393006543 | Joint-Stock Companies | Important institutions in early capitalist societies | 159 | |
393006544 | Glorious Revolution | William and Mary took the throne in England through what conflict? | 160 | |
393006545 | Shah Jahan | Mughal ruler who constructed the Taj Mahal | 161 | |
393006546 | Osman | Founder of the Ottoman Empire | 162 | |
393006547 | Babur | Founder of the Mughal dynasty and a descendant of Tamerlane | 163 | |
393006548 | Aurangzeb | Mughal empire reached its greatest geographic size during his reign | 164 | |
393006549 | Hurrem Sultana | A concubine who had tremendous influence over Suleyman | 165 | |
393006550 | Akbar | Islamic Leader who abolished the jizya | 166 | |
393006551 | Shah Ismail | Islamic leader who converted to Twelver Shiism | 167 | |
393006552 | Mehmed II | Conquered Constantinople | 168 | |
393006553 | Suleyman | Ottoman Empire reached its greatest size and power under his rule | 169 | |
393006554 | Qianlong | Made Vietnam, Burma, and Nepal vassal states of China | 170 | |
393006555 | Manchu | Toppled the Ming Dynasty | 171 | |
393006556 | Qing | Last imperial dynasty of China; came after the Ming. Translation means "pure" | 172 | |
393006557 | Ming | Overthrew the Yuan dynasty, translated means "brilliant" | 173 | |
393006558 | Ieyasu | In 1600, finished the process of unifying Japan | 174 | |
393006559 | Daimyo | Powerful Japanese territorial lords | 175 | |
393006560 | Son of Heaven | The Chinese emperor's role in maintaining order on Earth | 176 | |
393006561 | limited | Foreign trade during the Qing dynasty was ______ | 177 | |
393006562 | Treaty of Tordesillas | Split Central and South America between Spain and Portugal | 178 | |
393006563 | Peninsulares | Spanish migrants who were born in Europe | 179 | |
393006564 | Dutch | The first recorded European sighting of Australia was made by the ______ | 180 | |
393006565 | English | Established the first permanent settlement in Australia | 181 | |
393006566 | French | In North America, the ____ found the fur trade to be their most profitable commodity | 182 | |
393006567 | Cortes | Defeated the Aztecs | 183 | |
393006568 | Pizarro | Conquered the Incan Empire | 184 | |
393006569 | Spanish | Wanted control of Guam because it was on the route between Acapulco and Manila | 185 | |
393006570 | Timbuktu | Center of Islamic Learning in West Africa | 186 | |
393006571 | Portuguese | First European slave traders were the _______ | 187 | |
393006572 | Haiti | Only place where a slave revolt brought about an end to slavery | 188 | |
393006573 | Denmark | First Europeans to abolish the slave trade | 189 | |
393006574 | Songhay | Last of the great imperial states of West Africa; dominated West Africa for much of the 16th century | 190 | |
393006575 | Great Zimbabwe | Large fortified city in southern Africa, dominated the gold trade there until the late 15th century | 191 | |
393006576 | Mestizo | Of European and Native American descent | 192 | |
393006577 | war captives | Throughout history most slaves came from ______ ________ | 193 | |
393006578 | Dutch | A trading post in Cape Town was built by who? | 194 | |
393006579 | 17th | What century did the most slave trading take place? | 195 | |
393006580 | indentured servants | The original source of labor for North America | 196 | |
393006581 | Nomads | The Ottoman, Safavid, and Mughal empires all originally came from ________ | 197 | |
393006582 | Twelver Shiism | Belief that the twelfth infallible imam was still alive and would return to spread his faith | 198 | |
393006583 | jizya | tax paid by non-Muslims in an Islamic country | 199 | |
393006584 | sikhism | syncretic combination of Hinduism and Buddhism | 200 | |
393006585 | Akbar | Most tolerant leader of Islamic countries | 201 | |
393006586 | merchants | The least desirable class according to Confucian traditions | 202 | |
393006587 | Tokugawa Shogunate | Japanese ruling dynasty that strove to isolate it from foreign influences | 203 | |
393006588 | Ghazi | Islamic religious warrior | 204 | |
393006589 | Janissaries | Christian boys taken from families, converted to Islam, and then rigorously trained to serve the sultan | 205 | |
393006590 | Herzl | Founder of Zionism | 206 | |
393006591 | Elizabeth Cady Stanton | Organizer of the Seneca Falls Conference | 207 | |
393006592 | Locke | Author of the Second Treatise of Civil Government | 208 | |
393006593 | Bolivar | Wanted to unite the former Spanish colonies of South America into a confederation like the United States | 209 | |
393006594 | L'Ouverture | Leader responsible for the Saint-Domingue uprising | 210 | |
393006595 | San Martin | Leader of the independence movement in Argentina | 211 | |
393006596 | Bismarck | Believed that the great issues of his day would be determined by "blood and iron" | 212 | |
393006597 | Bessemer | HIs innovations made it possible to produce cheaper steel | 213 | |
393006598 | Rockefeller | The petroleum monopoly, Standard Oil Company | 214 | |
393006599 | Marx | Author of Manifesto of the Communist Party | 215 | |
393006600 | Henry Ford | His assembly line made the production process quicker, cheaper, and more efficient | 216 | |
393006601 | Rousseau | In his Social Contract argued that equality should include the right to vote for all | 217 | |
393006602 | Robespierre | Radical period of the French Revolution took place under his leadership | 218 | |
393006603 | Reign of Terror | Radical stage of Revolution, leader was Robespierre, guillotine was symbol | 219 | |
393006604 | Von Metternich | Leading Conservative politician at the Congress of Vienna | 220 | |
393006605 | James Watt | Inventor of the Steam Engine | 221 | |
393006606 | Jenner | Vaccination against smallpox | 222 | |
393006607 | No taxation without representation | Slogan of the American Revolution | 223 | |
393006608 | National Assembly | Expressed the guiding principles of the French Revolution by issuing the Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen | 224 | |
393006609 | Liberty, equality, fraternity | Battle cry of the French Revolution | 225 | |
393006610 | Great Britain | Industrial Revolution began where? | 226 | |
393027678 | Directory | This was established by the French moderates who seized power from radical revolutionaries | 227 | |
393027679 | Russia | By 1900, half the worlds oil was produced by __________. | 228 | |
393027680 | industrialization | Crucial to __________ was the replacement of human and animal power with inanimate sources of energy such as steam. | 229 | |
393027681 | capitalists | Marx suggested that music, art, and literature served the purpose of which class? | 230 | |
393027682 | abolished | Marx believed that private property should be _________ | 231 | |
393027683 | class struggles | According to Marx, all of human history had been a history of ___________ | 232 | |
393027684 | trade unions | In the 1880's, Otto von Bismarck crushed the German these so throughly that they didn't return for over fifty years | 233 | |
393027685 | imperial authorities | In Japan, industrialization took place with the active support of these people | 234 | |
393027686 | Estates General | France's assembly with representatives of the three classes: the clergy, nobility, and commoners. The calling of this in 1789 by Louis XVI led to the French Revolution. | 235 | |
393027687 | Wealth of Nations | Adam Smith's book that was the foundation of capitalism | 236 | |
393027688 | Schlieffen Plan | German plan to invade France through Belgium | 237 | |
393027689 | Nuremburg Laws | In 1935 these laws deprived German Jews of their citizenship. | 238 | |
393027690 | Kristallnacht | A Nazi arranged attack on thousands of Jewish stores | 239 | |
393027691 | League of Nations | Woodrow Wilson agreed to many harsh provisions in the Treaty of Versailles in return for the creation of this | 240 | |
393027692 | Long March | A journey made by Chinese Communists fleeing from Nationalist forces that strengthened Mao Zedong's leadership position | 241 | |
393027693 | peasants | Maoism relied of this class for support in the communist revolution | 242 | |
393027694 | 44 | What percent of US banks were out of business during the low point of the Great Depression? | 243 | |
393027695 | enthusiastic | The soliders who marched off in 1914 to fight in World War I were mostly __________. | 244 | |
393027696 | eastern front | This front was a spectacular German success in World War I | 245 |
Final Exam AP World History Flashcards
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