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first 100 words ap english 11

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34160312copiousabundant; plentiful
34160313tenacioustough; stubborn
34160314surreptitiousacting in a secret manner
34160315voraciousan insatiable appetite
34160316officiousoffering unwanted advice
34160320piousdevout or virtuous
34160321scrupulouscareful of small details
34160322attritiona gradual reduction
34160323edificationenlighten; instruct
34160324ablutiona cleansing
34160325elocutionthe art of public speaking
34160326writheto cause to twist or bend
34160328carrionrotting flesh
34160332deployto arrange strategically
34160333cavaliercasual; carefree
34160334eggto encourage
34160335meteto distribute
34160336nullifyto cancel; undo
34160337embroilto throw into disorder
34160338waffleto speak or write evasively
34160339ascribeto attribute to a specific cause
34160340enhanceto improve or intensify
34160341impairto diminish in quality
34160343coerceto force someone by threatening
34160344diversedifferent; varied
34160345abateto reduce
34160346abideto remain; continue; stay
34160347gambitto take a risk
34160348jaunta short pleasure trip
34160350lithebending easily
34160351aesthetichaving to do with artistic beauty
34160352gullibleeasily cheated or fooled
34160353mawkishexcessively sentimental
34160354raffishcheaply vulgar in appearance
34160355continuuma continuous whole
34160356travailstrenuous physical effort
34160357intrepidfearless; bold
34160358languidlacking energy
34160359exodusa mass departure
34160360influxa mass arrival
34160361abashto make ashamed
34160363latentlaying hidden
34160364eloquentexpressive in speach, writing, or movement
34160366malcontentdissatisfied with existing conditions
34160367eminentstanding out
34160368winceto flinch
34160370augmentto make greater
34160372rhetoricover-elaborate language
34160373dogmatican authoritative assertion of opinions or beliefs
34160374philippica verbal denunciation
34160375pandemicwidespread; general
34160376idyllicnaturally peaceful
34160377cryptichaving a hidden meaning
34160378cholericquick to anger
34160379peccadilloa minor offense
34160380emphaticforcibly expressive
34160381logisticsthe management of details
34160383abstractdifficult to understand
34160384defunctdead or inactive
34160385succinctbrief and to the point
34160386palpablecapable of being touched
34160388ostensibleappearing as such
34160389pliableeasily persuaded
34160390adroitskillful; deft
34160391baublea small trinket
34160393ancillarysubordinate; helping
34160394sedentaryaccustomed to little exercise
34160395cursoryperformed with haste
34160396predatoryvictimizing; pillaging
34160397symmetryexact correspondence
34160398tawdryguady and cheap
34160399ambulatorycapable of walking
34160400idolatryexcessive devotion
34160401pecuniaryrelating to money
34160402panoramaa wide view of an area
34160403sagaa long story
34160405gradienta slope
34160407venta means of escape
34160408armamentmilitary supplies
34160409presentimenta sense that something is about to occur
34160410corpulentfat; obese
34160411circumventto surround; bypass

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