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Final exam review Flashcards

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280599711The most common characteristic of all early civilization is...?rivers0
280599712Explain why agriculture was important to the Neolithic Revolution.sedentary lifestyle,to settle down1
280599713Why did Greee have so many different city-states?Independent nature, Geography, and...something else this question is going to be multiple choice on the test so pick all of the above2
280599714Our dmocratic way of life can be traced back to _____ _____ during the fifth century.athens3
280599715After some time Christianity made it in the Roman Empire,Why?roads led to Christianity4
280599716When we think of the legacy of the Romans, what three aspects stand out?Architecture,law, and language5
280599717What was the Emperor Justinians most lasting achievement from a legal point of veiw>creation of the Justinian codes of law6
280599718Describe the rise of the Han Dynasty in ancient China?creation of infrastructure, political/economic stability based of the mandate of heaven7
280599719Define interdic. Who used it and why?political blackmail against monarchy- I.E. pope8
280599720As the afe of exploration began, what trade good was most sought after?spices(this will be a trick question so read the question carefully and its not the silk road so dont pick that)9
280599721List the characteristics of feudalism.land in exchange for feudalism ( a)10
280599722What was the main objective during the long conflict between Muslims and Christians?What was the conflict called?capture jerusalam in the name of christianity11
280599723List the negative effects of the Crusades?created anemocities between muslims and chritians12
280599724What was an effect of the bubonic plague besides killing off so many people>destroy social and political structure of Europe13
280599725From a cultural standpoint, how was Africa changed by the Atlantic Slave Trade?Destroyed their social structure14
280599726How did the Spanish defeat the Aztecs?List the reasons:1 Biological warfare-diseases,small pox,etc 2.Advance weapos-cannons,gunpowder 3 Aztecs were hated/sacrificed15
280599727Who was a better source of slave labor, the Africans or the Native Americans? Why?Africas, immunity, and they were far away16
280599728What was the cause(s) fo the Age of Exploration?god , glory , gold17
280599729What is humanism? Which cultures from our studies are related to humanism.study of human potential18
280599730What were Copernicus' major theories?heliocentrinism19
280599731Descrive the English Bill of Rights.Why are they important?limited the power of the monarchy20
280599732Why di the kings move towards absolutism?they demanded absolute control21
280599733Who is Peter the Great? What was his important objective?Russian szar westernized Russia22
280599734Who was John Locke? what are his main ideas?Father of liberalism, proposed social contact in the Rights of men23
280599735What was Magna Carta?Name its most enduring feature.Consitution-gave rights to british24
280599736After the Napoleonic Era what happened and what was the basic outcome>congress of yena perople demanded more rights25
280599737Describe the tax system in France prior to the French Revolution.100% of tax paid by "baswashy"26
280599738What was the most violent phase of the French Revolution?Describe it.Rain of terror-everyone died27
280599739Explain Maximilien Robespierre's significance to the French Revolution.Heart and soul of Revolution28
280599740Create a timeline of Napoleon's empire from claiming himself emperor to his defeat at waterloo....29
280599741Describe Napoleon's character and include an example of his actions.he never backed claim30
280599742What were the effects of the French and Indian was?caused massive taxation31
280599743Explain the political philosophy of communismeverything is shared32
280599744what positive effects did the industrial revolution have on society>industrial revolution-great productions and better sanitation,better living33
280599745summarize the main concepts of the monroe doctrine.European cant interfere with latin34
280599746explain the concept of nationalism.9/11 for ex.35
280599747describe the political environment in Russia after WW1.Civil war, White and red revoution36
280599748Was the Treaty of Versailles successful? Why or why not?...37
280599749List the new weapons used during ww1new weapons,machine guns38
280599750What effects did ww1 have onthe countries involve?economic disater39
280599751Define appeasmentgive someone waht they want to shut them up40
280599752What was the significance of the munich conference.people bowed down to Hitler41
280599753What purpose did concentration camps in Germany have during ww2?Ethinic cleansing42
280599754Explain Japanese imperialism during the 1900'sin search of natural resources43
280599755describe the United State's policy of containmentpreventing spread of communism44
280599756how were Jewish people treated agter the Holocaust?creating of jewish state-modern-israel45
280599757What is the purpose of terrorismto cause terror46
280599758What is the significance of oil in todays worldmajor source of energy,important47
280599759List the positve and negative effects of an industrialized world.positive -better sanitation, higher literacy rate,overpopulation48
280599760Explain the causes and effects of famine...49
280599761Define a cultural terrorist groupand their objectives...50
280599762draw a diagram of the triangular trade during the 1700's....51
280599763What signigicance did the west indies have in slve trade?...52
280599764List the Axis,Allied and neutral nations WW2...53
280599765What were the effects of WW2complete destruction of indutrialized nation54
280599766napoleon bonapartegains power because of his son55
280599767age of reasonprinting press56
280599768decline of the byzantine empire was because ofthe ottoman empire57
280599769how many thesises did martin luther have9558
280599770what did the catholic church sellindulgences59
280599771romans belong to what worldclassical60
280599772define cultural diffusionThe spread of cultural elements such as ideas, styles, religions, technologies, and languages between individuals.61

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