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Fishers High School-AP World History Flashcards

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69970910Neolithic Revolutiontechnological innovations leading to the development of agricultural techniques0
69970911DaoismChinese religion compatible with confucianism that focused on harmony between humans and nature1
69974493ConfucianismChinese philosophy focusing on human interactions and cultural treatment of elders, ect.2
69974494HinduismIndian religion focusing on reincarnation, polytheism, and philosophy3
69974495BuddhismSpread from Buddha in India to China, holds that life is full of suffering caused by desire, the suffering ends by reaching enlightenment by reaching nirvana4
69974496Justinian CodeRoman Laws5
69974497Islam 5 Pillars of Faithconfession of faith "There is no god but Allah and Muhammed is his phrophet, prayer 5x a day facing Mecca, fasting during the Holy Month of Ramadan, Hajj to Mecca, give alms to the poor6
69991556BedouinsNomads (Arab)7
69991557SatiWife threw herself on the funeral pyre of husband (self-sacrifice ritual in Hinduism)8
69991558GriotOral historian9
69991559IconPicture or image representing something10
69991560RelicSurviving memorial (tangible) of a past experience, time, culture, ect.11
69991561Magna Cartadocument limiting the king's power12
69991562Flying MoneyChinese credit vouchers13
69991563SeppakuCeremonial suicide by cutting open abdomen w/ dagger to prevent discrace from enemies and maintain the honor of their families14
69991564Samuraimember of heredity Japanese warrior class--retainer of daimyo15
69991565ethnocentrismbelief in the superiority of one's own group/culture16
69991566Humanismsystem or moode of thought/actions where human ideas dominate17
69991567Calvinismteachings of Calvin emphasizing predestination, sovereignty of God, ect.18
69991568Tigris-Euphrates River Valley [Identify the Area located]Mesopotamia19
69991569Indus River Valley [Identify the Extent and Time Period]2500 BCE, middle east, near Mesopotamia20
69991570Mesopotamia [Identify the Extent and Time Period]between Tigris and Euphrates rivers- 4000 BCE21
69991571Alexander the Great's Greek Empire [Identify the Extent and Time Period]330-323, Europe--part of S. Asia22
69991572Julius Caesar's Roman Empire [Identify the Extent and Time Period]46-44 BCE- Mediterranean region23
69991573Gupta Empire [Identify the Extent and Time Period]northern India, 319-535 CE24
69991574Mongol Empire [Identify the Extent and Time Period]Asia 1279-136825
69991575Constantinople [Identify the Extent and Time Period]Byzantine Empire 330-145326
69991576Carthage [Identify the Extent and Time Period]814 BCE, North Africa and Mediterranean port27
69991577Charlemagne's Empire [Identify the Extent and Time Period]771-800, between Mediterranean and N. Atlantic28
69991578Holy Roman Empire [Identify the Extent and Time Period]1350-Central Europe, N. Italy29
69991579Allied movements of WWI [Identify the Extent and Time Period]triple alliance, triple entente, central powers... 1910-192030
69991580Incan Empire [Identify the Extent and Time Period]1300, Andes Mountains. South American West Coast31
69991581Mayan Empire [Identify the Extent and Time Period]900 BCE Central America/Mexico32
69991582Crusades Routes [Identify the Extent and Time Period]Europe to Middle East 1096-120433
6999158319th Century Industry Centers [Identify the Extent and Time Period]18th-19th Century, West Europe, US, Soviet Union, Japan34
69991584French is the language of immigrants through time in this countryCanada35
69991585Tang Dynasty [Identify the Time Frame or Specific Year]618 CE36
69991586Han Dynasty [Identify the Time Frame or Specific Year]202 BCE-220 CE37
69991587Qin Dynasty [Identify the Time Frame or Specific Year]221 BCE-207 BCE38
69991588Ming Dynasty [Identify the Time Frame or Specific Year]1368-164439
69991589Mongol Conquest of China [Identify the Time Frame or Specific Year]1211-127940
69991590Japanese conquest of Manchuria [Identify the Time Frame or Specific Year]193141
69991591Olmec Civilization [Identify the Time Frame or Specific Year]800-400 BCE42
69991592Aztec Civilization [Identify the Time Frame or Specific Year]132543
69991593Norman Invasion [Identify the Time Frame or Specific Year and where it happened]1066 (England)44
69991594War of the Roses [Identify the Time Frame or Specific Year]1455-148545
69991595Battle of Britain [Identify the Time Frame or Specific Year]194046
69991596Fall of Constantinople [Identify the Time Frame or Specific Year]145347
69991597Battle of Tours [Identify the Time Frame or Specific Year]732 CE48
69991598Thirty Years War [Identify the Time Frame or Specific Year]1618-164849
69991599Magna Carta Signed [Identify the Time Frame or Specific Year]121550
69991600King Louis XIV [Identify the Time Frame or Specific Year]1638-171551
69991601Charlemagne [Identify the Time Frame or Specific Year]f742-81452
69991602King Henry VII [Identify the Time Frame or Specific Year]1491-154753
69991603Napoleonic Code [Identify the Time Frame or Specific Year]180454
69991604Justinian Code [Identify the Time Frame or Specific Year]52955
69991605Treaty of Versailles [Identify the Time Frame or Specific Year]191956
69991606Russian Revolution [Identify the Time Frame or Specific Year]191757
69991607French Revolution [Identify the Time Frame or Specific Year]178958
69991608Chinese Revolution (both cultural [A] and communist [B]) [Identify the Time Frame or Specific Year]A 1967 B 1920s59

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